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Sage Days (Algorithms in Number Theory and FLINT)

Scientific Organisers: John Cremona, William Hart, Marco Streng, Fredrik Johansson.

Administrative Organisers: Hazel Higgens, Annette Anderson

Google group for participants


A Sage Days workshop around the theme of Algorithms in Number Theory and FLINT.

Sage is an Open Source distribution of mathematical software. See

FLINT (Fast Library for Number Theory) is a fast Open Source C library for support of computations in Number Theory which is a component of Sage. See

See below for further details on the aims of this Sage Days.

Where and when

Warwick University in the UK

Travel info:

17 - 22nd December 2011 (the formal program will finish on the afternoon of the 21st, but participants may arrive on the 16th and/or depart on the 22nd if they wish). The lecture room will be available from 9am until 10pm daily.

All talks and registration will take place in the Zeeman building on campus. There will be signs on the building directing you to the MRC for registration. All talks will be in MS.03 and the provided meals will be in the maths common room. The accommodation is about 15 minutes walk from the lecture room. For the few people in math houses it is 25 minutes walk.

Programme and abstracts

Registered participants

Here is a list of all registered participants

Invited participants and speakers

(*) gave a talk, see also the programme and abstracts and the slides and worksheets

Aims of the workshop

Coding sprints


We wish to acknowledge the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in the UK (EPSRC) for the funding for this conference, made available to us via Warwick University and the Warwick Maths Department.


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SageFlintDays (last edited 2012-01-05 12:33:00 by mstreng)