Preworkshop Reading Materials
All participants at the MSRI Parallel Computation Workshop will be assumed to have a basic background in parallel computation already -- there will be no basic background tutorials or lectures. Fortunately, anybody can get such a background in a day by reading the documents listed below under required reading.
Required Reading List
At a minimum, make sure you read the following before the workshop, in order:
Other Relevant Documents
Skim or read as time permits:
OpenMP tutorial and GOMP
SAGE-Related Reading List
Because of something called the Global Interpreter Lock (or GIL) in the Python interpreter, threading is pretty useless for speeding up serious mathematical compute applications. For *multi-threaded* programs to be truly useful for SAGE computation, they will have to be implemented entirely in C/C++/Fortran libraries and SageX extension modules in blocks of code that do not make any Python/C API calls.