Differences between revisions 5 and 13 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2016-08-11 08:04:57
Size: 3391
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Add more wiki pages of interest
Revision 13 as of 2016-08-11 22:50:19
Size: 5130
Editor: slelievre
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Contributions to Sage
   * Participate in the ERC H2020 [[http://opendreamkit.org/|OpenDreamKit]] project, 2016--2020
   * [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html|Package flatsurf for Sage]], with Vincent Delecroix
   * Sage trac activity: http://trac.sagemath.org/search?q=slelievre
   * Ask Sage activity: http://ask.sagemath.org/users/1092/slelievre/
   * Answering questions on Q&A sites of the !StackOverflow network
   * Administration team of Ask Sage
   * Backup server for Ask Sage at Orsay mathematics department, since 2016
   * Expanding and monitoring the download mirror network, since 2011
   * Produced binaries for OS X, 2010--2013
   * Sage compute engine at Orsay mathematics department (for local use), since 2011
Usernames: slelievre on Sage's
[[https://trac.sagemath.org|trac]] and
[[https://github.com/slel|slel]] on [[https://github.com/|GitHub]];
[[https://bitbucket.org/slelievre/|slelievre]] on [[https://bitbucket.org/|Bitbucket]].
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 * Topics of interest in Sage
   * [[dynamics]] (especially translation surfaces)
   * [[https://sageindex.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|Index librorum salvificorum]], an index of Sage ressources (in alpha stage, feedback needed)
   * wiki pages:
     * [[Infrastructure]], towards a transparent and collective administration of Sage services
     * [[Distribution]], !SageMath distribution and packaging
     * SageMathExternalPackages, a list of external packages for Sage
     * CodeSharingWorkflow, a list of workflows for sharing Sage code
     * [[Social Networks]], !SageMath presence on social and professional networks
     * [[jobs]], jobs involving !SageMath
     * ThingsCalledSage, other things and projects called Sage
     * FromSageToSageMath, a history of the name, from SAGE to Sage to !SageMath
== Topics of interest in Sage ==
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 * Sage days attended or organized [*]
   * [[days73|days73, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2016-05]]
   * [*] [[days77|days77, Cernay, France, 2016-04]]
   * [[http://gapdays.de/gap-sage-days2016/|First joint GAP-Sage days, St Andrews, Scotland, 2016-01]]
   * [[http://gapdays.de/gapdays2014/|GAP days 1, Aachen, Germany, 2014-08]]
   * [*] [[days57|days57, Cernay, France, 2014-04]]
   * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days43, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 2012-11]]
   * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012, Cernay, France]]
   * [*] [[days28|days28, Orsay, France, 2011-01]]
   * [[daysmarseille|days20, Marseille, France, 2010-02]]
  * [[dynamics]] (especially translation surfaces)
  * [[https://sageindex.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|Index librorum salvificorum]], an index of Sage ressources (in alpha stage, feedback needed)
Line 43: Line 21:
 * [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]] (about once a month) == Some Sage wiki pages ==
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 * Other tutorials and presentations of Sage
   * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|Young researchers school in math-info, Perpignan, France, 2013-04]]
   * [[http://ejcim2012.irisa.fr|Young researchers school in math-info, Rennes, France, 2012-04]]
   * [[http://home.mis.u-picardie.fr/~leve/ejc2011/|Young researchers school in math-info, Amiens, France, 2011-04]]
   * Presented Sage at various math conferences: Oberwolfach, Orsay, ...
   * Presented Sage at !PyCon-Fr, Rennes, France, 2010-09 (with Timo Jolivet)
I'm interested in the following pages on SageMath's wiki.
Line 52: Line 25:
 * Sage in teaching
   * préparation à l'agrégation externe de mathématiques, épreuve orale de modélisation, option C; Orsay, 2014--2016
   * préparation à l'agrégation interne de mathématiques, épreuve orale d'exemples et exercices; Orsay, 2014--2016
   * M1-MAO-CF: mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel; Orsay, 2015--2016
  * [[Infrastructure]], towards a transparent and collective administration of Sage services
  * [[Distribution]], !SageMath distribution and packaging
  * [[Upstream]], !SageMath upstream packages
  * [[Interfaces]], !SageMath interfaces to and from other software
  * SageMathExternalPackages, a list of external packages for Sage
  * CodeSharingWorkflow, a list of workflows for sharing Sage code
  * [[Social Networks]], !SageMath presence on social and professional networks
  * [[Inbound Links]], links to or descriptions of !SageMath on other websites
  * SupportedPlatforms, list of supported platforms
  * [[jobs]], jobs involving !SageMath
  * ThingsCalledSage, other things and projects called Sage
  * FromSageToSageMath, a history of the name, from SAGE to Sage to !SageMath
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 * Professional webpage: http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~lelievre/ == Sage trac tickets about upgrades, updates, packages ==

