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Revision 17 as of 2014-02-06 05:13:34
Size: 4247
Editor: slelievre
Revision 57 as of 2014-04-13 15:13:43
Size: 7367
Editor: slabbe
Comment: status report seb
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= Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay, April 6-12, 2014 = = Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay, 6-12 April 2014 =
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== Cernay 2014, Sage Days 57 == <<TableOfContents()>>

== Sage Days 57, Cernay 2014 ==
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Following the *-Combinat tradition we booked the guest house
[[http://www.cernayvacances.com/CEngels.html|The Tower]] in Cernay-la-Ville.
It is a very nice and cosy "gîte", 50 minutes from Paris by public transport.
We booked the guest house
[[http://www.cernayvacances.com/en/stay/de-toren/|The Tower]] (and
[[http://www.cernayvacances.com/en/stay/le-grenier-royal/|Le grenier royal]]),
a very nice and cosy "gîte", just short of an hour from Paris by public transport.

This follows a tradition of *-combinat workshops:
See the links for activity reports and some photos.
Line 15: Line 25:
The workshop is funded by ANR projects DynA3S, GeoDyM, PSyCo, with material help from the Mathematics and the Computer Science Departments at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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== Tentative list of participants == == Participants ==
Line 18: Line 29:
 * Tomer Bauer (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel)
 * Adrien Boussicault (Labri, Bordeaux, France)
 * Vincent Delecroix (Labri, Bordeaux, France)
 * Eric Gourgoulhon (Luth, Observatoire de Paris, France)
 * Samuel Lelièvre (LMO, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
 * ThierryMonteil (Lirmm, Montpellier, France)
 * Nicolas M. Thiéry (LRI, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
 1. Tomer Bauer (Bar-Ilan U, Ramat Gan, Israel), 6--12 April
 2. Adrien Boussicault (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France)
 3. Volker Braun (Oxford U, UK) 6--12 April
 4. Nicolas Borie (U Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
 5. Luca De Feo (U Versailles Saint-Quentin, France)
 6. Vincent Delecroix (Labri, Bordeaux, France) 5--12 April
 7. Matthieu Dien (UPMC, U Paris 6, Paris, France) 6--12 April
 8. Charles Fougeron (IMJ, U Paris 7, Paris, France)
 9. Eric Gourgoulhon (Luth, Observatoire de Paris, France)
 10. Florent Hivert (LRI, U Paris-Sud Orsay, France)
 11. Jean-Philippe Labbé (Freie U Berlin, Germany)
 12. Sébastien Labbé (LIAFA, Paris, France)
 13. Patxi Laborde Zubieta (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France) 5 - 12 April
 14. Samuel Lelièvre (LMO, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France), 5--12 April
 15. Thierry Monteil (Lirmm, Montpellier, France)
 16. Vivien Ripoll (U Vienna, Austria)
 17. Nicolas M. Thiéry (LRI, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
 18. Jean-Pierre Flori (ANSSI, Paris, France), 7 and (probably 9) April
Line 26: Line 48:
== Tentative list of themes == == Programme and topics ==
Line 28: Line 50:
(Participants, please edit!) On Monday there will be an introduction to git for those interested.
Line 30: Line 52:
=== Coxeter groups === The rest of the programme is decided together during the workshop.
Line 32: Line 54:
=== Languages === If you have wishes or coding projects, please edit the [[days57-topics|list of topics]].
Line 34: Line 56:
 * interested
   * Vincent
== Status report ==
Line 37: Line 58:
 * todo
   * implement the category of languages (from previous work of me and Stepan, [[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12224|#12224]], [[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12225|#12225]], [[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12227|#12227]])
   * finish the inclusion of subshift of finite type and work on sofic shifts ([[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12996|#12996]])
 * Sébastien
   * ticket [[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/6637|#6637]]: cleaning TransitiveIdeal and TransitiveIdealGraded
   * Creation of !RecursivelyEnumeratedSet
   * Read my [[http://www.liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~labbe/blogue/2014/04/my-status-report-at-sage-days-57-recursivelyenumeratedset/|status report here]]
Line 41: Line 63:
=== Translation surfaces ===  * Jean Philippe
   * ticket #15703
   * A nice 3D self-rotating picture representing limit set of a generic orbit under the action of a Coxeter group on the projective space.
   * upgraded his ubuntu and can now use Linux back again.
Line 43: Line 68:
 * interested
   * Vincent
   * Samuel
   * Thierry
 * Vivien
   * #16120 : add float to run
   * Found some bugs in the cyclotomic field and discovered that a ticket is waiting for 4 years.
Line 48: Line 72:
 * todo
   * better datastructure for permutations
   * include Charles's code into Sage
   * implementat a datastructure for translation surfaces ?
 * Charles
   * Ticket #16102
   * translation surfaces : merging his code with Vincent existing code.
Line 53: Line 76:
=== Tensors on free modules ===  * Tomer
   * #15595
   * #16092
   * #16090
   * Subgroup zeta functions, found some bugs in symbolic
Line 55: Line 82:
 * interested
   * Eric
 * Volker
   * Backend for polyhedra (especially double description algorithm) on AA
Line 58: Line 85:
 * todo
   * implement tensor products of generic free modules of finite rank and the associated tensor algebra (by ''generic'' it is meant ''without any privileged basis'')
 * Luca Thierry Vincent
   * An index for Sage pedagogical ressources.
Line 61: Line 88:
 * Thierry
   * rewiewed
Line 62: Line 91:
=== Worksheet repository ===
 * see DepotDeFeuillesDeCalcul; could be nice to first brainstorm all together, even for people not interested in coding
 * interested
   * Thierry
   * Eric
   * Vincent
   * Samuel
 * Mathieu
   * #15673
   * #16107
   * Lazy power series.
Line 70: Line 96:
 * Patxi
   * tableaux, pbs with mutability
Line 71: Line 99:
== Practical information ==  * Nicolas B
  * review of the set factory
  * parallelization at low-level using multithreading
Line 73: Line 103:
 * Florent
  * Parallelism in sage (with Nicolas B.)
Line 74: Line 106:
Accommodation will be covered by our funding sources.
We also aim to fund travel for PhD students and postdocs.
Other participants, please arrange funding for your travel.
 * Nicolas T
  * lot of discussions
  * fixed long standing performance issue with categories which was one of the blocker for #10963
  * work on #16058: reorganisation of the index of sage.combinat in the reference manual
Line 78: Line 111:
The Tower can accommodate 8-10 people, and if needed there is another
adjacent guest house.
 * Adrien
  * Implemented parallelogram polyomino.

