Processing Math: Done
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Revision 79 as of 2012-02-11 23:01:30
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Editor: was
Revision 229 as of 2015-12-10 14:36:39
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Editor: tscrim
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= Events/Upcoming Workshops = = Sage Days =
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 * [[NotebookDays1|Sage Notebook Days 1]]: Feb 10-12, 2012, Seattle, Washington
 * [[combinat/ClusterPackageDaysHannover| Sage-Combinat Days 35.8]]: February 8-10, 2012, Hannover, Germany: Sage and the cluster algebra package. Contact: Christian Stump,
 * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|Sage-Combinat Days 35.75]]: February 6-10, 2012, Cernay-la-Ville, France: Sage-Combinat coding and review sprints
 * [[padicSageDays|Sage Days 36]]: p-adics in Sage, UC San Diego, February 19-23, 2012
 * [[days37|Sage Days 37]]: 28 April 2012, Sookmyung Women's University, South Korea.
 * [[days38|Sage Days 38]]: May 7-11 2012, [[|Centre de recherches mathématiques]], Montréal, Canada.
 * Sage Days M, for some M > 38: Notebook Development, June 11-15, 2012, Seattle. Contact: Rob Beezer,
 * Sage Edu Days N, for some N > 3: June 13-15, 2012, Seattle. Contact: Rob Beezer,
 * SAGE Days Z for Z > N: July 9-13, 2012 at the IMA in Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Gregg Musiker,
 * [[|Sage Days: Multiple Dirichlet series, combinatorics, and representation theory, February 11-15, 2013]]
'''''Sage Days''''' are gatherings of people interested in !SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days are organized by a wide range of people around the globe.


