Differences between revisions 3 and 23 (spanning 20 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-01-07 19:47:08
Size: 1480
Revision 23 as of 2012-05-09 02:57:02
Size: 18434
Editor: jason
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Intersecting tetrahedral reflections == == Intersecting tetrahedral reflections FIXME ==
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{{{ {{{#!sagecell
#Pairs of tetrahedra, one the reflection of the other in the internal face, are joined by union operations:
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def tetra_plot(opac = slider(srange(0,1.0,float(.01)), default = float(.25))):
    print opac
def tetra_plot(opac = slider(srange(0,1.0,.25), default = .25)):
Line 32: Line 32:

== Evolutes ==
by Pablo Angulo. Computes the evolute of a plane curve given in parametric coordinates. The curve must be parametrized from the interval [0,2pi].
def norma(v):
    return sqrt(sum(x^2 for x in v))

def _( gamma1=input_box(default=sin(t)), gamma2=input_box(default=1.3*cos(t)),
    rango_angulos=range_slider(0,360,paso_angulo,(0,90),label='Draw lines for these angles'),
    t0=input_box(default=pi/3,label='parameter value for the osculating circle'),
    auto_update=False ):

    normal=(gammap[1]/np, -gammap[0]/np)
    evoluta=parametric_plot(centros,(t,0,2*pi), color='red')

    if draw_normal_lines:
        lineas=sum(line2d( [ (gamma[0](t=i*f), gamma[1](t=i*f)),
                             (centros[0](t=i*f), centros[1](t=i*f)) ],
                   for i in range(rango_angulos[0], rango_angulos[1]+paso_angulo, paso_angulo))
    if draw_osculating_circle and 0<t0<2*pi:
        punto=point((gamma[0](t=t0), gamma[1](t=t0)), rgbcolor=hue(0),pointsize=30)
        circulo=circle( (centros[0](t=t0), centros[1](t=t0)), radio(t=t0) )


== Geodesics on a parametric surface ==
by Antonio Valdés and Pablo Angulo. A first interact allows the user to introduce a parametric surface, and draws it. Then a second interact draws a geodesic within the surface. The separation is so that after the first interact, the geodesic equations are "compiled", and then the second interact is faster.
u, v, t = var('u v t')
def _(x = input_box(3*sin(u)*cos(v), 'x'),
      y = input_box(sin(u)*sin(v), 'y'),
      z = input_box(2*cos(u), 'z'),
      _int_u = input_grid(1, 2, default = [[0,pi]], label = 'u -interval'),
      _int_v = input_grid(1, 2, default = [[-pi,pi]], label = 'v -interval')):
    global F, Fu, Fv, func, S_plot, int_u, int_v
    int_u = _int_u[0]
    int_v = _int_v[0]
    F = vector([x, y, z])

    S_plot = parametric_plot3d( F,
                                (u, int_u[0], int_u[1]),
                                (v, int_v[0], int_v[1]))
    S_plot.show(aspect_ratio = [1, 1, 1])
    dFu = F.diff(u)
    dFv = F.diff(v)
    Fu = fast_float(dFu, u, v)
    Fv = fast_float(dFv, u, v)
    ufunc = function('ufunc', t)
    vfunc = function('vfunc', t)
    dFtt = F(u=ufunc, v=vfunc).diff(t, t)
    ec1 = dFtt.dot_product(dFu(u=ufunc, v=vfunc))
    ec2 = dFtt.dot_product(dFv(u=ufunc, v=vfunc))
    dv, ddv, du, ddu = var('dv, ddv, du, ddu')
    diffec1 = ec1.subs_expr(diff(ufunc, t) == du,
                            diff(ufunc, t, t) == ddu,
                            diff(vfunc, t) == dv,
                            diff(vfunc, t, t) == ddv,
                            ufunc == u, vfunc == v)
    diffec2 = ec2.subs_expr(diff(ufunc, t) == du,
                            diff(ufunc, t, t) == ddu,
                            diff(vfunc, t) == dv,
                            diff(vfunc, t, t) == ddv,
                            ufunc == u, vfunc == v)
    sols = solve([diffec1 == 0 , diffec2 == 0], ddu, ddv)
    ddu_rhs = (sols[0][0]).rhs().full_simplify()
    ddv_rhs = (sols[0][1]).rhs().full_simplify()
    ddu_ff = fast_float(ddu_rhs, du, dv, u, v)
    ddv_ff = fast_float(ddv_rhs, du, dv, u, v)
    def func(y,t):
        v = list(y)
        return [ddu_ff(*v), ddv_ff(*v), v[0], v[1]]
from scipy.integrate import odeint

