Differences between revisions 16 and 44 (spanning 28 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2010-04-02 15:30:16
Size: 7501
Revision 44 as of 2020-06-02 02:14:19
Size: 12866
Editor: kcrisman
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 8: Line 8:
by Marshall Hampton. When the two frequencies are well seperated, we hear the right hand side of the identity. When they start getting close, we hear the higher-pitched factor in the left-hand side modulated by the lower-pitched envelope.

by Marshall Hampton. When the two frequencies are well separated, we hear the right hand side of the identity. When they start getting close, we hear the higher-pitched factor in the left-hand side modulated by the lower-pitched envelope.

import wave

class SoundFile:
   def __init__(self, signal,lab=''):
       self.file = wave.open('./test' + lab + '.wav', 'wb')
       self.signal = signal
       self.sr = int(4100)

   def write(self):
       self.file.setparams((1, 2, self.sr, 44100*4, 'NONE', 'noncompressed'))

mypi = float(pi)
from math import sin

def sinsound(freq_ratio = slider(1/144,1,1/144,1/12)):
    hz1 = 440.0
    hz2 = float(440.0*2^freq_ratio)
    html(r'$\cos(\omega t) - \cos(\omega_0 t) = 2 \sin(\\frac{\omega + \omega_0}{2}t) \sin(\frac{\omega - \omega_0}{2}t)$')
    s2 = [sin(hz1*x*mypi*2)+sin(hz2*x*mypi*2) for x in srange(0,4,1/44100.0)]
    s2m = max(s2)
    s2f = [16384*x/s2m for x in s2]
    s2str = b''.join(wave.struct.pack('f',x) for x in s2f)
    f = SoundFile(s2str,lab=lab)
    pnum = 1500+int(500/freq_ratio)
    pretty_print(html(r'<embed src="cell://test'+ lab +'.wav" width="200" height="100"></embed>'))
    pretty_print(html(r'Frequencies: $\omega_0 = {} $, $\omega = {}$'.format(str(hz1),latex(hz2))))

== Karplus-Strong algorithm for plucked and percussive sound generation ==
by Marshall Hampton

Line 27: Line 66:
def sinsound(freq_ratio = slider(0,1,1/144,1/12)):
    hz1 = 440.0
    hz2 = float(440.0*2^freq_ratio)
    html('$\cos(\omega t) - \cos(\omega_0 t) = 2 \sin(\\frac{\omega + \omega_0}{2}t) \sin(\\frac{\omega - \omega_0}{2}t)$')
    s2 = [sin(hz1*x*mypi*2)+sin(hz2*x*mypi*2) for x in srange(0,4,1/44100.0)]
    s2m = max(s2)
    s2f = [16384*x/s2m for x in s2]
def ks(delay,length,blend = 0,filler=None,stretch=0):
    if filler == None:
        filler = [randint(-16383,16383) for q in range(delay+1)]
    outsig = filler[:]
    index = len(filler)
    while len(outsig) < length:
        s = random()
        if s > stretch:
            b = random()
            if b < 1-blend:
                newvalue = (outsig[index-delay]+outsig[index-delay-1])*.5
                newvalue = -(outsig[index-delay]+outsig[index-delay-1])*.5
            newvalue = outsig[index-delay]
        index += 1
    return [int(round(x)) for x in outsig]

def sinsound(delay = slider([int(2^i) for i in range(2,10)], default=100, label="initial delay"), blend=slider(srange(0,1,.01,include_endpoint=True),default=0,label="blend factor"), stretch=slider(srange(0,1,.01,include_endpoint=True),default=0,label="stretch factor")):
    s2f = ks(delay,int(44100*(1/2)),blend=blend,stretch=stretch)
    for i in range(12):
        s2f = s2f + ks(int(2^((12+i)/12.0)*delay),int(44100*(1/2)),blend=blend, stretch=stretch)
    html("Karplus-Strong algorithm with blending and delay stretching")
    html("<br>K. Karplus and A. Strong, <em>Digital synthesis of plucked string and drum timbres</em>, \nComputer Music Journal 7 (2) (1983), 43–55.<br>")
    html("Initial waveform:")
    show(list_plot(s2f[0:2000],plotjoined=True), figsize = [7,3.5])
    html("Waveform after stabilization:")
    show(list_plot(s2f[20000:22000],plotjoined=True), figsize = [7,3.5])
Line 36: Line 97:
    lab="%1.2f"%float(freq_ratio)     lab=""
Line 39: Line 100:
    pnum = 1500+int(500/freq_ratio)
html('<embed src="https:./test'+ lab +'.wav" width="200" height="100"></embed>')
    html('Frequencies: '+ '$\omega_0 = ' + str(hz1) + ' $, $\omega = '+latex(hz2) + '$')
    html('<embed src="cell://test'+ lab +'.wav" width="200" height="100"></embed>')

