Differences between revisions 26 and 61 (spanning 35 versions)
Revision 26 as of 2009-07-01 12:43:37
Size: 5353
Editor: BurcinErocal
Comment: add a fancy schedule template
Revision 61 as of 2013-03-05 20:20:14
Size: 7216
Editor: burcin
Comment: page got overwritten for fpsac13 workshop
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Tentative program ==

 * Saturday:
   * Sage and Sage-Combinat introductory talks
   * Hands on tutorials

 * Sunday:
   * Informal Sage-Combinat lab: come work on your own problem with experts at your full disposition
   * Relaxed afternoon (to recover from a long FPSAC week)

 * Monday-Wednesday:
   * Informal Sage-Combinat lab
   * Technical talks
   * Short focused tutorials (see below)
   * Coding sprints
   * Design discussions
== Program ==
Line 35: Line 20:
||<|2> 10:00-11:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || Introduction to Sage||
|| an overview talk about Sage, which explains the history and motivation for the project, demos some key features of Sage, and discusses where we are going next. It will be accessible to people in all research areas and assumes no prior experience with Sage. ||
||<|2> 11:00-12:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || Introduction to Sage-combinat||
||<|2> 9:30-10:30 ||<|2> Burcin Erocal and FrancoSaliola || Introduction to Sage||
|| an overview talk about Sage, which explains the history and motivation for the project, demonstrates some key features of Sage, and discusses where we are going next. It will be accessible to people in all research areas and assumes no prior experience with Sage. ||
||<|1>10:30-10:45 || Coffee&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2>10:45-11:45 ||<|2> FlorentHivert and NicolasThiéry || Introduction to Sage-combinat||
Line 39: Line 25:
|| 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2> 13:30-14:30 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || How to get started developing Sage||
||<|1>11:45-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2>13:30-15:00 ||<|2> FrancoSaliola and NicolasThiéry || Hands on Tutorials||
|| ?summary? ||
||<|1>15:00-15.30|| Coffee&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|1>15:30-16:00|| JasonBandlow || Symmetric Functions||
||<|2> 16:00-17:00 ||<|2> Burcin&nbsp;Erocal || How to get started developing Sage||
Line 42: Line 32:
|| 14:30-15:00 || Coffee&nbsp;Break || ||
|| 15:00
-15.30 || Coding Sprint Organization || Short self introductions, list of project ideas and people willing to work on them ||
|| 15:30- || Hands-on&nbsp;Tutorials || ||
||<|1>17:15- || Coding Sprint Organization || Short self introductions, [[/projects|list of project ideas]] and people willing to work on them ||
Line 46: Line 35:
||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||<|2> Informal Sage-Combinat lab || come work on your own problem with experts at your full disposition || ||<|2> 9:30-12:00 ||<|2> Informal Sage-Combinat lab || come work on your own problem with experts at your full disposition ||
Line 48: Line 37:
|| 12:00- || Free afternoon || ||
||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Monday, July 26||
||<|2> 10:00-11:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
||<|1>12:00- || Free afternoon || ||

||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Monday, July 27||
||<|1>9:30-10:30||<|1>FrancoSaliola|| Posets and words||
||<|1>10:30-10:45|| Coffee&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2>10:45-12:00||<|2>Carsten&nbsp;Schneider and Burcin&nbsp;Erocal|| Difference Fields and Symbolic Summation in Sage ||
Line 52: Line 44:
||<|2> 11:00-12:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
|| ?summary? ||
|| 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
|| 16:00-- || Coding Sprint / Status Report || ||
||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Tuesday, July 27||
||<|2> 10:00-11:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
|| ?summary? ||
||<|2> 11:00-12:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
|| ?summary? ||
|| 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
|| 16:00-- || Coding Sprint / Status Report || ||
||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Wednesday, July 28||
||<|2> 10:00-11:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
|| ?summary? ||
||<|2> 11:00-12:00 ||<|2> ?<speaker>? || ?title?||
|| ?summary? ||
|| 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
|| 14:00-- || Coding Sprint wrapup || ||
||<|1>12:00-13:30 ||<|1>Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2>13:30-14:30||<|2>DanDrake || Combinatorial generation by backtracking ||
||<|1> 14:30-15:30 || FlorentHivert|| Version control with mercurial for LaTeX and programming ||
||15:30-16:00||Tea&nbsp;Time|| ||
||<|2> 16:00-17:00 ||<|2> Ralf&nbsp;Hemmecke and FlorentHivert || Combinatorial species and tree-like structures ||
|| Practical use in [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/hemmecke/aldor/combinat/|Aldor-Combinat]] and Sage ||
||<|1>17:00-||Coding Sprint Status&nbsp;Reports|| ||

