Differences between revisions 45 and 183 (spanning 138 versions)
Revision 45 as of 2009-02-19 23:47:32
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Revision 183 as of 2019-09-29 16:29:13
Size: 11715
Editor: chapoton
Comment: https
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= Sage-combinat = = Sage-Combinat: enhancing Sage as a toolbox for computer exploration in algebraic combinatorics =
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Sage-combinat is a collection of experimental patches (i.e. extensions) on top of [[http://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]], developed by a community in algebraic combinatorics. Its main purpose is to improve Sage as an extensible toolbox for computer exploration, and foster code sharing between researchers in this area. The intent is that most of those patches eventually will get integrated into sage as soon as they are mature enough, with a typical short life-cycle of a few weeks. In other words: just install Sage, and you will benefit from all the Sage-combinat development, except for the latest bleeding edge features. Sage-Combinat is a software project whose mission is: '''to improve the open source mathematical system [[https://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]] as an extensible toolbox for computer exploration in (algebraic) combinatorics, and foster code sharing between researchers in this area'''.

In practice, Sage-combinat is a collection of branches on top of [[https://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]], developed by a community of researchers. The intent is that most of those branches get eventually integrated into Sage as soon as they are mature enough, with a typical short life-cycle of a few weeks. In other words: just install Sage, and you will benefit from all the Sage-combinat development, except for the latest bleeding edge features.
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=== NEWS: July 25-29: *-Combinat 2009 === == NEWS ==
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We will hold an International Sage Workshop on [[http:/combinat/FPSAC09|Free and Practical Software for Algebraic Combinatorics]] at RISC, Linz, Austria, right after [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/fpsac2009/|FPSAC'09]].  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki/SageCombinatRoadMap|Road map and current status]]
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=== NEWS: 2009-02-20: Submission of a software demonstration request for FPSAC 2009 ===
[[attachment:.2009-07-20-FPSAC.tex|Source]] / [[attachment:2009-07-20-FPSAC.pdf|PDF]]
 * [[https://combinat.sagemath.org:8080|Experimental Sage notebook with the Sage-Combinat patches applied]]
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=== NEWS: January 26-30: Sage-Combinat workshop in Orsay ===  * A new [[https://combinat.sagemath.org/misc/raw-file/tip/articles/2013-01-17-Poster/main2014.pdf|poster]] for Sage-Combinat!
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We held [[http:/combinat/SageCombinatWorkshopOrsay|Sage-Combinat Workshop]] in Orsay on the last week of January 2009.  * [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/TentativeConventions|Help for new Git workflow]]
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=== NEWS: 2008-06-19: MuPAD-Combinat join forces with Sage === == Past news ==
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Sage-combinat was born as a partial port of [[http://mupad-combinat.sf.net|MuPAD-Combinat]]. After months of discussions and experiments, an enthusiastic consensus emerged in the MuPAD-Combinat community to join Sage. Sage-combinat henceforth became the natural successor of {{{MuPAD-Combinat}}}.  * June 8-12, 2015 [[http://gauss.math.luc.edu/sagedays/|Sage Days 65]], Loyola University Chicago, USA
   Organized by Mark V. Albert, Aaron Lauve, Peter Tingley
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The transition is going to be a massive investment: seven years of hard work to port over! However a lot of experience was gained since 2000, and most of the design is now pretty clear. By sharing the work the transition will hopefuly be relatively quick.  * April 13-16, 2015 [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days67|Sage Days 67]], UQAM, Canada
   Organized by Mathieu Guay-Paquet, Viviane Pons, Franco Saliola
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See the [[http:/combinat/RoadMap|road map and current status]] of the port.  * March 17-20, 2015 [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days64|Sage Days 64]], University of California at Davis, USA
   Organized by Dan Bump, Anne Schilling and Travis Scrimshaw

 * August 14-17, 2014 [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days60|Sage Days 60]], Chennai, India