== Older informations ==

=== Dates ===
Line 83: Line 121:
Arrival on Sunday, April 6, is encouraged, and in fact early arrival is even
possible on the afternoon of Saturday, April 5, 2014.
Arrival on Sunday, April 6, is encouraged; early arrival is possible on Saturday, April 5, 2014.
Line 86: Line 123:
Participants can stay until the morning of Saturday, April 12, 2014. Participants are welcome to stay until Saturday, April 12.
Line 88: Line 125:
Meals are cooked in turns by the participants for everyone, so bring
along your favorite recipes and dishes! Also bring along hiking/climbing
shoes and music instruments/scores for the breaks. There will of course
be an open wifi and wired internet connection.
If you wish to stay longer before or after these dates, let us know.
Line 93: Line 127:
To register, please fill in the following form and email it to
[[http://www.labri.fr/perso/boussica/index_en.html|Adrien Boussicault]]::
=== Venue ===
Line 96: Line 129:
    will participate in the "Fourth Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay".
    Date of arrival:
    Date of departure:
The workshop takes place in a guest house, which has comfortable working spaces,
a cooking and dining area, and a few bedrooms. This favors an intense workshop,
with everything taking place in the same location.
Line 103: Line 133:
Optionally, add a few words about your project in Cernay. We will set up a wired internet connection and an open wifi.
Line 105: Line 135:
If you request funding, please estimate the amount. The Tower can accommodate 8-10 people and the adjacent guest house
we rented offers room for 6 more people.
Line 107: Line 138:
The surrounding area offers nice hiking possibilities, bring hiking/climbing shoes.

Your music instruments and scores, card or board games, etc, are also welcome for the breaks.

