Sage Days 17 Project
Long list of databases
See Long list of projects corresponding to existing databases
We have that there are three (related) tasks to perform:
- generate data
- make that data easily accessible and searched
- make this available through a web front-end.
Basically everything else on this wiki is currently part of (1). Here's a list of tasks for (3):
- create some appropriate storage on a ZFS drive to test (William)
set up Robert Bradshaw's CherryPy code from Benasque (Robert Bradshaw)
- start adding data from existing tables
- add functionality to the database manager to provide canonical URLs for data and an associated wiki
- think about authentication issues for uploading new data
- make certain fields (such as author or title) immutable
- create a table of contents for the data, which probably makes the most sense as a completely separate webserver
- write something that does sanity checks and tests: for instance, keep a list of sample queries, and run them regularly (say, daily) to make sure that they still work
Other closely related tasks:
- create a database type for plaintext databases
Feature requests:
- user queries for new additions
Rational Cuspidal Subgroups
See for some data.
Dimensions of Modular Forms Spaces for Gamma(N)
See #6860.
Pre-Sage Days Stuff
See projects. There are numerous ideas for projects there.
Implement the Hijikata Trace Formula
There are PARI and Magma implementations here along with some scans:
Do a Sage implementation. Then do some interesting computations say of the trace of