Sage/Singular Days Projects

Update Singular spkg

People: Simon, Burcin (hopefully Martin as well)

Update the Singular interface to work with libpolys

People: Burcin, Oleksandr

Refactored Singular should pass it's test suite

People: Burcin, Oleksandr, Hans

Instructions for building latest experimental code:


People: Oleksandr

Try out some dynamic modules

People: Oleksandr

Blackbox objects

People: Oleksandr

Interface to Singular's modules

People: Hiep, Burcin

Review Simon's letterplace patches


Plural interface

People: Burcin

Use libpolys for function field arithmetic

People: Burcin

FLINT integration

People: Fredrik

Beginner tickets

to practice preparing and submitting patches, for people new to the Sage development process: