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Sage Days 17 Project

Long list of databases

See Long list of projects corresponding to existing databases


We have that there are three (related) tasks to perform:

  1. generate data
  2. make that data easily accessible and searched
  3. make this available through a web front-end.

Basically everything else on this wiki is currently part of (1). Here's a list of tasks for (3):

Other closely related tasks:

Feature requests:

Rational Cuspidal Subgroups

Dimensions of Modular Forms Spaces for Gamma(N)

Pre-Sage Days Stuff

Implement the Hijikata Trace Formula

There are PARI and Magma implementations here along with some scans:

Do a Sage implementation. Then do some interesting computations say of the trace of T2 on some high weight spaces...

days17/projects (last edited 2009-09-18 18:51:32 by was)