def fading_line3d(points, rgbcolor1, rgbcolor2, *args, **kwds):
    L = len(points)
    vcolor1 = vector(RDF, rgbcolor1)
    vcolor2 = vector(RDF, rgbcolor2)
    return sum(line3d(points[j:j+2],
                      rgbcolor = tuple( ((L-j)/L)*vcolor1 + (j/L)*vcolor2 ),
                      *args, **kwds)
               for j in srange(L-1))

steps = 100

def _(u_0 = slider(int_u[0], int_u[1], (int_u[1] - int_u[0])/100,
                   default = (int_u[0] + int_u[1])/2, label = 'u_0'),
      v_0 = slider(int_v[0], int_v[1], (int_v[1] - int_v[0])/100,
                   default = (int_v[0] + int_v[1])/2, label = 'v_0'),
      V_u = slider(-10, 10, 1/10, default = 1, label = 'V_u'),
      V_v = slider(-10, 10, 1/10, default = 0, label = 'V_v'),
      int_s = slider(0, 10, 1/10,
                           default = (int_u[1] - int_u[0])/2,
                           label = 'geodesic interval'),
      sliding_color = checkbox(True,'change color along the geodesic')):
        du, dv, u, v = var('du dv u v')
        Point = [u_0, v_0]
        velocity = [V_u, V_v]
        Point = map(float, Point)
        velocity = map(float, velocity)
        geo2D_aux = odeint(func,
                           y0 = [velocity[0], velocity[1], Point[0], Point[1]],
                           t = srange(0, int_s, 0.01))
        geo3D = [F(u=l,v=r) for [j, k, l, r] in geo2D_aux]
        if sliding_color:
            g_plot = fading_line3d(geo3D, rgbcolor1 = (1, 0, 0), rgbcolor2 = (0, 1, 0), thickness=4)
            g_plot = line3d(geo3D, rgbcolor=(0, 1, 0), thickness=4)
        P = F(u=Point[0], v=Point[1])
        P_plot = point3d((P[0], P[1], P[2]), rgbcolor = (0, 0, 0), pointsize = 30)
        V = velocity[0] * Fu(u = Point[0], v = Point[1]) + \
            velocity[1] * Fv(u= Point[0], v = Point[1])
        V_plot = arrow3d(P, P + V, color = 'black')
        show(g_plot + S_plot + V_plot + P_plot,aspect_ratio = [1, 1, 1])

== Dimensional Explorer ==
By Eviatar Bach

Renders 2D images (perspective or spring-layout) and 3D models of 0-10 dimensional hypercubes. It also displays number of edges and vertices.
def render(Display=selector(['2D Perspective', '2D Spring-layout', '3D']), Dimension=slider(0,10,default=4, step_size=1), Size=slider(0,10,default=5,step_size=1), Vertices=False, Calculations=False):
    if Display=='2D Perspective':
        if Dimension==0:
            print 'Vertices:', len(g.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(g.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(g.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            g.show(figsize=[Size,Size], vertex_size=30, vertex_labels=False, transparent=True, vertex_colors='black')
            print 'Vertices:', len(g.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(g.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(g.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            g.show(figsize=[Size,Size], vertex_size=(20 if Vertices else 0), vertex_labels=False, transparent=True, vertex_colors='black')
    if Display=='2D Spring-layout':
        if Dimension==0:
            print 'Vertices:', len(s.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(s.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(s.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            s.show(figsize=[Size,Size], vertex_size=30, vertex_labels=False, transparent=True, vertex_colors='black')
            print 'Vertices:', len(s.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(s.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(s.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            s.show(figsize=[Size,Size], vertex_size=(20 if Vertices else 0), vertex_labels=False, transparent=True, vertex_colors='black')
    if Display=='3D':
        if Dimension==0:
            print 'Vertices:', len(d.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(d.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(d.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            d.show3d(figsize=[Size/2,Size/2], vertex_size=0.001)

            print 'Vertices:', len(d.vertices()), ('(2^%s)'%Dimension if Calculations else ''), '\nEdges:', len(d.edges()), ('(%s*(%s/2))' %(len(d.vertices()), Dimension) if Calculations else '')
            d.show3d(figsize=[Size,Size], vertex_size=(0.03 if Vertices else 0.001))