== Meal organisation ==

Meals are cooked in turns by the participants for everyone, so bring along your
favorite recipes and dishes! All diets, including vegetarian, will be taken into

=== Funding ===

The workshop is funded by ANR projects DynA3S, GeoDyM, PSyCo, with material help from the Mathematics and the Computer Science Departments at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay.

Accommodation and meals for all participants are covered by our funding sources.

We can also cover travel expenses for most participants, especially PhD students and postdocs.
Line 112: Line 161:
 * [[http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=Cernay+la+ville&sll=47.15984,2.988281&sspn=17.161007,44.516602&ie=UTF8&ll=48.675731,1.971735&spn=0.004066,0.010868&z=17|Map and aerial photo]]
Line 113: Line 163:
There are two bus stops in Cernay. The closest to the guest house is Grand'Place.  * Bus option
    * from St Remy (RER station), bus 39-03 or 39-103
    * from Rambouillet (SNCF station) line 39-03 and 39-203
   More information on schedules [[http://www.savac.fr/transports/lignes-regulieres/votre-ligne-reguliere|here]].
   Of the two bus stops in Cernay, Grand'Place is closest to the guest house.
   Beware that there are big gaps in the day with no buses to Cernay.
Line 115: Line 170:
Check travel itineraries on [[http://www.vianavigo.com/|ViaNavigo]].
eware of big gaps in the day with no buses to Cernay!
 * Check travel itineraries on [[http://www.vianavigo.com/|ViaNavigo]] (includes trains, RER, buses).
   Or [[http://ratp.fr|ratp]] but only for travel up
to Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse.
Line 118: Line 173:
 * [[http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=Cernay+la+ville&sll=47.15984,2.988281&sspn=17.161007,44.516602&ie=UTF8&ll=48.675731,1.971735&spn=0.004066,0.010868&z=17|Map and and aerial photo]]  * We will run some car shuttles from Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse : [[days57-car_shuttles|car shuttles organisation]]
Line 120: Line 175:
We will do some car shuttles from Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse. Please contact us in
advance to arrange that.
=== Registration ===

To register, send an email with subject "Cernay 2014" to `[email protected]`,
where `(aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd) = (sage-cernay,math,u-psud,fr)`, filling in all
the fields you can from the following form.

    Fourth Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay

    Your webpage:

    Date of arrival:
    Date of departure:

    Travel funding request: (indicate approximate amount)

Please add a few words about your project(s) for the workshop.

Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay, 6-12 April 2014

Sage Days 57, Cernay 2014

The fourth "Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay" will be held at Cernay-la-Ville (40km South-West of Paris, near Orsay), April 6-12, 2014.

We booked the guest house The Tower (and Le grenier royal), a very nice and cosy "gîte", just short of an hour from Paris by public transport.

This follows a tradition of *-combinat workshops: 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007... See the links for activity reports and some photos.

This workshop is also "Sage Days 57". More Sage workshops are listed on the Workshops page of the Sage wiki.

The workshop is funded by ANR projects DynA3S, GeoDyM, PSyCo, with material help from the Mathematics and the Computer Science Departments at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay.


  1. Tomer Bauer (Bar-Ilan U, Ramat Gan, Israel), 6--12 April
  2. Adrien Boussicault (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France)
  3. Volker Braun (Oxford U, UK) 6--12 April
  4. Nicolas Borie (U Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
  5. Luca De Feo (U Versailles Saint-Quentin, France)
  6. Vincent Delecroix (Labri, Bordeaux, France) 5--12 April
  7. Matthieu Dien (UPMC, U Paris 6, Paris, France) 6--12 April
  8. Charles Fougeron (IMJ, U Paris 7, Paris, France)
  9. Eric Gourgoulhon (Luth, Observatoire de Paris, France)
  10. Florent Hivert (LRI, U Paris-Sud Orsay, France)
  11. Jean-Philippe Labbé (Freie U Berlin, Germany)
  12. Sébastien Labbé (LIAFA, Paris, France)
  13. Patxi Laborde Zubieta (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France) 5 - 12 April
  14. Samuel Lelièvre (LMO, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France), 5--12 April
  15. Thierry Monteil (Lirmm, Montpellier, France)
  16. Vivien Ripoll (U Vienna, Austria)
  17. Nicolas M. Thiéry (LRI, U Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
  18. Jean-Pierre Flori (ANSSI, Paris, France), 7 and (probably 9) April

Programme and topics

On Monday there will be an introduction to git for those interested.

