Sage FreeBSD 7.x/amd64 and 8-current/amd64 build notes for Sage 4.1

Note that this page is under construction and currently incomplete


Overall build environment differences

Preparatory work

It's likely there are other dependencies, I haven't tried building sage in a clean (tinderbox) environment.

Building Sage

The Sage build chain automatically unpacks and builds each spkg, however in order to build on FreeBSD, a number of spkgs need patching. Rather than manually unpack, patch and repack each spkg, I have instead modified base/sage-spkg to automatically apply a local patch if it exists.

On FreeBSD 7.x

Current Status

Notes on spkgs and attached patches

A number of the following patches change make to ${MAKE}. This the recommended way to recursively invoke make to ensure that the subordinate make is the same as the parent make (and also ensures that the two make instances will communicate on things like '-jX').




Various fixes to make it compile on FreeBSD

numpy error from last point above:

  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas_r not found in /home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/local/lib

/home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/spkg/build/numpy-1.2.0.p0/src/numpy/distutils/ UserWarning:
    Atlas ( libraries not found.
    Directories to search for the libraries can be specified in the
    numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [atlas]) or by setting
    the ATLAS environment variable.
  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas_r not found in /home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/local/lib
  libraries lapack_atlas not found in /home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/local/lib

/home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/spkg/build/numpy-1.2.0.p0/src/numpy/distutils/ UserWarning:
    Atlas ( libraries not found.
    Directories to search for the libraries can be specified in the
    numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [atlas]) or by setting
    the ATLAS environment variable.
/home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/local/bin/gfortran -Wall build/temp.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.o build/temp.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/python_xerbla.o -L/home/pjeremy/sage-3.4/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-4.3.4/gcc/x86_64-portbld-freebsd7.0/4.3.4 -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -o build/lib.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/
build/temp.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.o(.text+0x41): In function `check_object':
numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.c:103: undefined reference to `PyType_IsSubtype'
build/temp.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.o(.text+0x7b):numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.c:114: undefined reference to `PyErr_Format'
build/temp.freebsd-7.0-STABLE-amd64-2.5/numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.o(.text+0xb7):numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.c:109: undefined reference to `PyErr_Format'


Patch sage-spkg to apply local patches. This patch also disables deletion of the spkg/build/FOO temporary directories - which was useful during porting. This latter patch can be safely removed.