== Crofton's formula ==
by Pablo Angulo. Illustrates [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crofton%27s_formula| Crofton's formula]] by throwing some random lines and computing the intersection number with a given curve. May use either solve for exact computation of the intersections, or may also approximate the curve by straight segments (this is the default).

from collections import defaultdict

var('t x y')
pin = pi.n()

def longitud(curva, t0, t1):
    dxdt = derivative(curva[0], t)
    dydt = derivative(curva[1], t)
    integrando(t) = sqrt(dxdt^2 + dydt^2)
    i,_ = numerical_integral(integrando, t0, t1)
    return i

def random_line(cota):
    theta = random()*pin
    k = 2*cota*random() - cota
    return sin(theta)*x + cos(theta)*y + k

def crofton_exact(curva, t0, t1, L, M):
    pp = parametric_plot(curva, (t, t0, t1), color='red')
    cortesd = defaultdict(int)
    for k in range(L):
        rl = random_line(M)
        ss = solve(rl(x=curva[0], y=curva[1]), t)
        cortes = 0
        for s in ss:
            tt = s.rhs()
            x0,y0 = curva[0](t=tt), curva[1](t=tt)
            if x0 in RR and y0 in RR:
                pp += point2d((x0,y0), pointsize = 30)
                cortes += 1
        if cortes:
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='green')
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='blue')
        cortesd[cortes] += 1
    return cortesd, pp
def random_line_n(cota):
    theta = random()*pin
    k = 2*cota*random() - cota
    return sin(theta), cos(theta), k

def interseccion_sr(punto1, punto2, recta):
    'Devuelve el punto de interseccion de una recta y un segmento, o None si no se cortan'
    x1, y1 = punto1
    x2, y2 = punto2
    a, b, c = recta
    num = (-c - a*x1 - b*y1)
    den = (a*(x2 - x1) + b*(y2 - y1))
    if (0 < num < den) or (den < num < 0):
        t_i = num/den
        return ((1-t_i)*x1 + t_i*x2, (1-t_i)*y1 + t_i*y2)
        return None

def interseccion_cr(curva, t0, t1, recta, partes=50):
    '''Devuelve el numero de puntos de interseccion de una curva y una recta'''
    x,y = curva
    paso = (t1 - t0)/partes
    puntos = [(x(t=tr), y(t=tr)) for tr in srange(t0, t1 + paso, paso)]
    intersecciones = (interseccion_sr(puntos[j], puntos[j+1], recta)
                      for j in xrange(partes-1))
    return [p for p in intersecciones if p ]
def crofton_aprox(curva, t0, t1, L, M):
    cortesd = defaultdict(int)
    pp = parametric_plot(curva, (t, t0, t1), color='red')
    for k in range(L):
        a,b,c = random_line_n(M)
        rl = a*x + b*y + c
        cortes = interseccion_cr(curva, t0, t1, (a,b,c))
        if cortes:
            pp += sum(point2d(p, pointsize = 30) for p in cortes)
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='green')
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='blue')
        cortesd[len(cortes)] += 1
    return cortesd, pp

def print_stats(d):
    print 'Number of lines with k intersection points:'
    print ', '.join('%d:%d'%(k,v) for k,v in d.iteritems())
def crofton_interact(u1 = text_control('x and y coordinates of curve'),
                     curvax = input_box(t^2, label='x(t)' ),
                     curvay = input_box(2*t-1, label='y(t)' ),
                     u2 = text_control('Interval of definition'),
                     t0 = 0, t1 = 1,
                     u3 = text_control('Draw L lines randomly cos(t)x + sin(t)y + K, |K|&lt;M, 0 <= t < 2pi'),
                     M = 2,
                     L = 5,
                     u4 = text_control('Use function "solve" from maxima for exact computations?'),
                     exact = checkbox(False),
                     u5 = text_control('Otherwise, a curve is approximated by how many segments?'),
                     steps = slider(4, 40, 4, 8)):

    if exact:
        cortesd, p = crofton_exact((curvax, curvay), t0, t1, L, M)
        cortesd, p = crofton_aprox((curvax, curvay), t0, t1, L, M)
    p.show(aspect_ratio=1, xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-2,ymax=2)
    print 'A curve of lenght %f'%longitud((curvax, curvay), t0, t1)
    cortes_tot = sum(k*v for k,v in cortesd.iteritems())
    print 'Approx length using Crofton\'s formula: %f'%((cortes_tot/L)*(pi*M))

