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Revision 101 as of 2008-05-08 09:38:22
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Editor: schilly
Revision 138 as of 2019-07-16 21:12:12
Size: 2298
Editor: amy
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Post code that demonstrates the use of the interact command in Sage here.    It should be easy to just scroll through and paste examples out of here into their own sage notebooks.If you have suggestions on how to improve interact, add them [:interactSuggestions: here] or email sage-support@googlegroups.com. This is a collection of pages demonstrating the use of the **interact** command in Sage.
It should be easy to just scroll through and copy/paste examples into Sage notebooks.
If you have suggestions on how to improve interact, add them [[interact/Suggestions|here]]
or email the
sage-support mailing list. Of course, your own examples are also welcome!
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 * [:interact/graph_theory:Graph Theory]
 * [:interact/calculus:Calculus]
 * [:interact/diffeq:Differential Equations]
 * [:interact/linear_algebra:Linear Algebra]
 * [:interact/algebra:Algebra]
 * [:interact/number_theory:Number Theory]
 * [:interact/web:Web Applications]
Documentation links:
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== Bioinformatics ==   * [[http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/repl/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/interact.html| interacts in the Jupyter notebook]]
  * [[http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/notebook/sagenb/notebook/interact.html|interacts in the legacy SageNB notebook]]
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=== Web app: protein browser ===
by Marshall Hampton (tested by William Stein)
import urllib2 as U
def protein_browser(GenBank_ID = input_box('165940577', type = str), file_type = selector([(1,'fasta'),(2,'GenPept')])):
    if file_type == 2:
        gen_str = 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=protein&sendto=t&id='
        gen_str = 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=protein&sendto=t&dopt=fasta&id='
    f = U.urlopen(gen_str + GenBank_ID)
    g = f.read()
Line 32: Line 15:
=== Coalescent simulator ===
by Marshall Hampton
def next_gen(x, selection=1.0):
    '''Creates the next generation from the previous; also returns parent-child indexing list'''
    next_x = []
    for ind in range(len(x)):
        if random() < (1 + selection)/len(x):
            rind = 0
            rind = int(round(random()*(len(x)-1)+1/2))
    return [[x[0] for x in next_x],[x[1] for x in next_x]]
def coal_plot(some_data):
    '''Creates a graphics object from coalescent data'''
    gens = some_data[0]
    inds = some_data[1]
    gen_lines = line([[0,0]])
    pts = Graphics()
    ngens = len(gens)
    gen_size = len(gens[0])
    for x in range(gen_size):
        pts += point((x,ngens-1), hue = gens[0][x]/float(gen_size*1.1))
    p_frame = line([[-.5,-.5],[-.5,ngens-.5], [gen_size-.5,ngens-.5], [gen_size-.5,-.5], [-.5,-.5]])
    for g in range(1,ngens):
        for x in range(gen_size):
            old_x = inds[g-1][x]
            gen_lines += line([[x,ngens-g-1],[old_x,ngens-g]], hue = gens[g-1][old_x]/float(gen_size*1.1))
            pts += point((x,ngens-g-1), hue = gens[g][x]/float(gen_size*1.1))
    return pts+gen_lines+p_frame
d_field = RealField(10)
def coalescents(pop_size = slider(2,100,1,15,'Population size'), selection = slider(-1,1,.1,0, 'Selection for first taxon'), s = selector(['Again!'], label='Refresh', buttons=True)):
    print 'Population size: ' + str(pop_size)
    print 'Selection coefficient for first taxon: ' + str(d_field(selection))
    start = [i for i in range(pop_size)]
    gens = [start]
    inds = []
    while gens[-1][0] != gens[-1][-1]:
        g_index = len(gens) - 1
        n_gen = next_gen(gens[g_index], selection = selection)
        coal_data1 = [gens,inds]
    print 'Generations until coalescence: ' + str(len(gens))
    show(coal_plot(coal_data1), axes = False, figsize = [8,4.0*len(gens)/pop_size], ymax = len(gens)-1)
 * [[interact/algebra|Algebra]]
 * [[interact/bio|Bioinformatics]]
 * [[interact/calculus|Calculus]]
 * [[interact/cryptography|Cryptography]]
 * [[interact/diffeq|Differential Equations]]
 * [[interact/graphics|Drawing Graphics]]
 * [[interact/dynsys|Dynamical Systems]]
 * [[interact/fractal|Fractals]]
 * [[interact/games|Games and Diversions]]
 * [[interact/geometry|Geometry]]
 * [[interact/graph_theory|Graph Theory]]
 * [[interact/linear_algebra|Linear Algebra]]
 * [[interact/Loop Quantum Gravity|Loop Quantum Gravity]]
 * [[interact/misc|Miscellaneous]]
 * [[interact/number_theory|Number Theory]]
 * [[interact/stats|Statistics/Probability]]
 * [[interact/topology|Topology]]
 * [[interact/web|Web Applications]]
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== Miscellaneous Graphics == == Explanatory example: Taylor Series ==
Line 84: Line 36:
=== Catalog of 3D Parametric Plots ===
plots = ['Two Interlinked Tori', 'Star of David', 'Double Heart',
         'Heart', 'Green bowtie', "Boy's Surface", "Maeder's Owl",
         'Cross cap']
This is the code and a mockup animation of the interact command. It defines a slider, seen on top, that can be dragged. Once dragged, it changes the value of the variable "order" and the whole block of code gets evaluated. This principle can be seen in various examples presented on the pages above!

