Differences between revisions 71 and 75 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 71 as of 2022-05-23 18:36:23
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Editor: jipilab
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 * [[https://mariebrandenburg.github.io/|Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg]] (Intersection bodies)
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 * [[https://github.com/fredrik-johansson|Fredrik Johansson]] (arb, Calcium, FLINT, fungrim, mpmath, ...)  * '''[[https://github.com/fredrik-johansson|Fredrik Johansson]]: FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory.''' FLINT is a C library used in Sage and several other projects to provide fast arithmetic in various rings as well as efficient implementations of number theoretic functions. This talk will give an overview of FLINT and some descendants projects (Antic, Arb, Calcium), present recent work, and discuss ongoing and future development.
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   * Schedule: 45 minutes beginning Thursday, June 2, 2022, 07:00:00 GMT
               which is June 2, 2022, 9:00 am to 9:45 Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)

Global Virtual Sage Days 112.358

An online event on open-source mathematical software SageMath with the users and developers around the globe

The fully virtual event will take place June 1-3, 2022, during the 50 hours when it is June 2, 2022 in some timezone in the world:

  • Beginning: Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 10:00:00 (morning) GMT,

    • ... which is June 2, 2022, 00:00 Kiribati time (UTC+14),
  • End: Friday, June 3, 2022, 11:59:59 (noon) GMT,

    • ... which is June 2, 2022, 23:59:59 Baker Island time (UTC-12),

The schedule will be released soon.

Sage Days are gatherings of people interested in SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days have been organized as local, regional, or international in-person meetings by a wide range of people around the globe. Because of the ongoing global health crisis, Sage Days 112.358 will be a fully virtual event following the model of Sage Days 109 and Sage Days 110

Why is it 112.358? Answer: https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/WYnrwDjLhUw/m/oOwLAunwAAAJ

About SageMath

SageMath, or Sage for short, is a mature, comprehensive, free (open-source) mathematics software system based on Python, licensed under the GNU General Public License, that integrates computer algebra facilities and general computational packages.

Sage, first released in 2005, in over a decade of incubation in the SageMath distribution, comprising 293 software packages, has grown its own library of 1000 Cython and over 4400 Python modules, ranging from sage.algebras.* over sage.geometry.* to sage.tensor.*, with a total of over 2.2 million lines of code.

How to register and participate

  • Registration: Post a message with your name and affiliation in our zulip #sd112.358 Registration topic.

  • Join our zulip #sd112.358 messaging stream. This stream will contain all of the information regarding the talks and events for Sage Days 112.358.

  • Video conferencing: We will primarily be using Zoom and BigBlueButton (BBB; see Wikipedia page; license) (with BBB servers at Orsay and/or other French institutions). However, other software such as Google Meet can also be used.

    • Details, how to access: will be announced on the Zulip stream.

Schedule, videos, and talk slides

The schedule, title, abstracts, videos, and supplementary materials of the talks will be found on researchseminars.org.

Activities and Speakers

  • Oscar Benjamin (SymPy)

  • Hao Chen: Why I turned to Mathematica (sorry) to plot minimal surfaces. I will introduce the general procedure to plot minimal surfaces from Weierstrass data. For this purpose, I will present two examples from recent works: One is a deformation of the Gyroid, the other is related to vortices in 2D fluids. As a former Sage user, I had to turn to Mathematica for this task because of the heavy use of special functions and numeric integrals. In the future, I would like to see an open-source implementation of the procedure with a performance comparable to Mathematica.

  • Steven Diamond: CVXPY. CVXPY is a domain-specific language for convex optimization embedded in Python. It allows the user to express convex optimization problems in a natural syntax that follows the math, rather than in the restrictive standard form required by solvers. CVXPY has been used in hundreds of research projects and by Fortune 500 companies. In this talk, we will show how easy it is to formulate and solve optimization problems with CVXPY through example applications in finance and renewable energy. We will also highlight exciting recent work building on CVXPY.

  • Tobias Diez (tentative; New developer tools for Sage)

  • Julian Hall: HiGHS: The world's best open-source linear optimization software - coming to SageMath! HiGHS is open-source linear optimization software developed by Hall and Edinburgh PhD students over the past six years. It solves large-scale sparse linear programming (LP) problems (using simplex and interior point methods), mixed-integer programming (MIP) problems and quadratic programming (QP) problems. Its overall performance on Mittelmann's benchmarks places it clearly ahead of any other open-source linear optimization software. This talk will introduce some of the techniques underpinning HiGHS, the environment in which it can be used, and its performance. In the world of software interfaces, HiGHS provides the LP and MIP solvers in the SciPy system, and is the open-source solver of choice in the popular modern Julia-based modelling and optimization system JuMP. The prospects for its integration into SageMath will be discussed.

  • Fredrik Johansson: FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory. FLINT is a C library used in Sage and several other projects to provide fast arithmetic in various rings as well as efficient implementations of number theoretic functions. This talk will give an overview of FLINT and some descendants projects (Antic, Arb, Calcium), present recent work, and discuss ongoing and future development.

