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Sage Days 27: Bug Days

This Sage days will be a bug fix Sage Days, devoted to fixing large numbers of bugs in Sage.



UW NetID:       event0077
Password:       d3g2/g5h5/p5w3

DATES: January 7 - 13, 2011. (We will start working on Jan 7, so if you are buying tickets, feel free to arrive Jan 6. Of course, Bug Days are flexible.)

SCHEDULE: The Schedule


LODGING: Everybody will be staying at the "UWMC Collegiana Hospitality House" (mentioned here), where I have reserved 12 big rooms. See collegiana_directions.pdf for more information about getting to the Collegiana. This place is a walker's paradise.

FUNDING: If you're interested in attending, there may be funding for you. Email

TICKETS FAQ: Look here.


days27 (last edited 2011-01-15 19:25:42 by was)