Google Summer of Code 2011
This is the main organization page for the Google Summer of Code efforts of the Sage project.
Sage is an open-source mathematical software system which combines numerous packages under one umbrella with the goal to provide an alternative to major proprietary mathematical software systems (aka the Ma*'s). The software included in Sage use many different languages such as C, C++, Fortran. However, the Sage library which provides a unified interface to these components besides implementions of novel mathematical algoritms is written in Python and Cython. Sage also includes a web-based user interface where worksheets are stored for each user.
With it's friendly development community and diverse challenges including
- linking together software systems intended to be used through a command line interface,
- efficient implementation of novel mathematical ideas,
- making sure all the components build without problems on a wide range of platforms, and
- providing a web-based user interface for easy experimentation and collaboration in mathematics
Sage provides projects that might appeal to contributors with different interests and skill levels.
If you're a student interested in working on any of the projects described below, note that these are mostly rough ideas. Feel free to ask questions or suggest other projects by writing to [email protected]. Here is the student application template we recommend students to use for their application.
If you're a Sage developer, please take some time to organize the list below and add more ideas. Follow guidelines from the GSOC FAQ page. These projects should be doable with less than 3 months of full time work. Projects should generally have:
- a brief explanation
- the expected results, way to measure success
- pre-requisites for working on the project
- names of possible mentors (primary one plus backup), information on how to contact them
Important Dates
Here is the original timeline. Some highlights:
March 11: application deadline
March 18: accepted mentoring organizations announced
April 8: student application deadline
Projects Ideas
All #numbers below refer to trac tickets.