 * April 7-11, 2014 [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days57|Sage(-Combinat) Days 57]], Cernay, France

 * November 4-8, 2013 [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days54|Sage(-Combinat) Days 54]], University of California at Davis, USA
   Organized by Dan Bump, Anne Schilling and Travis Scrimshaw

 * June 17-21, 2013 [[combinat/FPSAC13|Sage(-Combinat) days 49]], in Orsay as satellite event to [[https://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/fpsac13/|FPSAC'13]]
   Organized by Alejandro Morales, Anne Schilling, Nicolas M. Thiery

 * January 28 - May 3, 2013: [[https://icerm.brown.edu/sp-s13/|ICERM Semester Program on "Automorphic Forms, Combinatorial Representation Theory and Multiple Dirichlet Series"]], with a strong Sage and Sage-Combinat component, ICERM, Brown, USA

 * February 11-15, 2013 [[https://icerm.brown.edu/sp-s13/|Sage Days: Multiple Dirichlet Series, Combinatorics, and Representation Theory]], ICERM, Brown, USA
   Organized by Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, Nicolas M. Thiery

 * January 21-25, 2013 [[http://www.aimath.org/ARCC/workshops/onlinedata.html|Online Databases:from L-functions to combinatorics]], Edinburgh
   Organized by Paul-Olivier DeHaye, Nicolas M. Thiery.

 * October 29 - November 9, 2012: [[http://www.cimpa-icpam.org/spip.php?article430|CIMPA summer school Discrete mathematics : combinatorial, dynamical and algorithmic aspects]], with a strong Sage and Sage-Combinat component, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

 * July 9-13 2012: [[http://www.ima.umn.edu/2011-2012/SW7.9-13.12/|Sage(-Combinat) Days 40]]: Algebraic Combinatorics, IMA, Minneapolis, USA
   Organized by Gregg Musiker, Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, Nicolas M. Thiery.

 * May 7-11 2012: [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days38|Sage(-Combinat) Days 38]]: algebraic combinatorics and the representation theory of algebras, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Montréal, Canada

 * April 18-th 2012: Coxeter/Cluster algebra afternoon at the [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/GroupeUtilisateursParis|Paris Sage User Group meeting]]

 * February 8-10 2012: [[combinat/ClusterPackageDaysHannover|Sage and cluster algebra workshop, University of Hannover]]

 * February 6-10 2012: [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|Sage-Combinat Days Cernay 2012]]

 * March 19-23 2012: [[combinat/EjcGdrIm2012|EJC du GDR-im]] a Rennes [[http://ejcim2012.irisa.fr/index.html|site officiel]]

 * May 2-6, 2011: [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days30| Sage Days 30]]: Combinatorics (Schubert calculus, cluster algebras) and Number theory (integer vectors, multidimensional digit representations) in Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
   Organized by Eva Curry and Hugh Thomas.

 * January 17-19, 2011: [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/days28|Sage days 28]]: dynamics, geometry, and analytic combinatorics in Orsay

 * July 10, 2010: First release of [[http://sagebook.gforge.inria.fr/|Calcul Mathématique avec Sage]]
   A 315 pages open source french introductory book on computational mathematics, illustrated in Sage, and including a 35 pages chapter on combinatorics (and soon one on graph theory).

 * July 7-15, 2010: [[combinat/AffineSchubertCalculusWorkshop|Affine Schubert Calculus workshop and summer school in Toronto]]
   It includes several Sage and Sage-Combinat sessions.
   Organized by Anne Schilling and Mike Zabrocki.