x = SR.var('x')
x0 = 0
f = sin(x) * e^(-x)
p = plot(f, -1, 5, thickness=2)
dot = point((x0, f(x=x0)), pointsize=80, rgbcolor=(1, 0, 0))
Line 93: Line 46:
def _(example=selector(plots, buttons=True, nrows=2),
      tachyon=("Raytrace", False), frame = ('Frame', False),
    url = ''
    if example == 'Two Interlinked Tori':
        f1 = (4+(3+cos(v))*sin(u), 4+(3+cos(v))*cos(u), 4+sin(v))
        f2 = (8+(3+cos(v))*cos(u), 3+sin(v), 4+(3+cos(v))*sin(u))
        p1 = parametric_plot3d(f1, (u,0,2*pi), (v,0,2*pi), color="red", opacity=opacity)
        p2 = parametric_plot3d(f2, (u,0,2*pi), (v,0,2*pi), color="blue",opacity=opacity)
        P = p1 + p2
    elif example == 'Star of David':
        f_x = cos(u)*cos(v)*(abs(cos(3*v/4))^500 + abs(sin(3*v/4))^500)^(-1/260)*(abs(cos(4*u/4))^200 + abs(sin(4*u/4))^200)^(-1/200)
        f_y = cos(u)*sin(v)*(abs(cos(3*v/4))^500 + abs(sin(3*v/4))^500)^(-1/260)*(abs(cos(4*u/4))^200 + abs(sin(4*u/4))^200)^(-1/200)
        f_z = sin(u)*(abs(cos(4*u/4))^200 + abs(sin(4*u/4))^200)^(-1/200)
        P = parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, -pi, pi), (v, 0, 2*pi),opacity=opacity)
    elif example == 'Double Heart':
        f_x = ( abs(v) - abs(u) - abs(tanh((1/sqrt(2))*u)/(1/sqrt(2))) + abs(tanh((1/sqrt(2))*v)/(1/sqrt(2))) )*sin(v)
        f_y = ( abs(v) - abs(u) - abs(tanh((1/sqrt(2))*u)/(1/sqrt(2))) - abs(tanh((1/sqrt(2))*v)/(1/sqrt(2))) )*cos(v)
        f_z = sin(u)*(abs(cos(4*u/4))^1 + abs(sin(4*u/4))^1)^(-1/1)
        P = parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, 0, pi), (v, -pi, pi),opacity=opacity)
    elif example == 'Heart':
        f_x = cos(u)*(4*sqrt(1-v^2)*sin(abs(u))^abs(u))
        f_y = sin(u) *(4*sqrt(1-v^2)*sin(abs(u))^abs(u))
        f_z = v
        P = parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, -pi, pi), (v, -1, 1), frame=False, color="red",opacity=opacity)
    elif example == 'Green bowtie':
        f_x = sin(u) / (sqrt(2) + sin(v))
        f_y = sin(u) / (sqrt(2) + cos(v))
        f_z = cos(u) / (1 + sqrt(2))
        P = parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, -pi, pi), (v, -pi, pi), frame=False, color="green",opacity=opacity)
    elif example == "Boy's Surface":
        url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy's_surface"
        fx = 2/3* (cos(u)* cos(2*v) + sqrt(2)* sin(u)* cos(v))* cos(u) / (sqrt(2) - sin(2*u)* sin(3*v))
        fy = 2/3* (cos(u)* sin(2*v) - sqrt(2)* sin(u)* sin(v))* cos(u) / (sqrt(2) - sin(2*u)* sin(3*v))
        fz = sqrt(2)* cos(u)* cos(u) / (sqrt(2) - sin(2*u)* sin(3*v))
        P = parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, -2*pi, 2*pi), (v, 0, pi), plot_points = [90,90], frame=False, color="orange",opacity=opacity)
    elif example == "Maeder's Owl":
        fx = v *cos(u) - 0.5* v^2 * cos(2* u)
        fy = -v *sin(u) - 0.5* v^2 * sin(2* u)
        fz = 4 *v^1.5 * cos(3 *u / 2) / 3
        P = parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, -2*pi, 2*pi), (v, 0, 1),plot_points = [90,90], frame=False, color="purple",opacity=opacity)
    elif example =='Cross cap':
        url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-cap'
        fx = (1+cos(v))*cos(u)
        fy = (1+cos(v))*sin(u)
        fz = -tanh((2/3)*(u-pi))*sin(v)
        P = parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, 0, 2*pi), frame=False, color="red",opacity=opacity)
        print "Bug selecting plot?"

