Differences between revisions 33 and 54 (spanning 21 versions)
Revision 33 as of 2015-11-09 13:45:52
Size: 2174
Editor: tmonteil
Revision 54 as of 2022-06-18 12:47:27
Size: 5952
Editor: tmonteil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * topics of interest in Sage :   * about
    * professional web page : https://monteil.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
    * LMA : https://lma.metelu.net/
  * mathematical topics of interest in Sage :
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    * [[HowToSpreadSageDuringAWorkshop|deploying sage]]
    * [[http://sagedebianlive.metelu.net/|Sage Debian Live]], a self-replicating live USB to spread Sage easily.
  * deployment
* [[HowToSpreadSageDuringAWorkshop|deploying sage in various situations]]
    * [[https://sagedebianlive.metelu.net/|Sage Debian Live]], a self-replicating live USB to spread Sage easily.
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    * [[http://sagebuilder.metelu.net/|Sage builder]], a toolchain to build and test Sage binaries in a row.
  * sage-days
    * [[daysmarseille|days20]] (organization)
    * [[days25.5]] (participation)
    * [[days28]] (organization)
    * [[days34.5]] (organization)
    * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012]] (participation)
    * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days 43]] (organization)
    * [[combinat/FPSAC13|days 49]] (participation)
    * [[days57]] (participation)
    * [[days66]] (participation)
  * other Sage-related events
    * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|Young researcher's school in math-info]] (organization of sage tutorial sessions)
    * [[http://www.cari-info.org/|Sage tutorial at CARI 2014 (Sénégal)]] (organisation)
    * [[http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~monteil/hebergement/JourneeSageVilletaneuse2014/|A one-day presentation of Sage at Villetaneuse (Paris 13)]] (organization)
    * [[http://isfahan.sciencesconf.org/|Sage lecture during the "Tilings and Tessellations" research school]]
    * [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]] (about once a month)
  * professional web page : http://monteil.perso.math.cnrs.fr/
  * LMA : https://lma.metelu.net/
  * trac activity : http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/search?q=tmonteil
  * ask activity : http://ask.sagemath.org/users/1305/tmonteil/
  * patchbot activity : http://patchbot.sagemath.org/
  * build activity : http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~monteil/hebergement/sage/binaries/
    * [[https://sagebuilder.metelu.net/|Sage builder]], a toolchain to build and test Sage binaries in a row, used for SDL and 32bit patchbots
  * infrastructure
    * [[Infrastructure]]
    * [[Debate/Collective infrastructure management]]
    * I currently maintain the following servers:
      * [[https://ask.sagemath.org/|ask server]] (located at Villetaneuse)
      * [[https://patchbot.sagemath.org/|patchbot server]] (located at Strasbourg)
      * [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/|wiki server]] (located at Villetaneuse)
      * [[https://sage-on-gentoo.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/sage/| sage-on-gentoo mirror]] (located at Villetaneuse)
      * backup server (located at Orsay)
  * activity (trackers)
      * trac activity : https://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/search?q=tmonteil
      * ask activity : https://ask.sagemath.org/users/1305/tmonteil/
      * patchbot activity : https://patchbot.sagemath.org/machines
      * build activity : https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~monteil/hebergement/sage/binaries/

