Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2011-06-14 02:05:44
Size: 1875
Editor: was
Revision 7 as of 2011-06-14 02:06:15
Size: 1881
Editor: was
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  * (mhansen is doing this) Fix the __worksheet object to not load everything. Scary stuff if you look at notebook.py.   * (mhansen is doing this) Fix the {{{__worksheet}}} object to not load everything. Scary stuff if you look at notebook.py.

Upgrade, flask, sage 4.7, and ext4 filesystem

People: W. Stein, J. Grout, M. Hansen


  • If we stick with the filesystem: NEED a very fast filesystem that supports > 4 million inodes and > 32000 directories per directory, i.e., ext4. This is difficult because boxen and sage.math are both Ubuntu 8.10.

  • Also, want to at a minimum have user and worksheet metadata stored in database so startup is faster.
  • Could run the server in a virtual machine, which would support ext4. But are virtual machines fast enough these days? They weren't last year. This would be worth trying.
  • Or stick with the filesystem (see below).

Filesystem Thoughts

  • (mhansen is doing this) Fix the __worksheet object to not load everything. Scary stuff if you look at notebook.py.

  • (mhansen) Write a script to prune the filesystem, e.g., deleting cell directories that are empty.
  • (mhansen?) Make it so user directories are stored in a hierarchical way. E.g., home/_store/

Current Servers

Backup Strategy

  • ?

Untrusted User Code: must all be executed in a virtual machine

  • ?


Virtual Machines

  • I tried install virtualbox 4 on sage.math and failed, due to the Linux source and Linux kernel being out of sync somehow. Probably just needs an upgrade and reboot.
  • I am scared to upgrade virtualbox on boxen.math.
  • The Virtualbox on boxen.math is somewhat unstable and very old.

days31/workinggroups/sagenb (last edited 2011-06-17 16:35:25 by was)