Local Information for Sage Days 35.5

Main Page for Sage Days 35.5

Most of the information below assumes a certain level of funding. Please contact for more information if you need funding for air or lodging.


Travel to Boston

Most travelers who are not driving will be arriving at Logan International Airport in Boston. See the Sage Days 27 FAQ for the rules on airfare (e.g., US carriers only). It is also possible to get to the Boston area using Amtrak into South Station.

Travel to the North Shore

From either South Station or Logan, most ways of getting to the North Shore involve annoying transfers on the subway (system map; Airport is on the Blue Line, South Station is on the Red Line) to get to North Station, a major commuter rail hub. There are regular shuttles from all terminals at Logan to the Airport subway station.

From there, one would take the outbound Newburyport/Rockport line to Beverly Depot; apparently the Wylie Center will order a cab for you if you call them (see below) when you are getting close. This link is for the outbound schedule on Sundays. Every other train goes to Montserrat (a stop one beyond Beverly Depot), which is slightly closer, so you can try for that if it is convenient.

It is also possible to take some local buses in slightly less convoluted ways, especially during normal daytime hours on weekdays (for example, taking an express bus from certain airport terminals to Lynn, then catching the commuter rail there). If you want to try to find out such an option for you, you may find the Trip Planner useful; try the "Plan your trip using Landmarks and Stations" link. However, this happens to be a very challenging trip to plan using this device. Google Transit seems to be another very useful device (here is a sample).

If for some reason using the commuter rail will not work out well for you (especially regarding time of day), don't hesitate to contact the organizers and we may be able to arrange some transportation. Taxi service from Boston to Beverly is apparently well over $60, so that would be a last resort.


Out-of-town participants will be lodged at the Wylie Center in Beverly, Mass. This oceanside conference center is just a few miles from Gordon College and has a nice wireless-enabled coffee shop which we've been assured is very much open for a group of people to code in after hours.

For this Sage Days, individual participants will make their own reservations.

On-site Internet


Our current plan is as follows for board.

Local Attractions