=== Events related to Sage i contributed to ===

  * [[Workshops|Sage days]]
    * [[daysmarseille|days20 (Marseille, France)]] (organization)
    * [[days25.5|days25.5 (Montreal, Canada)]] (participation)
    * [[days28|days28 (Orsay, France)]] (organization)
    * [[days34.5|days34.5 (Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso)]] (organization)
    * [[combinat/SageCombinatDaysCernay2012|combinatdayscernay2012 (Cernay, France)]] (participation)
    * [[Sage Days Bobo 2012|days 43 (Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso)]] (organization)
    * [[combinat/FPSAC13|days 49 (Orsay, France)]] (participation)
    * [[days57|days57 (Cernay, France)]] (participation)
    * [[days66|days66 (Liège, Belgium)]] (participation)
    * [[days77|days77 (Cernay, France)]] (participation)
    * [[days75|days75 (Inria Saclay, France)]] (participation)
    * [[days84|days84 (Olot, Spain)]] (participation)
    * [[days86|days86 (Montreal, Canada)]] (participation)
    * [[days94|days94 (Zaragoza Spain)]] (participation)
    * [[days112.5|days112.5 (Montpellier France)]] (participation)
  * Sage-related tutorials
    * [[http://ejcim2013.univ-perp.fr/|A 1-week Young researcher's school in math-info (Perpignan, France)]] (organization of sage tutorial sessions)
    * [[http://www.cari-info.org/|A 2-days Sage tutorial at CARI 2014 (Saint-Louis, Sénégal)]] (organization)
    * [[http://www.lamfa.u-picardie.fr/mammeri/sage1.html|A one-day presentation of Sage (Amiens, France)]] (participation)
    * [[http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~monteil/hebergement/JourneeSageVilletaneuse2014/|A one-day presentation of Sage at Villetaneuse (Paris 13, France)]] (organization)
    * A one-day presentation of Sage at Réunion (Saint Denis, France) (organization)
    * [[http://isfahan.sciencesconf.org/|A 10 days Sage lecture during the "Tilings and Tessellations" CIMPA research school (Esfahan, Iran)]] (organization of the Sage sessions)
    * [[http://www.ens-lyon.fr/DI/?p=4287|A 1-week research course about Sage and combinatorics for the ENS-Lyon Master of computer science (Lyon, France)]] (organization)
    * [[https://sites.google.com/a/aims.ac.rw/academic/experimental-mathematics-with-sage-1|A 3-weeks tutorial about experimental mathematics with Sage at AIMS (Kigali, Rwanda)]]
    * [[http://www.chine.campusfrance.org/fr/probability-theory-and-dynamical-systems|A one-week summer school for chinese master students about Sage in the context of probability and dynamical systems (Marseille, France)]] (organization of the Sage sessions)
    * [[https://mathexp2018.sciencesconf.org/|MathExp2018]] Young researcher school and workshop about experimental mathematics (St Flour, France)
        * One week of lectures about experimental mathematics (21-25 may 2018)
        * One week workshop for young researcher to work on their projects (28 may - 1 june 2018)
    * [[GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage user group in Paris]] (about once a month, currently stalled)
    * [[https://dad21.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/1|A 1 week Sage lecture during the "Divers Aspects de la Dynamique" CIMPA research school (Bejaia, Algeria)]] (organization of the Sage sessions)
    * 3-day introduction to Sage for the agregation (Caen France, june 2022)
  * Shorter presentations of Sage (1 or 2 hours)
    * [[http://gt-alea.math.cnrs.fr/alea2011/planning.php#talk64|Alea 2011]]
    * Reykjavik University (Island)
    * [[http://www.iutsd.univ-lorraine.fr/|University Institutes of Technology (Saint Dié, France)]]
    * [[http://aims-senegal.sn/|Visit at AIMS (Mbour, Senegal)]]
    * [[http://www.mathhouse.org/VisitorPages/show.aspx?IsDetailList=true&ItemID=5841,1|MathHouse (Esfahan, Iran)]]
    * [[https://www.birzeit.edu/en/node/33032|Birzeit University (Ramallah, Palestine)]]
    * [[https://sci.najah.edu/en/departments/mathematics/|An-Nahaj University (Nablus, Palestine)]]
    * [[https://ppu.edu/p/ar/Announcements/3416|Palestine Polytechnic University (Hebron, Palestine)]]
    * [[https://infomath.pages.math.cnrs.fr/talk/2021-2022/sagemath/|Infomath (Paris, France)]]

Thierry Monteil (tmonteil)


ThierryMonteil (last edited 2023-09-06 22:44:55 by tmonteil)