Differences between revisions 9 and 11 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2008-02-08 14:15:29
Size: 1788
Editor: MikeHansen
Revision 11 as of 2008-02-08 14:23:28
Size: 2058
Editor: was
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Unless otherwise stated benchmarks are on OS X 2.6Ghz core 2 duo laptop.
Line 65: Line 67:
Maple: Maple (on mhansen's laptop):
Line 70: Line 72:
on mhansen's laptop
NTL (2.6Ghz core 2 duo)
sage: a = random_matrix(ZZ, 200, x=-2^32, y=2^32)
sage: time e = a.echelon_form(algorithm='ntl')
CPU times: user 461.25 s, sys: 2.71 s, total: 463.97 s

Fast Hermite Normal Form over ZZ

Unless otherwise stated benchmarks are on OS X 2.6Ghz core 2 duo laptop.


>> A := linalg::randomMatrix(50,50,Dom::Integer, 10);
Warning: This matrix is too large for display. If you want to see all non-zero entries of large matrices, use doprint(..). [(Dom::Matrix(Dom::Integer))::print]

                                              Dom::Matrix(Dom::Integer)(50, 50, ["..."])
>> time(linalg::hermiteForm(A));                     


Benchmark 1: Random 200x200 single-digit matrix

Mathematica code:

sage: mathematica.eval('a = Table[RandomInteger[{0,9}], {i,200}, {j,200}];')

sage: mathematica.eval('Timing[HermiteDecomposition[a];]')
        {98.9791, Null}

Maple code:

> with(LinearAlgebra); n := 200: k := 9: A := RandomMatrix(n,n,generator=rand(-k..k)): time( HermiteForm(A,output=['H', 'U']) );

60.431 seconds

Sage (via PARI):

sage: a = random_matrix(ZZ,200)
sage: time v = a.echelon_form()
CPU times: user 43.72 s, sys: 0.27 s, total: 43.98 s
Wall time: 44.36

Sage (via NTL):

sage: a = random_matrix(ZZ,200, x=-9, y=9)
sage: time e = a.echelon_form(algorithm='ntl')
CPU times: user 26.11 s, sys: 0.27 s, total: 26.38 s
Wall time: 35.52

sage: a = random_matrix(ZZ,200)
sage: z = magma(a)
sage: t = magma.cputime()
sage: time w = z.HermiteForm()
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.82
sage: magma.cputime(t)

Benchmark 1: Random 200x200 matrix with 32-bit entries

Maple (on mhansen's laptop):

> with(LinearAlgebra); n := 200: k := 2147483646: A := RandomMatrix(n,n,generator=rand(-k..k)): time( HermiteForm(A,output=['H', 'U']) );

NTL (2.6Ghz core 2 duo)

sage: a = random_matrix(ZZ, 200, x=-2^32, y=2^32)
sage: time e = a.echelon_form(algorithm='ntl')
CPU times: user 461.25 s, sys: 2.71 s, total: 463.97 s

days7/sprints/linalg (last edited 2008-11-14 13:42:08 by anonymous)