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Sage days 94 -- Sage development days

Sage days 94 took place in Zaragoza (Spain), from Thursday 28 June 2018 to Wednesday 04 July 2018, as a satellite activity of the 16th meeting of the Spanish computer algebra network (XVI EACA).

They featured a series of short courses on subjects related to Sage development. The main target audience was young researchers who want to take the step from writing code for their own use to contributing their code to the Sage codebase.

Collaborative pad

We used this pad to take notes during the workshop.

For tickets worked on during Sage days 94, we used the keyword "days94":

Mini-course speakers and contributed talks

Topics to cover

Mini-course speakers

Besides mini-courses on those subjects, there was some space for short talks contributed by the participants (which could be quite informal); interested participants could just contact the organizers to offer such a talk.

Proposed talks included:


Thursday 28 June 2018

Friday 29 June 2018

Saturday 30 June 2018

Sunday 01 July 2018

Monday 02 July 2018

Tuesday 03 July 2018

Wednesday 04 July 2018




Add here the things you plan to work on during the week:

Please tag any tickets you work on during this week with the days94 keyword. This makes it easy to list all tickets worked on during this week.

Instructions for participants

Given the focus on Sage development, we recommend participants come with their own laptop, including a Sage installation that is well suited for development (don't worry if you have trouble installing, we can help with installation during the workshop, but it would save time if it is done in advance). Also, please ask in advance for an account for Sage's Trac server.


Several apartments were booked in Apartamentos Los Sitios. They are located in the city centre. The reception is open until 22:30.


Talks took place in the main campus of the Universidad de Zaragoza, in the mathematics building. It is about 25 minutes by walk from the apartments (maybe 15 minutes by public transport).

You can see the train station, the apartments and the event location in this map.

Financial support

The school was partly funded by the OpenDreamKit project. The LaBRI (University of Bordeaux) and the CNRS co-organized the project via the OpenDreamKit project. We expect to be able to cover the travel and lodging expenses of most participants and speakers.


If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please send an email to mmarco <at> unizar <dot> es


Here is a picture from the visit to Palacio de la Aljaferia on Sunday morning.


days94 (last edited 2023-08-30 23:10:30 by tmonteil)