== Banchoff-Pohl area ==
by Pablo Angulo. Computes the Banchoff-Pohl "area enclosed by a spatial curve", by throwing some random lines and computing the linking number with the given curve. Lines not linked to the given curve are displayed in red, linked lines are displayed in green.

from collections import defaultdict
a = 0; b= 2*pi

def random_line3d(bound):
    '''Random line in R^3: first choose the guiding vector of the line,
    then choose a point in the plane p perpendicular to that vector.
    p = vector([(2*random() - 1) for _ in range(3)])
    v = p/norm(p)
    v2, v3 = matrix(v).right_kernel().basis()
    if det(matrix([v, v2, v3]))<0:
        v2, v3 = v3, v2
    v2 = v2/norm(v2)
    v3 = v3 - (v3*v2)*v2
    v3 = v3/norm(v3)
    return v, (2*random()*bound - bound, v2), (2*random()*bound - bound, v3)

def winding_number(x, y, x0, y0):
    x -= x0
    y -= y0
    r2 = x^2 + y^2
    xp = x.derivative(t)
    yp = y.derivative(t)
    integrando(t) = (x*yp -y*xp)/r2
    i,e = numerical_integral(integrando, a, b)
    return round(i/(2*pi))

def linking_number(curve, line):
    v, (a2, v2), (a3, v3) = line
    M = matrix([v, v2, v3])
# curve2d = (curve*M.inverse())[1:] #This is VERY slow, for some reason!
    curve2d = sum(c*v for c,v in zip(curve,M.inverse()))[1:]
    x, y = curve2d
    return winding_number(x, y, a2,a3)

def color_ln(number):
    if number:
        return (0,1-1/(1+number),0)
        return (1,0,0)

def banchoff_pohl(curve, L, M):
    ln_d = defaultdict(int)
    pp = parametric_plot3d(curve, (t,0,2*pi), thickness=2)
    for k in range(L):
        a_line = random_line3d(M)
        ln = abs(linking_number(curve, a_line))
        v, (l1, v1), (l2, v2) = a_line
        pp += parametric_plot3d(l1*v1+l2*v2+t*v,(t,-2,2),
        ln_d[ln] += 1
    return ln_d, pp

def print_stats(d):
    print 'Number of lines with linking number k:'
    print ', '.join('%d:%d'%(k,v) for k,v in d.iteritems())

def bp_interact( u1 = text_control('x, y, z coordinates of a closed space curve in [0,2*pi]'),
                 curvax = input_box(cos(t), label='x(t)' ),
                 curvay = input_box(sin(t), label='y(t)' ),
                 curvaz = input_box(0, label='y(t)' ),
                 u2 = text_control('The curve should be contained in a ball of radius M'),
                 M = 1,
                 u3 = text_control('Use L lines chosen randomly'),
                 L = 10):
    ln_d, p = banchoff_pohl(vector((curvax, curvay, curvaz)), L, M)
    p.show(aspect_ratio=1, xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-2,ymax=2)
    bp_area_aprox = (sum(k^2*v for k,v in ln_d.iteritems())/L)*2*pi*M^2
    print 'Bahnchoff-Pohl area of the curve(aprox): %f'%bp_area_aprox


Sage Interactions - Geometry

goto interact main page

Intersecting tetrahedral reflections FIXME

by Marshall Hampton. Inspired by a question from Hans Schepker of Glass Geometry.



by Pablo Angulo. Computes the evolute of a plane curve given in parametric coordinates. The curve must be parametrized from the interval [0,2pi].


Geodesics on a parametric surface

by Antonio Valdés and Pablo Angulo. A first interact allows the user to introduce a parametric surface, and draws it. Then a second interact draws a geodesic within the surface. The separation is so that after the first interact, the geodesic equations are "compiled", and then the second interact is faster.



Dimensional Explorer

By Eviatar Bach

Renders 2D images (perspective or spring-layout) and 3D models of 0-10 dimensional hypercubes. It also displays number of edges and vertices.


