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Pre Sage Days Projects

Overall Plan

  1. Compress ZFS on disk.math + rubinstein
  2. Read through all tables at

  3. Decide for every table:
    • - easy to recompute and extend and check

      - only in Magma --> implement in SAge - reformat data to be readable - indexes to speed up queries - references

  4. Lists of how to verify conj or theorem via query.
  5. Reorganize (?)

What the interface might look like:

sage: M = LMFDatabase()
sage: M.<tab>
sage: M.newforms(2, ...)

1998-2003: tons of data about (modular forms) + related data
2003-2004: fast online database/tables
ZOPE ZODB Python Web
2004-2009: Sage done
2009 -- back to work on database

days17/projects/presagedays (last edited 2009-09-11 02:44:47 by was)