Differences between revisions 21 and 23 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 21 as of 2010-12-08 22:06:07
Size: 3116
Revision 23 as of 2010-12-08 22:12:19
Size: 2552
Editor: Kate Stange
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * smalljac See the [[days26/Stange Project|Project Page]]. Subprojects are:
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      * make smalljac code usable from Python (involves Cython); see [[http://code.google.com/p/purplesage/issues/detail?id=13|this psage issue]].

      * use code:
          - replicate and extend data in Kate's talk
          - maybe try genus 2 analogue?
  * make smalljac code usable from Python (involves Cython)
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      * there's a [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/attachment/ticket/8485/trac_8485.patch|ticket]] that has only partial implementation (cubic residue of rational prime and element of Q(sqrt(-3))) -- not at all a general implementation

      * there are artin symbols etc. -- big machinery

      * we think a fast independent implementation of the cubic (and sextic) residue symbol is worthwhile

      * what does SAGE do to compute quadratic residue symbols?
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  * Decide if curve is attached to a modular form, and if so find it, then use that to compute L-series.   * Decide if curve is attached to a modular form, and if so find it, then use that to compute L-series (use Sturm bound -- see paper of Ribet with appendix by Agashe/Stein)


Computing the Cartier operator acting on 1-forms

PEOPLE: Rachel P., Aly, Gagan, Anja, Sarah, Marina, Kate

  • See this page.

  • sage worksheet that is slow and just implements algorithm (correctly!)
  • make it really, really fast (cython).
  • get included in sage itself
  • make a big table or something? Rachel: "I would love to find a curve with p-rank 0 and a-number 1. I did genus 4 and p=3."

Making Drew Sutherland's smalljac code usable in Sage and extending Kate's data

PEOPLE: Kate, William S., Lola, Aly, Erin, Bianca

See the Project Page. Subprojects are:

  • make smalljac code usable from Python (involves Cython)
  • cubic and sextic residue symbol
  • explicit calculation of Grossencharacters (aka Hecke characters).

Computing L-series of Jacobians of Certain Hyperelliptic Curves

PEOPLE: Jennifer B., Jennifer P., Jennifer J., Bianca

  • Decide if curve is attached to a modular form, and if so find it, then use that to compute L-series (use Sturm bound -- see paper of Ribet with appendix by Agashe/Stein)
  • Need the analogue of Tate's algorithm to get from the Namikawa-Ueno classification to the Euler factor at the bad primes
  • Plug L-series into Dokchitser and get numbers.
  • Make a table. Starting with "van Wamelen"'s table. See also Kohel's tables.

  • Incorporate Robert Bradshaw's code into Purple Sage. http://code.google.com/p/purplesage/issues/detail?id=14

Computing in the class group of non-maximal orders of quadratic imaginary fields

PEOPLE: William S., Bianca,

  • Make a list of what you want to be able to do:
  • List why Magma/PARI aren't good enough (bugs, issues, speed, etc.)
  • Write really really fast code to implement some of this.

Sara's (mostly Combinatorics) wishlist

PEOPLE: Needs people!

  • Better index of software
  • sbcl in Sage
  • Quasisymmetric function bases
  • hyperplane arrangements
  • wikipedia and Sage pages linked to each other

days26/projects (last edited 2010-12-10 19:57:07 by AlysonDeines)