Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2021-09-15 23:23:31
Size: 4873
Editor: mkoeppe
Revision 11 as of 2021-09-15 23:24:35
Size: 4903
Editor: mkoeppe
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== Modularization == == Modularization and packaging changes ==
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This removes an obstacle to Python packaging: Pynac was a shared library with a dependency on the Python C API but not an extension module, and it could not be installed using standard Python tools. Now the shared library is gone; all of Pynac (about 60kLOC of C++ code spread over 100 *.h and *.cpp files) is put in a single extension module `sage.symbolic.expression`. All other extension modules that used to link to libpynac (`sage.libs.pynac.pynac`, `sage.symbolic.function`, `sage.symbolic.series` etc.) have either been merged into `sage.symbolic.expression`, or the dependency has been resolved through refactoring.
The integration of Pynac into the Sage source tree will also make it easier for Sage developers to make changes to symbolics.

This removes an obstacle to Python packaging: Pynac was a shared library with a dependency on the Python C API but not an extension module, and it could not be installed using standard Python tools. Now the shared library is gone; all of Pynac (about 60kLOC of C++ code spread over 100 *.h and *.cpp files) is put in a single extension module `sage.symbolic.expression`. All other extension modules that used to link to libpynac (`sage.libs.pynac.pynac`, `sage.symbolic.function`, `sage.symbolic.series` etc.) have either been merged into `sage.symbolic.expression`, or the dependency has been resolved through refactoring.

The integration of Pynac into the Sage source tree will also make it easier for Sage developers to make changes to symbolics.

Sage 9.5 Release Tour

current development cycle (2021)


Changes to symbolic expressions

  • symbolic_expression is now able to create vectors and matrices of symbolic expressions for more general inputs. #16761

    • For example, if the input is a list or tuple of lists/tuples/vectors:
      • sage: M = symbolic_expression([[1, x, x^2], (x, x^2, x^3), vector([x^2, x^3, x^4])]); M
        [  1   x x^2]
        [  x x^2 x^3]
        [x^2 x^3 x^4]
        sage: M.parent()
        Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Symbolic Ring
  • Symbolic expressions can no longer be called with positional arguments. #14270

    • This was deprecated since Sage 4.0, although a bug prevented the deprecation warning from being issued in Sage versions 8.4 to 9.3. #32319

      Instead of (x+1)(2), write either (x+1)(x=2), or (x+1).subs(x=2), or ((x+1).function(x))(2).

Interface to Mathics, a free implementation of the Wolfram language

Sage now has an optional package providing Mathics, a free (open-source) general-purpose computer algebra system featuring Mathematica-compatible syntax and functions, and an interface to it.#31778

Linear Algebra



Deprecated and removed functionality

  • The package sage.media is now deprecated. #12673

  • The module sage.stats.basic_stats is now deprecated. #29662

    • In the deprecation messages, we point users to suitable numpy, and scipy.stats, and pandas functions. (Python 3 also comes with a basic ​built-in stats module, but much of its functionality is unfortunately incompatible with SageMath's number types, #28234.)

  • The module sage.interfaces.primecount is now deprecated. #32412

Package upgrades

Modularization and packaging changes

The build system of the Sage library, sage_setup, is now provided by a separate distribution package sage-setup. The source tree is the subdirectory pkgs/sage-setup/ of the Sage git repository. #29847

The core of the symbolic expressions subsystem of Sage, an adaptation of the GiNaC library to Python known as Pynac, has been merged into the Sage library source code as src/sage/symbolic/ginac/; all future development of Pynac is intended to happen here. #32386

  • This removes an obstacle to Python packaging: Pynac was a shared library with a dependency on the Python C API but not an extension module, and it could not be installed using standard Python tools. Now the shared library is gone; all of Pynac (about 60kLOC of C++ code spread over 100 *.h and *.cpp files) is put in a single extension module sage.symbolic.expression. All other extension modules that used to link to libpynac (sage.libs.pynac.pynac, sage.symbolic.function, sage.symbolic.series etc.) have either been merged into sage.symbolic.expression, or the dependency has been resolved through refactoring. The integration of Pynac into the Sage source tree will also make it easier for Sage developers to make changes to symbolics.

Availability of Sage 9.5 and installation help

The first beta release in the 9.5 development series was tagged on 2021-08-31.

  • See sage-devel for development discussions and sage-release for announcements of beta versions and release candidates.

More details

ReleaseTours/sage-9.5 (last edited 2022-02-06 20:55:34 by mkoeppe)