  • Gereon Kremer (cvc5, SMT)

  • Tiantian Liu (Taichi graphics): A hands-on tutorial of the Taichi Programming Language In this talk, we will deliver a hands-on tutorial on Taichi programming language -- a new programming language designed for performance-aware computer graphics developers. Taichi was designed with productivity and portability in mind: Taichi programmers code in a Python-like syntax, and then the Taichi compiler emits high-performance executable kernels on CPUs (e.g., x64, ARM64) and GPUs (e.g., CUDA, Apple Metal, and OpenGL). We will systematically cover the Taichi concepts such as its basic syntax, defining data structures, writing high-performance Taichi kernels, differentiable programming, and debugging etc. We will also talk about programming tools to improve the reusability of Taichi programs. We hope Taichi and this 45-minute presentation can reduce the engineering burden on both beginner coders, as well as experienced practitioners in high-performance software development.

    • Schedule: 45 minutes beginning Thursday, June 2, 2022, 07:00:00 GMT
      • which is June 2, 2022, 9:00 am to 9:45 Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
  • Aaron Meurer (SymPy)

  • Nina Miolane: Geomstats - a Python package for differential geometry in statistics and machine learning. We introduce Geomstats, an open-source Python package for computations and statistics on nonlinear manifolds that appear in machine learning applications, such as: hyperbolic spaces, spaces of symmetric positive definite matrices, Lie groups of transformations, and many more. We provide object-oriented and extensively unit-tested implementations. Manifolds come equipped with families of Riemannian metrics with associated exponential and logarithmic maps, geodesics, and parallel transport. Statistics and learning algorithms provide methods for estimation, clustering, and dimension reduction on manifolds. All associated operations provide support for different execution backends --- namely NumPy, Autograd, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. This talk presents the package, compares it with related libraries, and provides relevant examples. We show that Geomstats provides reliable building blocks to both foster research in differential geometry and statistics and democratize the use of (Riemannian) geometry in statistics and machine learning. The source code is freely available under the MIT license at https://github.com/geomstats/geomstats.

  • William Stein, Blaec Bejarano (Ways to Use Sage in CoCalc)

  • Yuan Zhou (solid angles of polyhedral cones)

  • Meeting of Sage users in Korea

    • Sage users in Korea will get together and chat over installing, using, and developing Sage.
    • Schedule: 3 hours beginning Thursday, June 2, 2022, 06:00:00 GMT
      • which is June 2, 2022, 3 PM Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)
    • Organizer: Kwankyu Lee

  • Sage Thursdays in Bordeaux

    • Schedule: 2 hours beginning Thursday, June 2, 2022, 08:00:00 GMT
      • which is June 2, 2022, 10 am to 12 noon Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
    • Sébastien Labbé will present the new TikzPicture functionality in Sage 9.6

    • The presentation will be followed by coding sprints starting by a "tour de table" where everyone announce their objective for the session.
  • What is ... in Sage?

    • Short presentations: What is this animal? Is it dangerous? Can it eat my computer? How much space does it take?
    • Matthias Köppe: What is tox and how does Sage use it?

    • ...
  • Sage Modularization and Packaging Summit

  • Sage Teaching Forum

    • Ingo Dahn: Teaching with SageMath - a German Higher Education Perspective. SageMath - and similar systems - are currently used for teaching at German universities just by a few pioneers. The talk explains the particular reasons for this situation and analyzes, which properties of the SageMath ecosystem, with SageMath, SageCell, CoCalc and Docker-CoCalc, facilitate a further uptake. The Virtual Campus of the German Land Rhineland-Palatine (VCRP) is determined to support the use of the potential of digital media for the improvement of teaching and learning at the public universities of the land. In particular, some SageMath-based services are provided to support the work of the aforementioned pioneers, to learn from their experiences and to lower the barriers for other staff members for realizing SageMath’s potential for innovative STEM teaching. These services, some of which are available as Open Educational Resources, will be described in the talk. Finally, some improvements for SageMath are suggested that would further ease its use for teaching. Contact: [email protected]

    • Open discussion
  • Landscape of symbolic equation solver interfaces, symbolic assumption facilities

    • Discussion
  • Reports from GSoC 2021 projects

    • David Ayotte: Implementation of the Graded Ring of Quasimodular Forms. The goal of this talk is to explain how quasimodular forms were implemented into SageMath. We will first give a brief review of the theory of (quasi)modular forms and we will explain how the implementation works. Next a quick demo will be showcased. Lastly, further developments to the code will be discussed. )

    • Linden Disney-Hogg (Abel-Jacobi map on the Riemann surface)

    • Trevor Karn (G-invariants of the Orlik-Solomon and Orlik-Terao algebras)

  • Award Ceremony: Annual Spies SageMath Development Prize

    • The award committee
  • Onboarding session for new SageMath developers

    • How to make the step from using Sage to contributing to Sage.
  • Coding sprints

    • add proposals here
  • more TBA


You can also join the Zulip #sd112.358 stream to contact the organization team.

days112.358 (last edited 2023-02-23 22:15:29 by mkoeppe)