Sage Interactions - Differential Equations

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Euler's Method in one variable

by Marshall Hampton. This needs some polishing but its usable as is.


Vector Fields and Euler's Method

by Mike Hansen (tested and updated by William Stein, and later by Dan Drake)


Vector Field with Runga-Kutta-Fehlberg

by Harald Schilly


Linear two-dimensional ODEs

by Marshall Hampton


Euler's Method, Improved Euler, and 4th order Runge-Kutta in one variable

by Marshall Hampton. This is a more baroque version of the Euler's method demo above.


Mass/Spring systems

by Jason Grout

These two interacts involve some Cython code or other scipy imports, so I've posted a file containing them. You can download the worksheet or copy it online.

Picard iteration example

by Marshall Hampton and David Joyner


Euler-Maruyama method and geometric Brownian motion (a common simple model of the stock market)

by Marshall Hampton


Autonomous equations and stable/unstable fixed points

by Marshall Hampton This needs the Cython functon defined in a seperate cell. Note that it is not a particularly good example of Cython use.


Heat equation using Fourier series

by Pablo Angulo


Heat equation using finite diferences in cython

by Pablo Angulo


DE with boundary values

The following interact demo looks at the DE+BC y'+y=0, y(0)=a, y(b)=c, and has a slider for b. When b=pi "problems arise":-)
