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Sage Bug Day 18

The event will take place on Thursday, November 19, 2009 and officially start at 9 am Pacific standard time and go on until people run out of energy.

Don't work on anything unless there is a trac ticket for it.

From Linux you can chat via a text console by installing "irssi", running it, and typing
  /SERVER add
  /join #sage-devel

Participants (with area they would like to work on)

  1. William Stein:
    • (done) 5338 -- major symbolic minpoly issues from nearly a year ago.

    • (done) 386 -- already done long ago

    • (done) 436 -- close as invalid

    • (done) 3464 -- already fixed.

    • (done) 3619 -- log logins to a file.

    • (done) 3733 -- log logins to a file.

    • (done) 3849 -- worksheet upload issues

    • (done) 7495 -- data upload issues (critical vulnerability?)

  2. Burcin Erocal (symbolics)
  3. Minh Van Nguyen (documentation)
  4. Martin Albrecht (undecided yet)
  5. Robert Bradshaw (undecided, won't be around in the morning but will try to drop in later)
    • Referee:
      • 7351 (optimize import of

      • 5338 (speed regression in minpoly)

      • 6496 (functions numerator() and denominator() for multivariate polynomials)

      • 6669 (Homomorphisms from matrix groups don't have to have matrix groups as codomain)

      • 7356 (fixed latex representation for floats)

      • 7116 (Potential bug in elliptic curve pairing code.)

    • (done) 7498 -- don't import matplotlib on sage startup

    • (done) 7502 -- lazy import utility (for reducing startup time)

  6. Tim Dumol (notebook):
  7. Jason Grout

bug/18 (last edited 2017-02-02 20:04:04 by mrennekamp)