
This has probably been my most productive Sage Days ever. About 80% of my time awake was used reading / writing / reviewing code that ended up being useful. I'd say that about 10% of my time was spent working on code was not useful, and the remaining 10% was spent eating, walking, and insulting Dan Shumow.

Bugs Fixed

  1. ~#4440~ Automatic Indentation: the notebook now handles Python indentation like a "real IDE". For the record, nano, my favorite development environment, can do this too.
  2. ~#3056~ Disabled Karatsuba polynomial multiplication for inexact rings. This changed a few doctests; in all but one case, the results were more accurate or simpler if symbolic. The one remaining case isn't clear-cut.
  3. #3999 Added doctests to MultiplicativeWrapper. Not all of them work, mostly due to bugs and methods which have not been implemented. So, Dan didn't like that and gave it a "needs work". I insulted him for this.

  4. #5061 Steenrod algebras incorrectly reported the additive order for the zero element. I discovered this working on #3999. Forgot to add a doctest for this, so Robert Bradshaw marked it "needs work".
  5. ~#5064~ Steenrod algebras were non-unique. Discovered working on #3999, and fixed this. However, it's not done -- unpickling will result in non-unique algebras.
  6. ~#5079~ Problems in preparsing number literals. While I'm not directly responsible for fixing this, I did a lot of research into it before punting to Robert Bradshaw. So, I was able to help him and guide him around various pitfalls, as well as find subtle bugs & workarounds in his implementation. Also, I suggested pre-emptive compatibility with py3k literals, which Robert liked and implemented.

Bugs Reviewed