Differences between revisions 3 and 7 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2016-05-19 10:41:50
Size: 2721
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Mention mirror network
Revision 7 as of 2016-08-11 08:57:06
Size: 4102
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Add "sage-trac tickets about upgrades, updates, packages"
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Contributions to Sage
   * [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html|Package flatsurf for Sage]], with Vincent Delecroix
   * Sage trac activity: http://trac.sagemath.org/search?q=slelievre
   * Ask Sage activity: http://ask.sagemath.org/users/1092/slelievre/
   * Answering questions on Q&A sites of the !StackOverflow network
   * Administration team of Ask Sage
   * Backup server for Ask Sage at Orsay mathematics department, since 2016
   * Expanding and monitoring the download mirror network, since 2011
   * Produced binaries for OS X, 2010--2013
   * Sage compute engine at Orsay mathematics department (for local use), since 2011
  * Contributions to Sage
    * Participate in the ERC H2020 [[http://opendreamkit.org/|OpenDreamKit]] project, 2016--2020
* [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html|flatsurf package]] for Sage, with Vincent Delecroix
  * Sage trac activity: http://trac.sagemath.org/search?q=slelievre
  * Ask Sage activity: http://ask.sagemath.org/users/1092/slelievre/
    * Answering questions on Q&A sites of the !StackOverflow network
    * Administration team of Ask Sage
  * Backup server for Ask Sage at Orsay mathematics department, since 2016
    * Expanding and monitoring the download mirror network, since 2011
  * Produced binaries for OS X, 2010--2013
    * Sage compute engine at Orsay mathematics department (for local use), since 2011
    * Topics of interest in Sage
    * [[dynamics]] (especially translation surfaces)
    * [[https://sageindex.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|Index librorum salvificorum]], an index of Sage ressources (in alpha stage, feedback needed)
    * wiki pages:
      * [[Infrastructure]], towards a transparent and collective administration of Sage services
      * [[Distribution]], !SageMath distribution and packaging
      * SageMathExternalPackages, a list of external packages for Sage
      * CodeSharingWorkflow, a list of workflows for sharing Sage code
      * [[Social Networks]], !SageMath presence on social and professional networks
      * [[jobs]], jobs involving !SageMath
      * ThingsCalledSage, other things and projects called Sage
      * FromSageToSageMath, a history of the name, from SAGE to Sage to !SageMath
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 * Topics of interest in Sage
   * ThingsCalledSage
   * FromSageToSageMath
   * SageMathExternalPackages
   * CodeSharingWorkflow
   * [[dynamics]] (especially translation surfaces)
   * [[https://sageindex.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|Index librorum salvificorum]], an index of Sage ressources (in alpha stage, feedback needed).
   * [[Infrastructure]], towards a transparent and collective administration of Sage services.

 * Sage
days attended or organized [*]
   * [[days73|days73, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2016-05]]
   * [*] [[days77|days77, Cernay, France, 2016-04]]
   * [*] [[days57|days57, Cernay, France, 2014-04]]
   * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days43, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 2012-11]]
   * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012, Cernay, France]]
   * [*] [[days28|days28, Orsay, France, 2011-01]]
   * [[daysmarseille|days20, Marseille, France, 2010-02]]

* [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]] (about once a month)

* Other tutorials and presentations of Sage
   * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|Young researchers school in math-info, Perpignan, France, 2013-04]]
   * [[http://ejcim2012.irisa.fr|Young researchers school in math-info, Rennes, France, 2012-04]]
   * [[http://home.mis.u-picardie.fr/~leve/ejc2011/|Young researchers school in math-info, Amiens, France, 2011-04]]
   * Presented Sage at various math conferences: Oberwolfach, Orsay, ...
   * Presented Sage at !PyCon-Fr, Rennes, France, 2010-09 (with Timo Jolivet)

* Sage in teaching
   * préparation à l'agrégation externe de mathématiques, épreuve orale de modélisation, option C; Orsay, 2014--2016
   * préparation à l'agrégation interne de mathématiques, épreuve orale d'exemples et exercices; Orsay, 2014--2016
* M1-MAO-CF: mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel; Orsay, 2015--2016

* Professional webpage: http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~lelievre/
  * sage-trac tickets about upgrades, updates, packages
    * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&desc=1&order=status|summary contains upgrad]]
    * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~updat&desc=1&order=status|summary contains updat]]
    * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&or&summary=~updat&desc=1&order=status|summary contains upgrad or updat]]
    * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~packag&desc=1&order=status|summary contains packag]]
    * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?summary=~upgrad&or&summary=~updat&or&summary=~packag&desc=1&order=status|summary contains "upgrad" or "updat" or "packag"
Sage days attended or organized [*]
  * [[days73|days73, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2016-05]]
    * [*] [[days77|days77, Cernay, France, 2016-04]]
    * [[http://gapdays.de/gap-sage-days2016/|First joint GAP-Sage days, St Andrews, Scotland, 2016-01]]
    * [[http://gapdays.de/gapdays2014/|GAP days 1, Aachen, Germany, 2014-08]]
* [*] [[days57|days57, Cernay, France, 2014-04]]
    * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days43, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 2012-11]]
    * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012, Cernay, France]]
  * [*] [[days28|days28, Orsay, France, 2011-01]]
    * [[daysmarseille|days20, Marseille, France, 2010-02]]
    * [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]] (about once a month)
    * Other tutorials and presentations of Sage
  * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|Young researchers school in math-info, Perpignan, France, 2013-04]]
    * [[http://ejcim2012.irisa.fr|Young researchers school in math-info, Rennes, France, 2012-04]]
    * [[http://home.mis.u-picardie.fr/~leve/ejc2011/|Young researchers school in math-info, Amiens, France, 2011-04]]
    * Presented Sage at various math conferences: Oberwolfach, Orsay, ...
    * Presented Sage at !PyCon-Fr, Rennes, France, 2010-09 (with Timo Jolivet)
    * Sage in teaching
    * M1-MAO-CF: mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel; Orsay, 2015--2016
    * préparation à l'agrégation externe de mathématiques, épreuve orale de modélisation, option C; Orsay, 2014--2016
    * préparation à l'agrégation interne de mathématiques, épreuve orale d'exemples et exercices; Orsay, 2014--2016
* Professional webpage: http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~lelievre/

Samuel Lelièvre (slelievre)


slelievre (last edited 2018-02-04 23:48:13 by slelievre)