 * June 14-18, 2010: [[combinat/SageCombinatChevieWorkshopOrsay2010|Joint Sage-Combinat and Chevie Workshop in Orsay]]

 * May 3-7, 2010: [[http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/09-10/sage/|Sage Days 20.5 in Toronto]]
   Organized by Nantel Bergeron, FrancoSaliola and Mike Zabrocki,
   again with a serious algebraic combinatorics slant

 * February 22-26, 2010: [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/daysmarseille|Sage days 20]]
   The thematic month [[https://www.lirmm.fr/arith/wiki/MathInfo2010/MathInfo2010|MathInfo 2010]] at CIRM, Marseille included a Sage days week. FlorentHivert, NicolasThiéry, and FrancoSaliola were among the organizers and there was a serious combinatorics slant.

 * July 25-29, 2009: [[combinat/FPSAC09|*-Combinat 2009]]

   We held an International Sage Workshop on [[combinat/FPSAC09|Free and Practical Software for Algebraic Combinatorics]] at RISC, Linz, Austria, right after [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/fpsac2009/|FPSAC'09]]

 * May 25th, 2009: The Sage-words library demonstrated at the 2nd Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference [[http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/CanaDAM2009/index_e.shtml|CanaDAM'09]]
 [[attachment:2009-05-25-CanaDAM.sws|Sage worksheet]], [[attachment:2009-05-25-CanaDAM.pdf|PDF]].

 * April 15th, 2009: Software demonstration accepted for [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/fpsac2009/|FPSAC'09]]
 [[attachment:2009-07-20-FPSAC.pdf|PDF]], [[attachment:.2009-07-20-FPSAC.tex|LaTeX Source]] [[attachment:2009-07-20-FPSAC.bbl|LaTeX bibliography]]

 * January 26-30, 2009: [[combinat/SageCombinatWorkshopOrsay|Sage-Combinat Workshop in Orsay]]

 * 2008-06-19: MuPAD-Combinat join forces with Sage

    Sage-combinat was born as a partial port of [[http://mupad-combinat.sf.net|MuPAD-Combinat]]. After months of discussions and experiments, an enthusiastic consensus emerged in the MuPAD-Combinat community to join Sage. Sage-combinat henceforth became the natural successor of {{{MuPAD-Combinat}}}.

   The transition was a massive investment (and is not yet completely
   over): seven years of hard work to port over! However a lot of
   experience was gained since 2000, and most of the design was pretty
   clear, and we could *share* the work.
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=== Who are we? === == Who are we? What is Sage-Combinat used for? ==
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* [[http:/combinat/Contributors|Contributors]]  * [[combinat/Contributors|Contributors]]
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* [[http:/combinat/Institutions|Institutions and sponsors]]  * [[combinat/Institutions|Institutions and sponsors]]
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=== How to participate and contribute ===
* Join our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-devel.
 * [[combinat/Grants|Grant applications]]
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* Post bug reports, suggestion, patches on the [[http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-combinat|Sage-Combinat trac server]] or on the [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-devel|mailing list]].  * [[http://www.sagemath.org/library-publications-combinat.html|Publications citing Sage-Combinat]]
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* Cite Sage-Combinat when you use it for research publications (TODO: provide a standard citation here).  * [[combinat/CiteSageCombinat|Cite Sage-Combinat]] when you use it for research publications.
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* The collection of patches is managed using a [[http://sage.math.washington.edu:2144/|patch server]] (mercurial queues). Use it to try out the latest experimental features, or contribute your own patches!  * Plume's review pages on Sage-Combinat: [[http://www.projet-plume.org/en/relier/sage-combinat-0|English]] and [[http://www.projet-plume.org/fr/relier/sage-combinat|French]]
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 * [[http:/combinat/MercurialStepByStep|Step by step tutorial]] (in particular, how to '''download Sage-Combinat''')  * [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/misc/raw-file/tip/articles/2013-01-17-Poster/main.pdf|Sage-Combinat's poster]]
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 * [[http:/combinat/Mercurial|Technical background on the Sage-Combinat patch server (messy)]].  * [[combinat/CoolPictures|Cool pictures we produced with Sage-Combinat for our research]]
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* Have a look and participate to [[http:/combinat/DesignDiscussion|design discussions]]. ----
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* Contribute to the list of [[http:/combinat/Weirdness|quirks and weirdness issues]] in the {{{*-Combinat}}} design. == How to participate and contribute ==

