Goal -- Write a specialized class for matrices over Zmod(n) for n > 46341
Type -- speed improvements
Priority -- High
Difficulty -- Medium
Prerequisites -- None
Background -- Cython, take a look at sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense and sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense
Contributors -- David Roe
Progress - not started
Related Tickets --
Combine the implementations in sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense and sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense to make a matrix class that stores its entries with an array of mpz_ts, does fast in place row and column operations and supports the ability to have the base ring a Quasi-DVR (so has some support for valuations of elements).
- Optimize determinants! In Magma, determinants for matrices over Zmod(n) are much faster than matrices over ZZ. In Sage, we need to convert to a matrix over ZZ because it's much slower!