TODO list for the pynac interface

"fully get rid of maxima-based symbolic variables"

remaining items

genuine coercions to real field, etc.

Support pickle via the "archive" print mode.

Maybe change SAGE's Ginac to make a call to a cython gcd function, then use
singular, since singular's gcd over QQ is much better than ginac's, I think,
and ginac *only* does GCD over QQ.  Actually, just make everything in normal.cpp
be implemented via Singular, probably...

long term

in progress


Sage 3.3 - pynac-0.1.2

sage: var('x,y,z,n,i,j',ns=1)
(x, y, z, n, i, j)
sage: sin(x).operator()
sage: type(sin(x).operator())
<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.Function_sin'>
sage: factorial(n).operator()
sage: type(factorial(n).operator())
<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.Function_factorial'>

This text was a part of William's original todo notes, perhaps now it's confusing to include it here.

sage: x^2 + x^4 + x^3
x^2 + x^3 + x^4
sage: a^3*x^10 + x^12 - a^15
x^12 + a^3*x^10 - a^15
So it is printing from lowest to highest degree, like mathematica (or power series),
but unlike the standard sage convention (or maple, singular, MATH, etc.):
sage: R.<a,x> = QQ[]
sage: a^3*x^10 + x^12 - a^15
-a^15 + a^3*x^10 + x^12
sage: singular(a^3*x^10 + x^12 - a^15)

need to be able to do this (from ginsh):
> collect_common_factors(x/(x^2 + x));