This page is part of the Sage on Windows port.

Package Analysis

Below you will find a list of packages in Sage as well as remarks on issues that will potentially come up during the Windows port. As we progress we will add detailed problem reports and how we resolved those issues at individual pages.

Build dependencies of Sage (port these first for a minimal Sage on Windows)



works fine with MSVC. Some functions like the time functions use old and crappy Win95+ interfaces. That can be easily fixed. It is very difficult to get fixes merged upstream, but the potential diff is rather small. The build requires Perl for a tuned build upstream merging probably isn't as hard as you think. The NTL author is a number theorist that many of "us", e.g,. John Cremona, know well.

Unknown dependencies of Sage (not listed on sage-on-gentoo list)

Runtime dependencies of Sage (these are probably only needed at runtime for specific functionality)

Do not correspond to Sage spkgs (elsewhere or no longer used in Sage?)

No longer listed on and not included as spkgs

Packages with upstream MSVC support

Pure Python Packages

Packages without code