Goal -- Implement unramified and Eistenstein extensions of Zp and Qp (the one-step extensions) using templates. Switch the other finite field classes to using templates.
Type -- speed improvements, conceptual cleanup
Priority -- Medium-Low
Difficulty -- Medium
Prerequisites -- general ring extensions
Background -- See general ring extensions
Contributors -- David Roe
Progress - not started
Related Tickets --
Rewrite pAdicZZpXCRElement, pAdicZZpXCAElement and pAdicZZpXFMElement to use templates (ie, make a conceptual split into the template files and the linkage files for the particular implementation using NTL's ZZ_pX class).
Make subclasses of these templates for NTL's ZZ_pX, for zmod_poly_t and for fmpz_poly_t. Compare the speeds for different values of p and precision and implement default choices of implementation in Zq, Qq and Zp.extension.
- Extract the other implementations of finite fields into linkage files and try to unify the different finite field implementations into a single template as much as possible.