Final Pynac Switchover Push for Sage-4.0

See also

Latest Pynac spkg

sage -f -m

Note that we do "-f -m" so that spkg/build/pynac-0.1.6-mh.p4 is left around. Now you can do

./sage -sh
cd spkg/build/pynac-0.1.6-mh.p4/src/ginac
# change anything
make install

William's patches:

Mike's Repo

On sage.math, do

hg pull -u /scratch/mhansen/sage-3.4.2.alpha0-sage.math-only-x86_64-Linux/devel/sage-symbolics#symbolics_switch

And don't forget to do this from SAGE_ROOT the very first time:

rm devel/sage/build/*/sage/symbolic/constants*; rm devel/sage/build/sage/symbolic/

William's Repo

hg pull /home/wstein/build/sage-sym/devel/sage/sage/symbolic

Get doctest coverage for symbolic/* directory up to 100%

As of May 10, 2009:

wstein@sage:~/build/sage-sym/devel/sage/sage/symbolic$ sage -coverage . 85% (18 of 21) 88% (53 of 60)
constants_c.pyx: 0% (0 of 4)
expression.pyx: 95% (131 of 137) 75% (39 of 52)
function.pyx: 86% (26 of 30) 100% (4 of 4)
pynac.pyx: 66% (14 of 21)
ring.pyx: 100% (24 of 24)
Overall weighted coverage score:  87.1%
We need   42 more function to get to 99% coverage.

Bug exhibited by code in

There is a doctest in that involves verifying that a symbolic point is on a curve.

            sage: temp

It's a brand new doctest added to today. According to Nick A., it is a that we don't see temp printing as 0. Note that

    sage: bool(temp==0)

works fine.

Nick remarks that

ncalexan: The fact that it prints as a big mess is in fact a bug -- there's a symbolic pi that is being considered two different pynac objects.

Issues with fast_callable

sage -t  devel/sage/sage/ext/fast_callable.pyx
File "/scratch/wstein/build/sage-sym/devel/sage-main/sage/ext/fast_callable.pyx", line 202:
    sage: f.op_list()
    [('load_arg', 0), ('ipow', 7), ('load_const', 1.0), 'add', 'sqrt', 'return']
    [('load_arg', 0), ('load_const', 7.0), 'pow', ('load_const', 1.0), 'add', 'sqrt', 'return']
File "/scratch/wstein/build/sage-sym/devel/sage-main/sage/ext/fast_callable.pyx", line 2211:
    sage: fast_callable(sin(x)/x, vars=[x], domain=RDF).get_orig_args()
    {'domain': Real Double Field, 'code': [0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 8, 2], 'py_constants': [], 'args': 1, 'stack': 2, 'constants': []}
    {'domain': Real Double Field, 'code': [1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 16, 7, 2], 'py_constants': [], 'args': 1, 'stack': 2, 'constants': [1.0]}

About this robertwb says:

robertwb: I don't like the ipow -> pow
[9:37pm] robertwb: something fishy (perhaps) about that other one too
[9:37pm] robertwb: the code stack looks a lot longer than it should

(DONE) Assume is not finished

sage: assume(x>0)

(DONE) latexing symbolic compositions is busted

After fixing an obvious import error we have the following:

sage: s = ceil(x)
sage: latex(ceil(x))
sage: latex(floor(x))
sage: ceil._latex_composition(x)
'\\left \\lceil x \\right \\rceil'

Note that _latex_composition is never being called. I fixed this by making the _latex_ method for Expression first check to see if the operand has a _latex_composition method, and if so call it.

(DONE) Weird new numpy array conversion issue


import numpy; numpy.array([(pi,0)],dtype=float)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

But it used to do this:

sage: import numpy; numpy.array([(pi,0)],dtype=float)
array([[ 3.14159265,  0.        ]])

Solution: Make symbolic expressions not iterable.

(Maybe WONTFIX) Unpickling of old SymbolicExpressions

For backward compatibility, we need to be able to unpickle the old symbolic objects.

Wstein: I say screw it and we just deprecate them immediately. Broking calculus pickles doesn't break *any* pickles outside of symbolic calculus. Plus, actually maintaining the old pickles would be _really_ hard.

(DONE) A serious printing BUG

sage: var('A,B,n')
(A, B, n)
sage: (A*B)^n
sage: f = (A*B)^n; f(A=5,B=5)

It's just a printing bug. Also we have

sage: n*x^(n-1)
n*x^((n - 1))


(DONE) sqrt(2)^2

sage: sqrt(x)^2
sage: sqrt(2)^2

wstein@sage:~$ ginsh 
ginsh - GiNaC Interactive Shell (ginac V1.4.1)
> sqrt(2)^2;

Fix at

(DONE) sqrt(16)

sage: sqrt(SR(16))
sage: 27^(1/3)

$ ginsh
> sqrt(16);
> 27 ^ (1/3);

Fix at however

(DONE) Small prime divisors square root simplification

sage: sqrt(27)

refuses to be simplified (despite the code to do so being executed).

