This page is part the [:windows:Sage on Windows port].

Package Analysis

Below you will find a list of packages in Sage as well as remarks on issues that will potentially come up during the Windows port. As we progress we will add detailed problem reports and how we resolved those issues at individual pages.

NOTE: [ Some other useful information]

yes, this is the biggie. note that pexpect *does* sort of work under cygwin, which might be relevant. Also, instead of porting pexpect, it might be possible to simply do something completely different than accomplishes much the same thing. pexpect was the way to go with Python and Unix -- in windows perhaps there is a totally different approach to interprocess communication that would work better? It's possibly OK if this means rewriting SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/interfaces/* for this new approach. This definitely needs to be investigated. Some of the programs Sage interfaces with have native "client server" archicture, and that could perhaps be used instead. E.g., Maple and Mathematica do. Maxima almost certainly doesn't...