    if url:
        html('<h3><a target="_new" href="%s">%s</a></h3>'%(url,url))
    show(P, viewer='tachyon' if tachyon else 'jmol', frame=frame)
def _(order=slider([1 .. 12])):
  ft = f.taylor(x, x0, order)
  pt = plot(ft, -1, 5, color='green', thickness=2)
  pretty_print(html('$f(x)\;=\;%s$' % latex(f)))
  pretty_print(html('$\hat{f}(x;%s)\;=\;%s+\mathcal{O}(x^{%s})$' % (x0, latex(ft), order+1)))
  show(dot + p + pt, ymin=-.5, ymax=1)
Line 150: Line 53:


=== Interactive rotatable raytracing with Tachyon3d ===

C = cube(color=['red', 'green', 'blue'], aspect_ratio=[1,1,1],
         viewer='tachyon') + sphere((1,0,0),0.2)
def example(theta=(0,2*pi), phi=(0,2*pi), zoom=(1,(1,4))):
    show(C.rotate((0,0,1), theta).rotate((0,1,0),phi), zoom=zoom)


=== Interactive 3d plotting ===
def example(clr=Color('orange'), f=4*x*exp(-x^2-y^2), xrange='(-2, 2)', yrange='(-2,2)',
    zrot=(0,pi), xrot=(0,pi), zoom=(1,(1/2,3)), square_aspect=('Square Frame', False),
    tachyon=('Ray Tracer', True)):
    xmin, xmax = sage_eval(xrange); ymin, ymax = sage_eval(yrange)
    P = plot3d(f, (x, xmin, xmax), (y, ymin, ymax), color=clr)
    html('<h1>Plot of $f(x,y) = %s$</h1>'%latex(f))
    aspect_ratio = [1,1,1] if square_aspect else [1,1,1/2]
    show(P.rotate((0,0,1), -zrot).rotate((1,0,0),xrot),
         viewer='tachyon' if tachyon else 'jmol',
         figsize=6, zoom=zoom, frame=False,



=== Somewhat Silly Egg Painter ===
by Marshall Hampton (refereed by William Stein)
g(s) = ((0.57496*sqrt(121 - 16.0*s^2))/sqrt(10.+ s))
def P(color, rng):
    return parametric_plot3d((cos(t)*g(s), sin(t)*g(s), s), (s,rng[0],rng[1]), (t,0,2*pi), plot_points = [150,150], rgbcolor=color, frame = False, opacity = 1)
colorlist = ['red','blue','red','blue']
def _(band_number = selector(range(1,5)), current_color = Color('red')):
    html('<h1 align=center>Egg Painter</h1>')
    colorlist[band_number-1] = current_color
    egg = sum([P(colorlist[i],[-2.75+5.5*(i/4),-2.75+5.5*(i+1)/4]) for i in range(4)])

== Miscellaneous ==

== Profile a snippet of code ==
html('<h2>Profile the given input</h2>')
import cProfile; import profile
def _(cmd = ("Statement", '2 + 2'),
      do_preparse=("Preparse?", True), cprof =("cProfile?", False)):
    if do_preparse: cmd = preparse(cmd)
    print "<html>" # trick to avoid word wrap
    if cprof:
    print "</html>"

=== Evaluate a bit of code in a given system ===

by William Stein (there is no way yet to make the text box big):
def _(system=selector([('sage0', 'Sage'), ('gp', 'PARI'), ('magma', 'Magma')]), code='2+2'):
    print globals()[system].eval(code)


=== A Random Walk ===

by William Stein

html('<h1>A Random Walk</h1>')
vv = []; nn = 0
def foo(pts = checkbox(True, "Show points"),
        refresh = checkbox(False, "New random walk every time"),
        steps = (50,(10..500))):
    # We cache the walk in the global variable vv, so that
    # checking or unchecking the points checkbox doesn't change
    # the random walk.
    html("<h2>%s steps</h2>"%steps)
    global vv
    if refresh or len(vv) == 0:
        s = 0; v = [(0,0)]
        for i in range(steps):
             s += random() - 0.5
             v.append((i, s))
        vv = v
    elif len(vv) != steps:
        # Add or subtract some points
        s = vv[-1][1]; j = len(vv)
        for i in range(steps - len(vv)):
            s += random() - 0.5
        v = vv[:steps]
        v = vv
    L = line(v, rgbcolor='#4a8de2')
    if pts: L += points(v, pointsize=10, rgbcolor='red')
    show(L, xmin=0, figsize=[8,3])

=== 3D Random Walk ===
def rwalk3d(n=(50,1000), frame=True):
    pnt = [0,0,0]
    v = [copy(pnt)]
    for i in range(n):
        pnt[0] += random()-0.5
        pnt[1] += random()-0.5
        pnt[2] += random()-0.5

Sage Interactions

This is a collection of pages demonstrating the use of the **interact** command in Sage. It should be easy to just scroll through and copy/paste examples into Sage notebooks. If you have suggestions on how to improve interact, add them here or email the sage-support mailing list. Of course, your own examples are also welcome!

Documentation links:


Explanatory example: Taylor Series

This is the code and a mockup animation of the interact command. It defines a slider, seen on top, that can be dragged. Once dragged, it changes the value of the variable "order" and the whole block of code gets evaluated. This principle can be seen in various examples presented on the pages above!


interact (last edited 2021-08-23 15:58:42 by anewton)