  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&desc=1&order=status|summary contains upgrad]]
  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~updat&desc=1&order=status|summary contains updat]]
  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&or&summary=~updat&desc=1&order=status|summary contains upgrad or updat]]
  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~packag&desc=1&order=status|summary contains packag]]
  * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&or&summary=~updat&or&summary=~packag&desc=1&order=status|summary contains "upgrad" or "updat" or "packag"]]

== Sage days and similar events [a]ttended or [o]rganized ==

  * [a] [[http://opendreamkit.org/meetings/2016-06-27-Bremen/|OpenDreamKit annual project meeting, Bremen, 2016-06]]
  * [a] [[days73|days73, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2016-05]]
  * [o] [[days77|days77, Cernay, France, 2016-04]]
  * [a] [[http://opendreamkit.org/2015/12/08/WP6StAndrewsMeeting/|Knowledge representation, St Andrews, Scotland, 2016-01]]
  * [a] [[http://gapdays.de/gap-sage-days2016/|First joint GAP-Sage days, St Andrews, Scotland, 2016-01]]
  * [a] [[http://gapdays.de/gapdays2014/|GAP days 1, Aachen, Germany, 2014-08]]
  * [o] [[days57|days57, Cernay, France, 2014-04]]
  * [a] [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days43, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 2012-11]]
  * [a] [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012, Cernay, France]]
  * [o] [[days28|days28, Orsay, France, 2011-01]]
  * [a] [[daysmarseille|days20, Marseille, France, 2010-02]]
== Sage user group in Paris ==

  * wiki: [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]]
  * mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sage-paris
  * org mailing list: https://listes.mathrice.fr/math.cnrs.fr/info/sage-paris-org

== Other tutorials and presentations of Sage ==

  * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|Young researchers school in math-info, Perpignan, France, 2013-04]]
  * [[http://ejcim2012.irisa.fr|Young researchers school in math-info, Rennes, France, 2012-04]]
  * [[http://home.mis.u-picardie.fr/~leve/ejc2011/|Young researchers school in math-info, Amiens, France, 2011-04]]
  * Presented Sage at various math conferences: Oberwolfach, Orsay, ...
  * Presented Sage at !PyCon-Fr, Rennes, France, 2010-09 (with Timo Jolivet)
== Sage in teaching ==

  * M1-MAO-CF: mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel; Orsay, 2015--2016
  * préparation à l'agrégation externe de mathématiques, épreuve orale de modélisation, option C; Orsay, 2014--2016
  * préparation à l'agrégation interne de mathématiques, épreuve orale d'exemples et exercices; Orsay, 2014--2016

== Contributions to Sage ==

  * Participate in the ERC H2020 [[http://opendreamkit.org/|OpenDreamKit]] project, 2016--2020
  * [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html|flatsurf package]] for Sage, with Vincent Delecroix
  * Sage trac activity: https://trac.sagemath.org/search?q=slelievre
  * Ask Sage activity: https://ask.sagemath.org/users/1092/slelievre/
  * Answer questions on Q&A sites of the !StackOverflow network
  * Administration team of Ask Sage
  * Backup server for Ask Sage at Orsay mathematics department, since 2016
  * Expand and monitor the download mirror network, since 2011
  * Produce binaries for OS X, 2010--2013
  * Sage compute engine at Orsay mathematics department (for local use), since 2011

== Professional webpage ==


Samuel Lelièvre (slelievre)

Usernames: slelievre on Sage's ask, trac and wiki; slel on GitHub; slelievre on Bitbucket.

Topics of interest in Sage

Some Sage wiki pages

I'm interested in the following pages on SageMath's wiki.

Sage trac tickets about upgrades, updates, packages

Sage days and similar events [a]ttended or [o]rganized

Sage user group in Paris

Other tutorials and presentations of Sage

Sage in teaching

  • M1-MAO-CF: mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel; Orsay, 2015--2016
  • préparation à l'agrégation externe de mathématiques, épreuve orale de modélisation, option C; Orsay, 2014--2016
  • préparation à l'agrégation interne de mathématiques, épreuve orale d'exemples et exercices; Orsay, 2014--2016

Contributions to Sage

Professional webpage



slelievre (last edited 2018-02-04 23:48:13 by slelievre)