Elliptic Curve
Get doctest coverage up to 100%
Period Lattice
- Make it so precision can be specified (in bits)
- Make an abstract "period lattice" class
Implement Tate's algorithm over number fields
- This means porting Cremona's code. David Roe started on this.
- This will give computation of conductors over number fields.
Compute the Neron-Tate canonical height of points on elliptic curves over number fields
- Start with David Kohel and Martin Giraud: package/Geometry/CrvEll/anf_height.m
Reorganize and refactor the ell_rational_field file
- separate out all the L-series commands into an L-series class, e.g., like padic_lseries right now.
Compute E(F_q) and/or #E(F_q)
- Implement smart baby step-giant step (Albrecht, Sutherland)
Compute with L-series of elliptic curves over number fields
- Use Dokchitser to compute L-function
Sympow improvement
- Improve Sage wrapper (a lot)
- In particular, should autogenerate the needed data files.