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Sage Days 111 - Global Virtual Sage Modularization and Packaging Summit

Tuesday, December 8 to Friday, December 11, 2020

An event for the SageMath developer and packaging community

SageDays are gatherings of people interested in SageMath. Sage Days have been organized as local, regional, or international in-person meetings by a wide range of people around the globe. Because of the current global health crisis, Sage Days 111 will be a fully virtual event.

Topics and goals

The main topic of the workshop is the development of the next generation of Sage packaging – a modularized Sage Library that can be installed from PyPI and whose subset distributions can map 1:1 to packages of downstream distributions.

Participants may wish to add the keyword "sd111" to tickets that they hope to work on during Sage Days 111.

About SageMath

SageMath, or Sage for short, is a mature, comprehensive, free (open-source) mathematics software system based on Python, licensed under the GNU General Public License, that integrates computer algebra facilities and general computational packages.

Sage, first released in 2005, in over a decade of incubation in the SageMath distribution, comprising 293 software packages, has grown its own library of 1000 Cython and over 4400 Python modules, ranging from sage.algebras.* over sage.geometry.* to sage.tensor.*, with a total of over 2.2 million lines of code.

How to register and participate

Tentative schedule


days111 (last edited 2020-12-12 03:29:57 by mkoeppe)