Sage at the joint meetings in New Orleans, 2011
We are planning to have a booth this year.
The meeting is January 6-9, 2011.
AMS website for the meeting:
People who will be at the meetings and can help with the booth:
- Jason Bandlow (Depending on my interview schedule, but I can likely help at least one shift)
- Rob Beezer (I'll commit to a half-day shift, and will likely be around more)
- Karl-Dieter Crisman (pretty much all of Saturday, possibly other times)
- Burcin Erocal
- Marshall Hampton (most of the time)
- John Perry
- except Friday 1-3p, Saturday 2.30-4p
- Flavia Stan (about half the time)
- Dana Ernst (I can be available for a few hours on Friday; I'll swing by on Thursday to see when I'd be most useful)
The exhibit hours are
- 12:15-5:30 Th
- 9:30-5:30 Fr
- 9:30-5:30 Sa
- 9:00-12:00 Su
Photos of the Booth (January 8/9)
Flavia Stan, Visitor, Burcin Erocal, Vistor, Tom Judson, Marshall Hampton
Jason Grout, Visitor, Rob Beezer, Visitor
Stiched panorama with the Judson Twins and a Ghostly Burcin
Notes for the Next Meeting
Notes, ideas, reminders for the next iteration, in no particular order.
- Pay for a small table (small was less of a barrier, but barely sufficient)
- Pay for two chairs (even though expensive)
- Have 3d glasses---they drew lots of people to the table and into conversation.
- Business cards were popular and ran out, these are critical
- Take a projector to have a large screen
- Or arrange for a local to bring a flat-panel screen (with stand)
- Hooks or string for banner
- Decorations (helium balloons, bright candy, etc)
- Stickers (slide into name-badge, then affix at home)
- Sage-related textbooks
- Have a 5-step Quickstart guide to using Sage:
- Log into sagenb
- Find a quick-start published worksheet
- Evaluate a cell
- Create a new cell and evaluate 1+1
- Create a new cell and evaluate a cool plot
- Create a new cell and calculate rref of a matrix
- Advertise (on business card?)
- Info:
- Use:
- Questions?