Crofton's formula

by Pablo Angulo. Illustrates Crofton's formula by throwing some random lines and computing the intersection number with a given curve. May use either solve for exact computation of the intersections, or may also approximate the curve by straight segments (this is the default).

from collections import defaultdict

var('t x y')
pin = pi.n()

def longitud(curva, t0, t1):
    dxdt = derivative(curva[0], t)
    dydt = derivative(curva[1], t)
    integrando(t) = sqrt(dxdt^2 + dydt^2)
    i,_ = numerical_integral(integrando, t0, t1)
    return  i

def random_line(cota):
    theta = random()*pin
    k = 2*cota*random() - cota
    return sin(theta)*x + cos(theta)*y + k

def crofton_exact(curva, t0, t1, L, M):
    pp = parametric_plot(curva, (t, t0, t1), color='red')
    cortesd = defaultdict(int)
    for k in range(L):
        rl = random_line(M)
        ss = solve(rl(x=curva[0], y=curva[1]), t)
        cortes = 0
        for s in ss:
            tt = s.rhs()
            x0,y0 = curva[0](t=tt), curva[1](t=tt)
            if x0 in RR and y0 in RR:
                pp += point2d((x0,y0), pointsize = 30)
                cortes += 1
        if cortes:
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='green')
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='blue')
        cortesd[cortes] += 1
    return cortesd, pp
def random_line_n(cota):
    theta = random()*pin
    k = 2*cota*random() - cota
    return sin(theta), cos(theta), k

def interseccion_sr(punto1, punto2, recta):
    'Devuelve el punto de interseccion de una recta y un segmento, o None si no se cortan'
    x1, y1 = punto1
    x2, y2 = punto2
    a, b, c   = recta
    num = (-c - a*x1 - b*y1)
    den = (a*(x2 - x1) + b*(y2 - y1))
    if (0 < num < den) or (den < num < 0):
        t_i = num/den
        return ((1-t_i)*x1 + t_i*x2, (1-t_i)*y1 + t_i*y2)
        return None

def interseccion_cr(curva, t0, t1, recta, partes=50):
    '''Devuelve el numero de puntos de interseccion de una curva y una recta'''
    x,y = curva
    paso = (t1 - t0)/partes
    puntos = [(x(t=tr), y(t=tr)) for tr in srange(t0, t1 + paso, paso)]
    intersecciones = (interseccion_sr(puntos[j], puntos[j+1], recta)
                      for j in xrange(partes-1))
    return [p for p in intersecciones if p ]
def crofton_aprox(curva, t0, t1, L, M):
    cortesd = defaultdict(int)
    pp = parametric_plot(curva, (t, t0, t1), color='red')
    for k in range(L):
        a,b,c = random_line_n(M)
        rl = a*x + b*y + c
        cortes = interseccion_cr(curva, t0, t1, (a,b,c))
        if cortes:
            pp += sum(point2d(p, pointsize = 30) for p in cortes)
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='green')
            pp += implicit_plot(rl, (x,-M,M), (y,-M,M), color='blue')
        cortesd[len(cortes)] += 1
    return cortesd, pp

def print_stats(d):
    print 'Number of lines with k intersection points:'
    print ', '.join('%d:%d'%(k,v) for k,v in d.iteritems())

def crofton_interact(u1 = text_control('x and y coordinates of curve'),
                     curvax = input_box(t^2, label='x(t)' ),
                     curvay = input_box(2*t-1, label='y(t)' ),
                     u2 = text_control('Interval of definition'),
                     t0 = 0, t1 = 1,
                     u3 = text_control('Draw L lines randomly cos(t)x + sin(t)y + K, |K|&lt;M, 0 <= t < 2pi'),
                     M  = 2,
                     L  = 5,
                     u4    = text_control('Use function "solve" from maxima for exact computations?'),
                     exact = checkbox(False),
                     u5    = text_control('Otherwise, a curve is approximated by how many segments?'),
                     steps = slider(4, 40, 4, 8)):

    if exact:
        cortesd, p = crofton_exact((curvax, curvay), t0, t1, L, M)
        cortesd, p = crofton_aprox((curvax, curvay), t0, t1, L, M)
    p.show(aspect_ratio=1, xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-2,ymax=2)
    print 'A curve of lenght %f'%longitud((curvax, curvay), t0, t1)
    cortes_tot = sum(k*v for k,v in cortesd.iteritems())
    print 'Approx length using Crofton\'s formula: %f'%((cortes_tot/L)*(pi*M))


Banchoff-Pohl area

by Pablo Angulo. Computes the Banchoff-Pohl "area enclosed by a spatial curve", by throwing some random lines and computing the linking number with the given curve. Lines not linked to the given curve are displayed in red, linked lines are displayed in green.


interact/geometry (last edited 2023-08-30 08:21:15 by pang)