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Differences between revisions 58 and 59
Revision 58 as of 2011-03-23 15:49:36
Size: 8634
Editor: jason
Revision 59 as of 2011-03-23 15:53:45
Size: 8740
Editor: cswiercz
Comment: Added a bullet to Riemann theta and algebraic curves section.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 139: Line 139:
 * For better performance, determine eccentricity of bounding ellipsoid and apply Siegel transformation.

Sage Days 29 Coding Sprint Projects

For the main SD 29 wiki page go here

Below a list of proposed projects.

Bug Days Challenges

The sponsor of the bug-fixing days part of this workshop has the following high-priority challenges for us. It would be great if we could resolve them all.

PEOPLE: Maarten Derickx, William Stein, Martin Raum

Binary quadratic forms

PEOPLE: Justin Walker

  • 4120 Make progress on getting this patch to pass muster

Number Theory/Elliptic Curves

PEOPLE: Justin Walker, Gagan Sekhon, William Stein, Rado Kirov, John Cremona, Aly Deines, Jen Balakrishnan, Jamie Weigandt

  • 10973 Integer points for curves over number fields: Import Nook/Cremona/Kirov/Anderson code into Sage

  • 10832 Bug in simon_two_descent() (positively reviewed -- Weigandt)

  • 10745 Bug in Elliptic curves gens()

  • 10581 Change Large Cremona Database to mongodb format and extend it.

  • 10152 Bug in integral_points (for elliptic curves over Q)

  • 9371 2-torsion rank over arbitrary fields


PEOPLE: Jamie Weigandt, Robert Miller, John Cremona, William Stein, Justin Walker

Convert GP scripts in data/extcode/pari to pari library interface

PEOPLE: John Cremona, William Stein, Jamie Weigandt

Exact and Double Dense (RDF/CDF) Linear Algebra

PEOPLE: Rob Beezer, John Palmieri

  • 10752 make pivots of matrices immutable (needs review)

  • 4983 subdivision attibute is public (positive review)

  • 10595 vector constructor and complex numbers (positive review)

  • 7392 rank of CDF/RDF matrices

  • 10974 matrix stack(), augment() methods

  • Wrap NumPy/SciPy Schur factorization, linear system solving routines

Many patches needing review at

Python 3

IPython activity

PEOPLE: Fernando Perez, Min Ragan-Kelley, Thomas Kluyver

  • SQLite based history (Pull request)

  • Torpedøing unicode related bugs (Pull request)

  • Allow %time magic command to work within functions (10933)

  • General bug sorting and squashing (bug list)

matplotlib activity

PEOPLE: Michael Droettboom, Paul Ivanov

alt Team Scrappies in all their glory! alt The winning sheet

Algebraic Curves / Function Fields

PEOPLE: Moritz Minzlaff, Maarten Derickx, William Stein, Rado Kirov

Picking up things where Sage Days 21 left them.

  • positive review: 9053 fixes row echelon form over general PIDs

  • positive review: 9094 is_square and sqrt for polynomials and fraction fields

  • 9054 create a class for basic function_field arithmetic for Sage

Sage Notebook (Server)

PEOPLE: William Stein, Rado Kirov, Alex Leone, Rob Beezer, Jason Grout


PEOPLE: Volker Braun, (Dmitrii Pasechnik), Ivan Andrus

  • Trac ticket #6391

  • Code cleanup
  • Use libtool to build shared library (Volker)
  • remove hardcoded input/output buffer sizes
  • trap GAP errors (Dima, Volker)
  • Test on various platforms, OSX needs work (Ivan Andrus)
  • Implement GAP List and rec

Riemann Theta Functions and Algebraic Curves

PEOPLE: Chris Swierczewski, Simon Spicer

  • Trac ticket #6371 (almost done by Chris Swierczewski)

  • Use non-GSL_BLAS for computing finite sum for Riemann theta. (Chris)
  • For better performance, determine eccentricity of bounding ellipsoid and apply Siegel transformation.
  • Riemann Matrices: (prerequisites)
    • Resultants over polynomial rings #10799 (positive review)

    • Singularities of algebraic curves (elements of polynomial rings over two vars?)
    • Puiseux series. Dependent on Dirichlet series. (Simon)

days29/projects (last edited 2011-03-26 09:19:39 by robertwb)