||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Tuesday, July 28||
||<|1>11:00-12:00 || AnneSchilling and NicolasThiéry|| Root systems, coxeter groups and [[http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~anne/Crystal_demonstration.sws|crystals]] ||
||<|1> 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|2> 13:30-15:00 ||<|2> NicolasThiéry || Categories for the working mathematical programmer ||
|| Implementing algebraic structures in Sage, using parent, elements, and categories||
||<|1>15:00-15:30 || Tea&nbsp;Time || ||
||<|1> 15:30-16:30 || FlorentHivert and NicolasThiéry || Implementing Hopf algebras ||
||<|1> 17:00- || Coding Sprint Status&nbsp;Reports || ||

||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Wednesday, July 29||
||<|1> 9:30-10:30 || <speaker?> || Sharing experimental code with the Sage-Combinat patch server||
||<|1> 10:30-11:00 || Veronika Pillwein || CAD and Special Function Inequalities ||
||<|1> 11:00-12:00 || Coding sprints || ||
||<|1> 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|1> 13:30- || Coding sprints || ||

||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%" style="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Thursday, July 30||
||<|1> 9:30-12:00 || Coding sprints || ||
||<|1> 12:00-13:30 || Lunch&nbsp;Break || ||
||<|1> 13:30- || Coding sprints || ||
||<|1> 14:00- || Coding Sprint wrapup || ||

== Projects ==
 * [[/projects|Project page]]
Line 75: Line 83:
 * Ralf Hemmecke  * Ralf Hemmecke - [email protected]
Line 84: Line 92:
== Prerequisites ==

All attendees are expected to have Sage >= 4.1 and the Sage-Combinat patches installed on their laptops. If you do not plan to bring a laptop, please contact the organizers, and we will have a terminal setup for you. Please come see us for help during FPSAC if you encounter any problem!

Sage 4.1 will be available shortly from: http://www.sagemath.org/download.html

See http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/MercurialStepByStep for the installation instructions of Sage-Combinat. On UNIX/Mac, it boils down to running the following command in a terminal:
sage -combinat install

== T-Shirts ==

If you would like to get the T-Shirt for this workshop (~$10), please write the size below before July 11th. Here is the current design (suggestions welcome):
[[attachment:front-nt.png]] [[attachment:back-nt-2.png]]

And if you wonder about the meaning: ``Sage is the powerful propeller allowing us to soar high to our [[http://you-tube.com/watch?v=860pEuwHgCw|Castle in the Sky]]. Our hope is that in return our
scouting will help drive the car to new horizons``.
Line 87: Line 114:
 * NicolasBorie  * NicolasBorie (T-Shirt size L)
Line 92: Line 119:
 * DanDrake
 * Burcin Erocal
 * DanDrake (T-shirt size M)
 * Burcin Erocal (T-Shirt sizes M + S)
Line 100: Line 127:
 * Peter McNamara (leaving Monday afternoon)
 * Philippe Nadeau
Line 103: Line 132:
 * Anne Schilling  * Anne Schilling (T-Shirt size S)
 * Flavia Stan
Line 106: Line 136:
 * NicolasThiéry  * NicolasThiéry (T-Shirt size M)
Line 108: Line 138:

== Unconfirmed participants ==

 * Michael Abshoff
 * HaraldSchilly
 * Paul-Olivier Dehaye
 * MikeHansen?
 * DavidJoyner?
 * RobertMiller?
 * Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos
Line 127: Line 148:
 * Posets (Franco?)
 * Words (Franco?)
 * Species and decomposable classes in Axiom / Aldor / Maple / MuPAD (Mike? Ralf? Martin?)
 * guess in Axiom / Aldor (Martin?)
 * Coxeter groups, crystals (Anne?)
Line 133: Line 149:
 * categories/parents/elements (Nicolas)
Line 136: Line 151:
 * Implementing new (Hopf) Algebras with bases (Florent? Nicolas?)
 * Sharing code with the Sage-combinat patch server
 * using the GenericBacktracker class to generate lattice paths and other objects (Dan Drake)?

*-Combinat 2009

International Sage Workshop on Free and Practical Software for Algebraic Combinatorics

Dates: July 25-29

Location: RISC, Linz, Austria

This event will follow FPSAC'09, and be part of RISC's summer 2009.