Line 49: Line 107:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 65: Line 123:
    html("$X \cap Y$ = %s"%f(XY))
    html("$X \cap Z$ = %s"%f(XZ))
    html("$Y \cap Z$ = %s"%f(YZ))
    html("$X \cap Y \cap Z$ = %s"%f(XYZ))
    html("$X \\cap Y$ = {}".format(f(XY)))
    html("$X \\cap Z$ = {}".format(f(XZ)))
    html("$Y \\cap Z$ = {}".format(f(YZ)))
    html("$X \\cap Y \\cap Z$ = {}".format(f(XYZ)))
Line 105: Line 163:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 108: Line 166:
    print (lambda f:f(0,f))(     print((lambda f:f(0,f))(
Line 113: Line 171:
    )     ))
Line 119: Line 177:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 126: Line 184:
    print "<html>" # trick to avoid word wrap
Line 128: Line 185:
        cProfile.run(cmd)         cProfile.runctx(cmd,globals(), locals())
Line 130: Line 187:
   print "</html>"
        profile.runctx(cmd,globals(), locals())
Line 139: Line 195:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 142: Line 198:
    print globals()[system].eval(code)     print(globals()[system].eval(code))
Line 150: Line 206:
def minkdemo(list1,list2):
def minkdemo(list1, list2):
Line 153: Line 209:
    Returns the Minkowski sum of two lists.     Return the Minkowski sum of two lists.
Line 158: Line 214:
            temp = [stuff1[i] + stuff2[i] for i in range(len(stuff1))]
            output.append([a + b for a, b in zip(stuff1, stuff2)])
Line 161: Line 216:
def minksumvis(x1tri = slider(-1,1,1/10,0, label = 'Triangle point x coord.'), yb = slider(1,4,1/10,2, label = 'Blue point y coord.')):
    t_list = [[1,0],[x1tri,1],[0,0]]

def minksumvis(x1tri=slider(-1,1,1/10,0, label='Triangle point x coord.'), yb=slider(1,4,1/10,2, label='Blue point y coord.')):
    t_list = [[1,0], [x1tri,1], [0,0]]
Line 174: Line 230:
    for an_edge in p12poly.vertex_adjacencies():
        edge_lines += line([verts[an_edge[0]], verts[an_edge[1][0]]])
        edge_lines += line([verts[an_edge[0]], verts[an_edge[1][1]]])
    for v0, v1 in p12poly.graph().edges(False):
       edge_lines += line([v0, v1])
Line 196: Line 251:
by Pablo Angulo

by Pablo Angulo, Eviatar Bach

Line 201: Line 255:

def cellular(rule, int N):
from random import randint

def cellular(rule, N, initial='Single-cell'):
Line 207: Line 262:
    initial: starting condition; can be either single-cell or a random binary row
Line 208: Line 264:
    cdef int j,k,l
    M=zeros( (N,2*N+1), dtype=int)
    M=zeros( (N,2*N+2), dtype=int)
    if initial=='Single-cell':
        M[0]=[randint(0,1) for a in range(2*N+2)]
Line 213: Line 271:
        for k in range(N-j,N+j+1):         for k in range(2*N):
Line 216: Line 274:
    return M
    return M[:,:-1]
Line 226: Line 283:
def _( N=input_box(label='Number of iterations',default=100), def _( initial=selector(['Single-cell', 'Random'], label='Starting condition'), N=input_box(label='Number of iterations',default=100),
Line 228: Line 285:
       size = slider(1, 11, step_size=1, default=6 ) ):        size = slider(1, 11, label= 'Size', step_size=1, default=6 ), auto_update=False):
Line 230: Line 287:
    M = cellular(rule, N)
    plot_M = matrix_plot(M)
    M = cellular(rule, N, initial)
    plot_M = matrix_plot(M, cmap='binary')
Line 234: Line 291:
{{attachment:cellular.png}} {{attachment:cellular2.png}}

