Projects for Sage Days 60
* Version control with GIT: 2
* Quick categories intro: 3
* Overview of Graph theory feature
* Intro to Algebraic Number Theory
Here are useful links for Number Theory in Sage:
Here are some lecture notes using Sage on Elementary Number Theory by Karl-Dieter.
Sage reference manual for number fields.
Here is a book by William Stein on Algebraic Number Theory.
Kn: Here is my Sage Worksheet. This is heavily bases on the references (2) and (3) above.
* Contributing to Sage
* Tutorial: Using GAP from Sage
* Explore: polytopes
* Tutorial: optimized code with Cython
* Tutorial: commutative algebra
* Tutorial: Homological algebra
* Creating sage packages
* Tutorial: SageTeX
Knot theory
Review the existing features in Sage (anything) and elsewhere, and create some tickets of achievable features in the mid-run
As we see here, there is demand for this.
Older ideas for many topological things are here
Here is someone using braid group implementation to do basic knot things
Here is someone who even did some thinking about how to organize it:
Here is where braid groups were implemented:
Representation Zeta functions
Expose more features from Symmetrica
#15555 Amri
Quadratic forms over ch=2
Class for bilinear and sesquilinear forms
Error estimates for differential difference equations
Approximation of solution of a general equation. To solve the equation at a given point with value and error. (Reference, ) #16601 Kamalakshya
Rational points on elliptic curves
Play with finite dimensional Hopf algebras
Implement a couple, look for dimensions of comodules (by duality)
Review of tutorials from the Sage-Combinat queue
#3624 coding theory -- A trivial review, now done!
Kamalakshya, Kannappan
Reorganize the combinatorics documentation indexes into src/sage/combinat
Anne, Karl, Nicolas, Travis
Conditional expectations of multivariate random variables
Dimer model
Implement, import or interface existing soft
Counting, sampling, ...
Lie algebras
More work on the ticket, review, play with, split, ...
Travis, ...
Categories and Morphisms for crystals
Anne, Nicolas, Travis
Ticket #16126 on Coxeter Groups
Kannappan: I am interested in this ticket. I guess a minimal implementation should not take extremely long...