Python / Cython resources
Python - docs, FAQs, wiki, language, library, modules, packages, quickref, python-dev, repo, tracker.
Library tools - errno, functools, gettext, glob, inspect, itertools, locale, logging, multiprocessing, optparse, os, os.path, pdb, pickle, re, shutil, string, subprocess, sys, tabnanny, threading, time, timeit, trace, traceback, urllib2.
Other tools - pep8, py2depgraph, pycallgraph, PyChecker, PyFlakes, Pylint, Snakefood, XDot.
Tutorials, books, etc.
Dive into Python by M. Pilgrim.
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python by J. Elkener, A. B. Downey, and C. Meyers.
Python for Software Design by A. B. Downey.
Articles, HOWTOs, etc.
decorator by M. Simionato.
Functional Programming HOWTO by A. M. Kuchling.
Python Functional Programming for Mathematicians by M. Nguyen.
Regular Expression HOWTO by A. M. Kuchling.
Static Code Analyzers by D. Hellmann.
Packages included in Sage
Other packages
Google App Engine - Web framework - docs.
PyDSTool - Dynamical systems.
PyDy - Newtonian mechanics.
Pyjamas - Web and desktop framework.
PyNIfTI - Medical imaging.
VPython - Real-time 3D graphics and animation - Visual docs.