Converting Latex Documents to Sage Worksheets


Latex documents can be translated to jsMath, the tool used to render mathematics in the Sage notebook. This project is about automating the conversion process so that authors can easily use a single command to convert a book-length Latex document to a collection of Sage worksheets. These could have embedded Sage input cells, possibly containing interacts, and the cross-referencing features of Latex would be preserved in the collection of Sage worksheets.
Rob Beezer, [email protected], rbeezer on #sage-devel IRC


To view a worksheet, click on the "worksheet" link, then in the resulting page find the big blue download box and use your browser's function to copy the link there. Then open your notebook, click the "Upload" link near the upper-left and then paste in the link into the URL field (the second one).

Note: If your version of Sage is 4.3.2 or older then some examples may not render quite right. See way below for how to edit older configurations.


This is a list of known configurations of tex4ht that seem to work:

sws2tex, Example
Anybody want to try for the round-trip, Latex -> SWS -> Latex?

jsMath Safe Boxes Edit

For Sage versions prior to 4.3.3.alpha0 (sagenb prior to 0.7.5) it is necessary to slightly tweak the jsMath configuration in Sage. It is a one-character edit. You can still view the sections, but "reasons" given in math displays (generally in proofs) won't render right and you will see lots of "@a()" stuff. This was fixed in Trac 8202 for Sage 4.3.3. Check your version of Sage with sage --version.

The file to edit is


where you might have to adjust the numbering on the sagenb package. Then at line 97 (or thereabouts) make the following change

jsMath.safeHBoxes=1 --> jsMath.safeHBoxes=0

Also, these examples have a bit of a formatting problem for larger matrices (more than two rows) on my setup, but I'm uncertain if that is my problem or more general. A report, either way, would be appreciated if you look at these.

The 20% Defying Categorization