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Sage Interactions - Linear Algebra

goto [:interact:interact main page]


Numerical instability of the classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm

by Marshall Hampton (tested by William Stein, who thinks this is really nice!)

def GS_classic(a_list):
    Given a list of vectors or a matrix, returns the QR factorization using the classical (and numerically unstable) Gram-Schmidt algorithm.    
    if type(a_list) != list:
        cols = a_list.cols()
        a_list = [x for x in cols]
    indices = range(len(a_list))
    q = []
    r = [[0 for i in indices] for j in indices]
    v = [a_list[i].copy() for i in indices]
    for i in indices:
        for j in range(0,i):
            r[j][i] = q[j].inner_product(a_list[i])
            v[i] = v[i] - r[j][i]*q[j]
        r[i][i] = (v[i]*v[i])^(1/2)
    q = matrix([q[i] for i in indices]).transpose()
    return q, matrix(r)
def GS_modern(a_list):
    Given a list of vectors or a matrix, returns the QR factorization using the 'modern' Gram-Schmidt algorithm.    
    if type(a_list) != list:
        cols = a_list.cols()
        a_list = [x for x in cols]
    indices = range(len(a_list))
    q = []
    r = [[0 for i in indices] for j in indices]
    v = [a_list[i].copy() for i in indices]
    for i in indices:
        r[i][i] = v[i].norm(2)
        for j in range(i+1, len(indices)):
            r[i][j] = q[i].inner_product(v[j])
            v[j] = v[j] - r[i][j]*q[i]
    q = matrix([q[i] for i in indices]).transpose()
    return q, matrix(r)
html('<h2>Numerical instability of the classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm</h2>')
def gstest(precision = slider(range(3,53), default = 10), a1 = input_box([1,1/1000,1/1000]), a2 = input_box([1,1/1000,0]), a3 = input_box([1,0,1/1000])):
    myR = RealField(precision)
    displayR = RealField(5)
    html('precision in bits: ' + str(precision) + '<br>')
    A = matrix([a1,a2,a3])
    A = [vector(myR,x) for x in A]
    qn, rn = GS_classic(A)
    qb, rb = GS_modern(A)
    html('Classical Gram-Schmidt:')
    html('Stable Gram-Schmidt:')


Linear transformations

by Jason Grout

A square matrix defines a linear transformation which rotates and/or scales vectors. In the interact command below, the red vector represents the original vector (v) and the blue vector represents the image w under the linear transformation. You can change the angle and length of v by changing theta and r.

def linear_transformation(theta=slider(0, 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1, default=1)):
    v=vector([r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)])
    w = A*v
    circles = sum([circle((0,0), radius=i, rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) for i in [1..2]])
    print jsmath("v = %s,\; %s v=%s"%(v.n(4),latex(A),w.n(4)))


Gerschgorin Circle Theorem

by Marshall Hampton

from scipy import linalg
html('<h2>The Gerschgorin circle theorem</h2>')
def Gerschgorin(A = input_grid(4, 4, default=[[10,1,1,0],[-1,9,0,.1],[1,0,2,.3],[-.5
,0,-.3,1]], label='A = ', to_value=lambda x:x, width=4)):
    print jsmath('A = ' + latex(matrix(RealField(10),A)))
    eigs = [CDF(x) for x in linalg.eigvals(matrix(A).numpy())]
    eigpoints = points([(real(q),imag(q)) for q in eigs],pointsize = 10, rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    centers = [(real(q),imag(q)) for q in [A[i][i] for i in range(4)]]
    radii_row = [sum([abs(A[i][j]) for j in range(i)+range(i+1,4)]) for i in range(4)]
    radii_col = [sum([abs(A[j][i]) for j in range(i)+range(i+1,4)]) for i in range(4)]
    x_min = min([centers[i][0]-radii_row[i] for i in range(4)]+[centers[i][0]-radii_col[i] for i in range(4)])
    x_max = max([centers[i][0]+radii_row[i] for i in range(4)]+[centers[i][0]+radii_col[i] for i in range(4)])
    y_min = min([centers[i][1]-radii_row[i] for i in range(4)]+[centers[i][1]-radii_col[i] for i in range(4)])
    y_max = max([centers[i][1]+radii_row[i] for i in range(4)]+[centers[i][1]+radii_col[i] for i in range(4)])
    scale = max([(x_max-x_min),(y_max-y_min)])
    scale = 7/scale
    row_circles = sum([circle(centers[i],radii_row[i],fill=True, alpha = .3) for i in range(4)])
    col_circles = sum([circle(centers[i],radii_col[i],fill=True, rgbcolor = (1,1,0), alpha = .3) for i in range(4)])
    show(eigpoints+row_circles+col_circles, figsize = [(x_max-x_min)*scale,(y_max-y_min)*scale], xmin = x_min, xmax=x_max, ymin = y_min, ymax = y_max)



Singular value decomposition

by Marshall Hampton

import scipy.linalg as lin
def rotell(sig,umat,t,offset=0):
    temp = matrix(umat)*matrix(2,1,[sig[0]*cos(t),sig[1]*sin(t)])
    return [offset+temp[0][0],temp[1][0]]
def svd_vis(a11=slider(-1,1,.05,1),a12=slider(-1,1,.05,1),a21=slider(-1,1,.05,0),a22=slider(-1,1,.05,1),ofs= selector(['Off','On'],label='offset image from domain')):
    rf_low = RealField(12)
    my_mat = matrix(rf_low,2,2,[a11,a12,a21,a22])
    u,s,vh = lin.svd(my_mat.numpy())
    if ofs == 'On': 
        offset = 3
        fsize = 6
        colors = [(1,0,0),(0,0,1),(1,0,0),(0,0,1)]
        offset = 0
        fsize = 5
        colors = [(1,0,0),(0,0,1),(.7,.2,0),(0,.3,.7)]
    vvects = sum([arrow([0,0],matrix(vh).row(i),rgbcolor = colors[i]) for i in (0,1)])    
    uvects = Graphics()
    for i in (0,1):
        if s[i] != 0: uvects += arrow([offset,0],vector([offset,0])+matrix(s*u).column(i),rgbcolor = colors[i+2])
    html('<h3>Singular value decomposition: image of the unit circle and the singular vectors</h3>')
    print jsmath("A = %s  = %s %s %s"%(latex(my_mat), latex(matrix(rf_low,u.tolist())), latex(matrix(rf_low,2,2,[s[0],0,0,s[1]])), latex(matrix(rf_low,vh.tolist())))) 
    image_ell = parametric_plot(rotell(s,u,t, offset),0,2*pi)
    show(graph_stuff,frame = False,axes=False,figsize=[fsize,fsize])


Discrete Fourier Transform

by Marshall Hampton

import scipy.fftpack as Fourier
def discrete_fourier(f = input_box(default=sum([sin(k*x) for k in range(1,5,2)])), scale = slider(.1,20,.1,5)):
    pbegin = -float(pi)*scale
    pend = float(pi)*scale
    html("<h3>Function plot and its discrete Fourier transform</h3>")
    show(plot(f, pbegin, pend, plot_points = 512), figsize = [4,3])
    f_vals = [f(ind) for ind in srange(pbegin, pend,(pend-pbegin)/512.0)]
    my_fft = Fourier.fft(f_vals)
    show(list_plot([abs(x) for x in my_fft], plotjoined=True), figsize = [4,3])


interact/linear_algebra (last edited 2020-11-27 12:10:23 by pang)