  • get new users and developers on board, especially from the FPSAC community
  • help former MuPAD-Combinat users to switch to Sage
  • developers meeting


Saturday, July 25


Burcin Erocal and FrancoSaliola

Introduction to Sage

an overview talk about Sage, which explains the history and motivation for the project, demonstrates some key features of Sage, and discusses where we are going next. It will be accessible to people in all research areas and assumes no prior experience with Sage.


Coffee Break


FlorentHivert and NicolasThiéry

Introduction to Sage-combinat

an overview talk about Sage-combinat


Lunch Break


FrancoSaliola and NicolasThiéry

Hands on Tutorials



Coffee Break



Symmetric Functions


Burcin Erocal

How to get started developing Sage

a summary of relevant bits and pieces for developing software with Sage


Coding Sprint Organization

Short self introductions, list of project ideas and people willing to work on them

Sunday, July 26


Informal Sage-Combinat lab

come work on your own problem with experts at your full disposition

?list of possible topics?


Free afternoon

Monday, July 27



Posets and words


Coffee Break


Carsten Schneider and Burcin Erocal

Difference Fields and Symbolic Summation in Sage



Lunch Break



Combinatorial generation by backtracking




Version control with mercurial for LaTeX and programming


Tea Time


Ralf Hemmecke and FlorentHivert

Combinatorial species and tree-like structures

Practical use in Aldor-Combinat and Sage


Coding Sprint Status Reports

Tuesday, July 28


AnneSchilling and NicolasThiéry

Root systems, coxeter groups and crystals


Lunch Break



Categories for the working mathematical programmer

Implementing algebraic structures in Sage, using parent, elements, and categories


Tea Time


FlorentHivert and NicolasThiéry

Implementing Hopf algebras


Coding Sprint Status Reports

Wednesday, July 29



Sharing experimental code with the Sage-Combinat patch server


Veronika Pillwein

CAD and Special Function Inequalities


Coding sprints


Lunch Break


Coding sprints

Thursday, July 30


Coding sprints


Lunch Break


Coding sprints


Coding Sprint wrapup




Registration is free, but please register on: http://www.conferences.jku.at/riscsummer2009/e2570/index_eng.html.

Very convenient and reasonably priced rooms are available for reservation from the same site, but may run out. Register early!


All attendees are expected to have Sage >= 4.1 and the Sage-Combinat patches installed on their laptops. If you do not plan to bring a laptop, please contact the organizers, and we will have a terminal setup for you. Please come see us for help during FPSAC if you encounter any problem!

Sage 4.1 will be available shortly from: http://www.sagemath.org/download.html

See http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/MercurialStepByStep for the installation instructions of Sage-Combinat. On UNIX/Mac, it boils down to running the following command in a terminal:

sage -combinat install


If you would like to get the T-Shirt for this workshop (~$10), please write the size below before July 11th. Here is the current design (suggestions welcome): front-nt.png back-nt-2.png

And if you wonder about the meaning: Sage is the powerful propeller allowing us to soar high to our Castle in the Sky. Our hope is that in return our scouting will help drive the car to new horizons.

Registered Participants

  • Jason Bandlow
  • NicolasBorie (T-Shirt size L)

  • Adrien Boussicault
  • Mahir Bilen Can
  • Hayat Cheballah
  • Anders Claesson
  • DanDrake (T-shirt size M)

  • Burcin Erocal (T-Shirt sizes M + S)
  • Valentin Féray
  • Christoph Fuerst
  • Ralf Hemmecke
  • FlorentHivert

  • Alain Lascoux
  • Conrado Martinez
  • Peter McNamara (leaving Monday afternoon)

  • Philippe Nadeau
  • Yasuhide NUMATA
  • Steven Pon
  • FrancoSaliola (leaving 28 July)

  • Anne Schilling (T-Shirt size S)
  • Flavia Stan
  • Jessica Striker
  • Hossein Teimoori
  • NicolasThiéry (T-Shirt size M)

  • Haseeb Ul Haq
  • Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos

Preliminary list of short tutorials

Besides the main general-purpose Sage-Combinat tutorial, we will run short tutorials focused on specific features, with a (flexible) format like 10 minutes of presentation; 20 minutes of exercises. Here are some ideas. Please feel free to suggest others, especially around some features you developed yourself!

  • Symmetric Functions, Non Commutative Symmetric Functions, using algebras with several basis (Jason? Nicolas?)
  • Implementing enriched enumerated sets, (e.g. how to enrich the partitions of 5 with a semi-groups structure) (Florent?)
  • Implementing new combinatorial objects (?)

combinat/FPSAC09 (last edited 2013-03-05 20:20:14 by burcin)