=== Communication ===

 * Join our mailing lists:
    * Announcement mailing list (to come)
    * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-devel|sage-combinat-devel]]: Developers' mailing list
    * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-commits|sage-combinat-commits]]: A low traffic mailing list which receives an automatic notice whenever a sage-combinat related ticket is modified (and eventually whenever a commit is done on the patch server).
    * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-days|sage-combinat-days]]: Mailing list for the organisation of Sage-Combinat days
 * Check the [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki/SageCombinatRoadMap|road map and current status]]
 * Post bug reports, suggestions, patches on the [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-combinat|Sage-Combinat trac server]] or on the [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-devel|mailing list]].

=== Code ===
Since Sage 6.0, the
[[http://trac.sagemath.org/wiki/QuickStartSageGit|development workflow]]
has been reworked in depth, and we are in the progress of migrating
the extensions as git branches. Here are some useful links:

 * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/query?status=closed&component=combinatorics&or&status=closed&cc=~sage-combinat&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority|Closed tickets related to combinatorics]]

 * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/query?status=needs_info&status=needs_review&status=needs_work&status=positive_review&component=combinatorics&or&status=needs_info&status=needs_review&status=needs_work&status=positive_review&cc=~sage-combinat&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority|In-progress tickets related to combinatorics]]

 * [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/TentativeConventions|Some conventions and help with the new git]]

The Sage-Combinat extensions used to be managed as a collection of
patches on our [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/patches/|patch server]],
using a so-called mercurial queue.
Quite some stuff below is thus outdated, and will be progressively
replaced by information on the new workflow.

 * Browse the [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/code/file/tip/sage/|Sage sources with the Sage-combinat patches applied]] (only useful for Sage version prior to sage-6.0)

 * Developing for Sage-Combinat on Windows: [[combinat/SageDevelWindows|Sage Development on Windows]].

=== Design ===

 * Have a look and participate to [[combinat/DesignDiscussion|design discussions]].

 * Contribute to the list of [[combinat/Weirdness|quirks and weirdness issues]] in the {{{*-Combinat}}} design.

=== Documentation ===

 * Browse the [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/|Sage documentation with the Sage-combinat patches applied]]

   And in particular the [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/|Thematic tutorials]]

 * [[http://combinat.sagemath.org/misc/file/tip|Mercurial server for miscelleanous files and documents]] ([[http:/combinat/MiscServer|Usage instructions]])

 * [[combinat/HelpOnTheDoc|Some tips and tricks about the documentation system]]

== Links ==

 * The [[http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~slc/divers/software.html|Combinatorial Software and Databases]] web page maintained by Christian Krattenthaler

Sage-Combinat: enhancing Sage as a toolbox for computer exploration in algebraic combinatorics

Sage-Combinat is a software project whose mission is: to improve the open source mathematical system Sage as an extensible toolbox for computer exploration in (algebraic) combinatorics, and foster code sharing between researchers in this area.

In practice, Sage-combinat is a collection of branches on top of Sage, developed by a community of researchers. The intent is that most of those branches get eventually integrated into Sage as soon as they are mature enough, with a typical short life-cycle of a few weeks. In other words: just install Sage, and you will benefit from all the Sage-combinat development, except for the latest bleeding edge features.


Past news

Who are we? What is Sage-Combinat used for?

How to participate and contribute



Since Sage 6.0, the development workflow has been reworked in depth, and we are in the progress of migrating the extensions as git branches. Here are some useful links:

The Sage-Combinat extensions used to be managed as a collection of patches on our patch server, using a so-called mercurial queue. Quite some stuff below is thus outdated, and will be progressively replaced by information on the new workflow.



combinat (last edited 2022-04-05 01:35:07 by mkoeppe)