Differences between revisions 5 and 12 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2016-02-03 13:35:26
Size: 660
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Add items in "packaging" and "Windows"
Revision 12 as of 2016-02-03 19:09:13
Size: 1576
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Add section "Memory requirement to build Sage doc"
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== Windows port ===

  * Cygwin32
  * Cygwin64
  * MSYS2
Line 23: Line 17:
Linux Linux (see also [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/Infrastructure#Packaging_for_Linux|Infrastructure page]])
Line 33: Line 27:
OS X OS X? (Fink, Homebrew, !MacPorts)
Line 35: Line 29:
  * Fink
  * Homebrew
  * !MacPorts
=== Relocating SageMath once built ===

  * See recent discussions on sage-devel, sage-release, sage-support around the relocate-once script

=== Windows port ===

  * Using Cygwin etc.
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13841|Cygwin port metaticket on Sage trac]]
    * Cygwin32
    * Cygwin64: [[http://trac.sagemath.org/wiki/Cygwin64Port|Cygwin64 port notes on Sage trac wiki]]
    * MSYS2
    * MINGW

  * one-click install
    * windows one-click installer, using either Docker, or Cygwin etc, or a native port

=== SageMath Live ===

  * SageDebianLive
Line 42: Line 52:
    * [[https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sage-devel/oA9NsF26eOA/discussion|sage-devel discussion about making interrupt.pyx into a pip package]]
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=== Memory requirement to build Sage documentation ===

  * http://gentoo.2317880.n4.nabble.com/sage-on-gentoo-Cannot-install-sage-doc-insufficient-memory-td285831.html

Sage Days 77: projects

Sage developer days on packaging, portability, documentation tools

Tentative topics for Sage Days 77. Please edit freely.

Add your name to topics you are interested in.


Cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows, ...)

  • Docker
  • ZeroInstall

Linux (see also Infrastructure page)

  • Arch-Linux
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Gentoo
  • NPM
  • RPM
  • Ubuntu PPA

OS X? (Fink, Homebrew, MacPorts)

Relocating SageMath once built

  • See recent discussions on sage-devel, sage-release, sage-support around the relocate-once script

Windows port

SageMath Live



  • Sphinx

Memory requirement to build Sage documentation

days77/projects (last edited 2016-04-04 04:02:12 by fbissey)