= Upcoming Workshops =

 * [[days71|Sage Days 71]]: (March 20-24, 2016, Oxford) Explicit ''p''-adic methods in number theory
 * [[|First joint GAP-Sage days]] -- St Andrews (Scotland), 2016-01-18 -- 2016-01-22.
 * [[days73|Sage Days 73]]: (May 04-07, 2016, Oaxaca (Mexico)) Translation surfaces
 * [[days74|Sage Days 74]]: (May 30 - June 02, 2016, CIAS, Paris, France) Differential geometry and topology
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 * [[HowToSpreadSageDuringAWorkshop|How to spread sage during a workshop]]
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 * [[|Sage Days 2]]: UW
 * [[|Sage Days 3]]: IPAM
 * [[days2|Sage Days 2]]: UW
 * [[days3|Sage Days 3]]: IPAM
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 * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|Sage-Combinat days in Cernay 2012]]: February 6-10 2012, Cernay-La-Ville south-west of Paris, France; theme: combinatorics, review and infrastructure
 * [[NotebookDays1|Sage Notebook Days 1]]: Feb 10-12, 2012, Seattle, Washington
 * [[combinat/ClusterPackageDaysHannover| Sage-Combinat Days 35.8]]: February 8-10, 2012, Hannover, Germany: Sage and the cluster algebra package. Contact: Christian Stump,
 * [[padicSageDays|Sage Days 36]]: p-adics in Sage, UC San Diego, February 19-23, 2012
 * [[review2|Review Days 2]]: March 17-22, University of Washington, Seattle WA.
 * [[days36.5|Sage Days 36.5]]: April 17-22, University of Washington, Seattle WA.
 * [[days37|Sage Days 37]]: 28 April 2012, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, South Korea.
 * [[days38|Sage Days 38]]: May 7-11 2012, [[|Centre de recherches mathématiques]], Montréal, Canada.
 * [[days39|Sage Days 39]]: May 26-27 2012, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
 * [[|SAGE-Combinat Days 40]]: July 9-13, 2012 at the [[|IMA]], in Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Gregg Musiker,
   [[ | Projects]]
   [[ | Tutorials]]
 * [[bug19|Sage Days 40.5: Bug Days]]: May 24-29 2012, Wallace Falls Lodge, near Seattle WA.
 * [[days41|Sage Days 41]]: Notebook Development, June 11-15, 2012, University of Washington, Seattle.
 * [[days42|Sage Days 42]]: Women in Sage 3, July 15-19, 2012, Wallace Falls Lodge, Seattle, WA.
 * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|Sage Days 43]] October 29 - November 9, 2012 : Sage days during CIMPA research school at Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
 * [[|Online databases: from L-functions to combinatorics]], Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, January 21-25, 2013,
 * [[sagedays44|Sage Days 44]], University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, January 31-February 3, 2013
 * [[|Sage Days 45: Multiple Dirichlet series, combinatorics, and representation theory]], [[|ICERM]], Brown, RI, February 11-15, 2013
   [[ | Projects]]
 * [[sagedays46|Sage Days 46: Computational number theory]], Hawaii, February 26-March 2, 2013
 * [[sagedaysgit | Sage Days 47: Transitioning to Git]], March 25-29, 2013, Portland State University
 * [[|Semester Program on "Automorphic Forms, Combinatorial Representation Theory and Multiple Dirichlet Series"]], ICERM, Brown, RI, January 28, 2013 - May 3, 2013
 * [[FlintDevelopersMeeting2013|FLINT Developers Meeting]], Warwick University, UK, May 4-May 12, 2013
 * [[day47.5|Sage Day 47.5]], Montreal, May 28, 2013
 * [[days48|Sage Days 48]], Notebook Dev (June 17-21, 2013), Univ of Washington, Seattle
 * [[combinat/FPSAC13|Sage Days 49: Free and Practical Software for (Algebraic) Combinatorics]] (satellite of the [[|FPSAC]] conference), Paris, France, June 17-21, 2013
 * [[days50| Sage Days 50: Women in Sage 4]], Seattle, July 10 - 15, 2013
 * [[sagedaysleiden | Sage Days 51]]: Algorithms in Arithmetic Geometry (July 22-26, 2013), Lorentz Center (Leiden, the Netherlands)
 * [[sagedays-padics-Rennes | Sage Days 52]]: Arithmetics over DVR (e.g. p-adics), September 2-6, 2013, Université Rennes 1, France
 * [[days53|Sage Days 53]] Computational Number Theory, Geometry, and Physics, September 23-29 2013, University of Oxford
 * [[days53.5|Sage Days 53.5]] October 5 2013, Shinshu University, Japan.
 * [[days54|Sage Days 54]] Sage Developer Days, November 4-8, 2013, University of California Davis
 * [[sagedaysACD | Sage Days 55]] Arithmetic and Complex Dynamics, November 7-10, 2013, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL.
 * [[days56| Sage Days 56]]: Computational Number Theory and the Cloud, January 2-7, 2014, Hawaii.
 * [[days57|Sage Days 57]]: Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay-la-Ville, near Paris, France (April 6-12, 2014).
 * [[education6|Sage Edu Days 6]]: University of Washington, Seattle (June 16-18, 2014).
 * [[days58|Sage Days 58]]: Sage on the Web, University of Washington, Seattle (June 16-20, 2014).
 * [[days59|Sage Days 59]]: Bugs Days, Seattle (June 21-30, 2014).
 * [[days60|Sage Days 60]]: Combinatorics and Representation Theory (August 14-17, 2014), The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.
 * [[days61|Sage Days 61]]: Quaternion Orders and Brandt Modules (August 25-29, 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark. -- [[|official website]]
 * [[days62|Sage Days 62]]: Women In Sage 5 (July 28-August 1, 2014), Portland, Oregon.
 * [[|Sage Grant Days 62.5]]: Preparatory meeting for a Sage Ecosystem H2020 European grant application (Sept 8-9, 2014), Université Paris Sud, France
 * [[days63|Sage Days 63]]: (Oct 12-13, 2014), Shinshu university, Matsumoto, Japan.
 * [[days64|Sage Days 64]]: Sage days on algebraic combinatorics (March 17-20, 2015), UC Davis, California.
 * [[days64.25|Sage Days 64.25]]: (May 23-27, 2015) Sage Days in San Diego. Contact: William Stein,
 * [[days64.5|Sage Days 64.5]]: June 1-5, 2015) Cluster Algebras at [[|IMA]], in Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Gregg Musiker,
 * [[days65|Sage Days 65]]: (June 8-12, 2015) Crystals for (affine) Lie algebras, and combinatorial Hopf algebras, Loyola University Chicago -- [[|official website]]
 * [[days66|Sage Days 66]]: Sage Days (March 30 - April 2nd, 2015), Université de Liège, Belgium. Contact: Sébastien Labbé
 * [[days67|Sage Days 67]]: (April 13-16 2015) satellite event of [[|PyCon 2015]], Montreal. Contact: Viviane Pons
 * [[days68|Sage Days 68]]: (August 21-27, 2015) Bug Days, San Juan Islands. Contact: William Stein,
 * [[days69|Sage Days 69]]: (September 4-9, 2015) Women in Sage 6, San Diego. Contact: Jennifer Balakrishnan,
 * [[days70|Sage Days 70]]: (November 9-13, 2015, Berkeley) Sage, SageMathCloud and Jupyter
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 * [[doc5|Sage Doc Day 5 (June, 20120)]]  * [[doc5|Sage Doc Day 5 (June, 2010)]]
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 * [[education3|Sage Education Days 3]] -- Seattle, Washington (June 16-18, 2011) (funded by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education)  * [[education3|Sage Education Days 3]] -- University of Washington, Seattle (June 16-18, 2011) (funded by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education)
 * [[education4|Sage Education Days 4]] -- University of Washington, Seattle (June 13-15, 2012) (funded by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education)
 * [[education5|Sage Education Days 5]] -- University of Washington, Seattle (June 19-21, 2013) (funded by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education)
 * [[education6|Sage Education Days 6]] -- University of Washington, Seattle (June 16-18, 2014) (funded by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education)

= Non-SageDays Workshops/Events that involved/impacted Sage =
 * [[http:/combinat/SageCombinatWorkshopOrsay|Sage-Combinat Workshop in Orsay]], January 26-30, 2009
 * [[|MSRI Workshop on Modular Forms]], Berkeley, CA, July 31 -- Aug 11, 2006
 * [[|MSRI Workshop on Interactive Parallel Computation]], Berkeley, CA, Jan 29 -- Feb 2, 2007

Sage Days

Sage Days are gatherings of people interested in SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days are organized by a wide range of people around the globe.

Upcoming Workshops

  • Sage Days 71: (March 20-24, 2016, Oxford) Explicit p-adic methods in number theory

  • First joint GAP-Sage days -- St Andrews (Scotland), 2016-01-18 -- 2016-01-22.

  • Sage Days 73: (May 04-07, 2016, Oaxaca (Mexico)) Translation surfaces

  • Sage Days 74: (May 30 - June 02, 2016, CIAS, Paris, France) Differential geometry and topology

General Information

Past Workshops

Bug Days

Doc Days

Review Days

Education Days

Non-SageDays Workshops/Events that involved/impacted Sage

Workshops (last edited 2025-02-15 04:32:45 by tscrim)