== Another Interactive Venn Diagram ==
by Jane Long (adapted from http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact/misc)

This interact models a problem in which a certain number of people are surveyed to see if they participate in three different activities (running, biking, and swimming). Users can indicate the numbers of people in each category, from 0 to 100. Returns a graphic of a labeled Venn diagram with the number of people in each region. Returns an explanatory error message if user input is inconsistent.

def _(T=slider([0..100],default=100,label='People surveyed'),X=slider([0..100],default=28,label='Run'), Y=slider([0..100],default=33,label='Bike'), Z=slider([0..100],default=59,label='Swim'),XY=slider([0..100],default=16,label='Run and Bike'),XZ=slider([0..100],default=13,label='Run and Swim'),YZ=slider([0..100],default=12,label='Bike and Swim'),XYZ=slider([0..100],default=7,label='Run, Bike, and Swim')):
    centers = [(cos(n*2*pi/3), sin(n*2*pi/3)) for n in [0,1,2]]
    scale = 1.7
    clr = ['yellow', 'blue', 'green']
    G = Graphics()
    for i in range(3):
        G += circle(centers[i], scale, rgbcolor=clr[i],
             fill=True, alpha=0.3)
    for i in range(3):
        G += circle(centers[i], scale, rgbcolor='black')
    # Label sets
    G += text('Run',(3,0),rgbcolor='black')
    G += text('Bike',(-1,3),rgbcolor='black')
    G += text('Swim',(-1,-3),rgbcolor='black')
    # Plot pairs of intersections
    G += text(ZX, (1.3*cos(2*2*pi/3 + pi/3), 1.3*sin(2*2*pi/3 + pi/3)), rgbcolor='black')
    G += text(YX, (1.3*cos(0*2*pi/3 + pi/3), 1.3*sin(0*2*pi/3 + pi/3)), rgbcolor='black')
    G += text(ZY, (1.3*cos(1*2*pi/3 + pi/3), 1.3*sin(1*2*pi/3 + pi/3)), rgbcolor='black')
    # Plot what is in one but neither other
    G += text(XX, (1.5*centers[0][0],1.7*centers[0][1]), rgbcolor='black')
    G += text(YY, (1.5*centers[1][0],1.7*centers[1][1]), rgbcolor='black')
    G += text(ZZ, (1.5*centers[2][0],1.7*centers[2][1]), rgbcolor='black')
    # Plot intersection of all three
    G += text(XYZ, (0,0), rgbcolor='black')
    # Indicate number not in X, in Y, or in Z
    G += text(C,(3,-3),rgbcolor='black')
    # Check reasonableness before displaying result
    if XYZ>XY or XYZ>XZ or XYZ>YZ or XY>X or XY>Y or XZ>X or XZ>Z or YZ>Y or YZ>Z or C<0 or XYZ<0 or XZ<0 or YZ<0 or XY<0 or X<0 or Y<0 or Z<0:
        print('This situation is impossible! (Why?)')
        G.show(aspect_ratio=1, axes=False)

Sage Interactions - Miscellaneous

goto interact main page

Hearing a trigonometric identity

by Marshall Hampton. When the two frequencies are well separated, we hear the right hand side of the identity. When they start getting close, we hear the higher-pitched factor in the left-hand side modulated by the lower-pitched envelope.


Karplus-Strong algorithm for plucked and percussive sound generation

by Marshall Hampton


An Interactive Venn Diagram


Unreadable code

by Igor Tolkov


Profile a snippet of code


Evaluate a bit of code in a given system

by William Stein (there is no way yet to make the text box big):


Minkowski Sum

by Marshall Hampton


Cellular Automata

by Pablo Angulo, Eviatar Bach


Another Interactive Venn Diagram

by Jane Long (adapted from http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact/misc)

This interact models a problem in which a certain number of people are surveyed to see if they participate in three different activities (running, biking, and swimming). Users can indicate the numbers of people in each category, from 0 to 100. Returns a graphic of a labeled Venn diagram with the number of people in each region. Returns an explanatory error message if user input is inconsistent.


interact/misc (last edited 2020-06-05 20:32:41 by mathzeta2)