(DONE) Missing parentheses

sage: a = (2/3) ^ (2/3); str(a)
sage: latex(a)
sage: (-x)^(1/4)

(DONE) Missing mathematica conversions

All should be capitalized:

sage: (tan(x) + exp(x) + sin(x))._mathematica_init_()

(seems like something we could do generically).

* Fixed in Mike's branch.

pynac gcd: infinite recursion in to_polynomial(...) leads to crash

sage: var('n,x')
(n, x)
sage: g= (n+1)/x^n - n/x^n 
sage: g.collect_common_factors() 
/home/wstein/build/sage-3.4.2-symbolics/local/bin/sage-sage: line 198: 29952 Segmentation fault      sage-ipython "$@" -i

Since the change in the definition of gcd of rational numbers in Sage, the gcd in pynac doesn't terminate in some cases. This can crash Sage as above. A quick fix might be to change sage.symbolic.pynac.py_gcd to handle gcd of rationals as before. AFAIK, collect_common_factors() is the only function we expose to the user that calls gcd() in pynac. -- burcin

The above isn't the solution, unfortunately. Putting print statements in py_gcd shows it is never called with rational input for the above example. In fact it isn't even called by the collect_common_factors line. What happens is that there is an infinite recurssion in normal.cpp involving convering something to a polynomial.

Number Fields

An example of a related bug

sage: 2^I

... and Maxima is now running

(DONE) Formal Derivatives

Massive Speed Regressions

Pynac on May 9:

sage: _=var('x,y,z'); f=expand((x+y+z)^6); g=f+1
sage: timeit('(f*g).expand()')
5 loops, best of 3: 241 ms per loop

SAGE-3.2.3 with pynac:
sage: _=var('x,y,z',ns=1); f=expand((x+y+z)^6); g=f+1
sage: timeit('(f*g).expand()')
125 loops, best of 3: 3.19 ms per loop

sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]; f=(x+y+z)^6; g=f+1
sage: timeit('h=f*g')
625 loops, best of 3: 29.7 µs per loop

SAGE-3.2.3 (using Maxima on clisp; on ecl it can do this 3-4 times as fast):
sage: _=var('x,y,z'); f=expand((x+y+z)^6); g=f+1
sage: timeit('(f*g).expand()')
5 loops, best of 3: 118 ms per loop

(DONE) I = sqrt(-1)

Mike:  I think what we want is just a QQ*I ring which automatically goes to SR when you do arithmetic with anything outside of it.
 me:  ok.
You suggested that before, and it makes some sense.
Can't we just make a quadratic number field, and enhance it a tiny spec.
 Mike:  I think if we had that, then everything should work out.
 Sent at 11:31 AM on Thursday
 me:  That sounds easy enough, and it would be super fast, since quadratic fields are very very fast.
 Mike:  We just don't have an exact way to work with complex numbers.
 me:  robertwb could whip it out, as he wrote quadratic fields, etc.
 Mike:  Yep
For RR we have QQ, but we don't have quite an analogue for CC.

Doctest status: May 9

The failures as of May 9 at 4:19pm are here:

Doctests fail in 59 distinct files.

As of 7:08pm we have 47 files failing doctest files, and 766 failing doctests:

Useful code snippet:

sage: os.system('grep "doctests failed" test-all-3.out   > a')
sage: sum([int(x.split('#')[1].split()[0]) for x in open('a').readlines()])

As of 11:16pm, we have 38 files with failing doctests, and a total of 671 tests failing.

        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 50 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 12 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 115 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 27 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 6 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 38 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 13 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/var.pyx # 11 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/calculus/ # 18 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/ext/fast_callable.pyx # 2 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 11 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 13 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 26 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 39 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 12 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/functions/ # 23 doctests failed
DONE    sage -t  devel/sage/sage/interfaces/ # 1 doctests failed
DONE    sage -t  devel/sage/sage/interfaces/ # 2 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/interfaces/ # 29 doctests failed
DONE    sage -t  devel/sage/sage/plot/plot3d/transform.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/ # 4 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/ # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/complex_number.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/integer.pyx # 2 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/ # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/rational.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/real_double.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/real_lazy.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/real_mpfi.pyx # 33 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/sets/ # 1 doctests failed
 DONE   sage -t  devel/sage/sage/structure/element.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx # 1 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/symbolic/ # 2 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/symbolic/ # 29 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/symbolic/ # 6 doctests failed
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx # 135 doctests failed

Doctest status: May 7-8

As of right now -- May 7 at 11:38 am, doing

results in

Doctests fail in 90 files.

Nearly all of the errors have to do with sqrt, specifically,

sage: sqrt(SR(16))
sage: sqrt(16 + x - x)


$ grep "CombinatorialFreeModule instance as first argument" /home/wstein/build/sage-3.4.2-symbolics/test-all.out | wc
    240    4080   34320

The issue is that ginac treats sqrt(x) as having an ambiguous sign, whereas before we choose a branch. The symbolic sqrt(perfect_square) is used all over in the library, so I think we need to allow this. We should not, however, simplify sqrt(x^2).