Some tips and tricks about the documentation system

I had some trouble to use the new documentation system. I'm putting here some tips and tricks. For now on, it's only my "experience returns" so that this may not be the right way to do. Please expand and correct...

1. For the impatient

The two most important things to know are

2. Quick ref of the format

The link quickref gives a not so short description of the format.

3. Step by step instruction for building the doc

sage -b

to make sure that the sage is up-to-date with your modifications. Then depending of the desired format you call

sage -docbuild reference <format>

For example, I use the html format so that I call

sage -b && sage -docbuild reference html

Then the compiled doc is found at


You can use you browser to view it...

4. Getting help on the docbuild system

sage -docbuild -help

explains all the sage -docbuild options.

5. How to find the unincluded docs ?

You can generate such the list by:

sage -docbuild reference print_unincluded_modules

6. Do you want to know more ?