The rest of the programme is decided together during the workshop.

If you have wishes or coding projects, please edit the list of topics.

Status report

  • Sébastien
  • Jean Philippe
    • ticket #15703
    • A nice 3D self-rotating picture representing limit set of a generic orbit under the action of a Coxeter group on the projective space.
    • upgraded his ubuntu and can now use Linux back again.
  • Vivien
    • #16120 : add float to run
    • Found some bugs in the cyclotomic field and discovered that a ticket is waiting for 4 years.
  • Charles
    • Ticket #16102
    • translation surfaces : merging his code with Vincent existing code.
  • Tomer
    • #15595
    • #16092
    • #16090
    • Subgroup zeta functions, found some bugs in symbolic
  • Volker
    • Backend for polyhedra (especially double description algorithm) on AA
  • Luca Thierry Vincent
    • An index for Sage pedagogical ressources.
  • Thierry
    • rewiewed
  • Mathieu
    • #15673
    • #16107
    • Lazy power series.
  • Patxi
    • tableaux, pbs with mutability
  • Nicolas B
    • review of the set factory
    • parallelization at low-level using multithreading
  • Florent
    • Parallelism in sage (with Nicolas B.)
  • Nicolas T
    • lot of discussions
    • fixed long standing performance issue with categories which was one of the blocker for #10963
    • work on #16058: reorganisation of the index of sage.combinat in the reference manual
  • Adrien
    • Implemented parallelogram polyomino.

Older informations


The core of the activity will be Monday, April 7, 2014 to Friday, April 11, 2014.

Arrival on Sunday, April 6, is encouraged; early arrival is possible on Saturday, April 5, 2014.

Participants are welcome to stay until Saturday, April 12.

If you wish to stay longer before or after these dates, let us know.


The workshop takes place in a guest house, which has comfortable working spaces, a cooking and dining area, and a few bedrooms. This favors an intense workshop, with everything taking place in the same location.

We will set up a wired internet connection and an open wifi.

The Tower can accommodate 8-10 people and the adjacent guest house we rented offers room for 6 more people.

The surrounding area offers nice hiking possibilities, bring hiking/climbing shoes.

Your music instruments and scores, card or board games, etc, are also welcome for the breaks.

Meal organisation

Meals are cooked in turns by the participants for everyone, so bring along your favorite recipes and dishes! All diets, including vegetarian, will be taken into account.


The workshop is funded by ANR projects DynA3S, GeoDyM, PSyCo, with material help from the Mathematics and the Computer Science Departments at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay.

Accommodation and meals for all participants are covered by our funding sources.

We can also cover travel expenses for most participants, especially PhD students and postdocs.

From Paris to Cernay

  • From Gare Montparnasse: 35 minutes train to Rambouillet + 15 minutes bus to Cernay-la-Ville
  • From Denfert-Rochereau: 40 minutes RER B to Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse + 15 minutes bus to Cernay-la-Ville
  • Map and aerial photo

  • Bus option
    • from St Remy (RER station), bus 39-03 or 39-103
    • from Rambouillet (SNCF station) line 39-03 and 39-203
    • More information on schedules here. Of the two bus stops in Cernay, Grand'Place is closest to the guest house. Beware that there are big gaps in the day with no buses to Cernay.

  • Check travel itineraries on ViaNavigo (includes trains, RER, buses).

    • Or ratp but only for travel up to Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse.

  • We will run some car shuttles from Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse : car shuttles organisation


To register, send an email with subject "Cernay 2014" to [email protected], where (aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd) = (sage-cernay,math,u-psud,fr), filling in all the fields you can from the following form.

    Fourth Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay

    Your webpage:

    Date of arrival:
    Date of departure:

    Travel funding request: (indicate approximate amount)

Please add a few words about your project(s) for the workshop.

days57 (last edited 2014-04-13 15:14:26 by slabbe)