Differences between revisions 30 and 31
Revision 30 as of 2022-03-21 07:17:31
Size: 3697
Editor: mkoeppe
Revision 31 as of 2022-03-21 11:56:29
Size: 3960
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: comment that installing mamba is optional
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 29: Line 29:
$ conda install mamba
$ conda install mamba # This is a recommended optional step.
                                                         # If you skip it, replace "mamba" by
                                                         # "conda" in the following steps.


Conda packages for Linux & macOS are available through conda-forge.

Setting Up

In short: Install sage from conda-forge.

  • Download and install Mambaforge.

    • i.e., open a Terminal,
      • curl -L -O https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-\$(uname)-\$(uname -m).sh

        sh Mambaforge-\$(uname)-\$(uname -m).sh

  • Create a "sage" environment and pick a version of SageMath, i.e., open a new terminal and mamba create -n sage sage=9.3

  • To run SageMath, activate the environment you just created and run SageMath, i.e., source activate sage and sage


The packages necessary to run sage are developed on the github pages of conda-forge. The actual sage package and many of its dependencies are maintained by Isuru Fernando (and a few volunteers).

Conda for Sage Developers

You can develop Sage without building any of its dependencies (experimental) --- on my machine this takes 5 minutes. Assume you obtained Sage source tree and changed to its root. These instructions have been updated for #30845

$ export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=24                             # or whatever the meaningful value
                                                         # for your machine is - no more than 
                                                         # the number of cores.

$ conda install mamba                                    # This is a recommended optional step.
                                                         # If you skip it, replace "mamba" by
                                                         # "conda" in the following steps.

$ mamba create -n sage-build python=3.9 \
      gettext autoconf automake libtool pkg-config       # or replace 3.9 by another version

$ conda activate sage-build

$ ./bootstrap                                            # this generates src/environment.yml
                                                         # used in the next step

$ mamba env update -n sage-build -f src/environment.yml  # alternatively, use 
                                                         # src/environment-optional.yml 
                                                         # for some additional packages
$ conda activate sage-build

$ ./configure --with-python=$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/python             \
              --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX                             \
              $(for pkg in $(./sage -package list :standard:     \
                               --has-file spkg-configure.m4      \
                               --has-file distros/conda.txt); do \
                    echo --with-system-$pkg=force;               \

$ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable pkgs/sage-conf pkgs/sage-setup 

$ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable src

$ sage -c 'print(version())'
SageMath version 9.6.beta5, Release Date: 2022-03-12

By using pip install --editable, the Sage library is installed in editable mode. This means that when you only edit Python files, there is no need to rebuild the library; it suffices to restart Sage.

After editing any Cython files, rebuild by repeating the command

$ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable src

Open Issues


To check whether there are known issues with Conda:


There is likely not going to be a working package in the near future, see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/wyaV8x5qolI/jVS4DKBvCAAJ.

Conda (last edited 2022-04-25 21:52:34 by mkoeppe)