
This spkg builds ATLAS for Sage. It is build per default on Linux, but should also work on OSX and Solaris. The build is currently disabled on OSX until we sort out some linking issues on OSX. On FreeBSD dynamic libraries don't won since the wrong flags are passed to the linker. This will be fixed soon.


3-clause BSD

SPKG Maintainers

Upstream Contact

Atlas devel mainling list.


Build Instructions/Notes

Note that 3.8.1.p2's changes are in the src directory directly since we will upgrade to 3.8.2 in the short term.


atlas-3.8.1.p3 (Michael Abshoff, July 6th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.1.p2 (Michael Abshoff, June 26th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.1.p1 (Michael Abshoff, March 21st, 2008)

atlas-3.8.1.p0 (Michael Abshoff, March 19th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.1 (Michael Abshoff, March 19th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.p11 (Michael Abshoff, Feb. 2nd, 2008)

atlas-3.8.p10 (Michael Abshoff, Jan. 26th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.p9 (Michael Abshoff, Jan. 22nd, 2008)

atlas-3.8.p8 (Josh Kantor, Jan. 19th, 2008)

atlas-3.8.p6 (Josh Kantor, Dec. 15th, 2007)

atlas-3.8.p5 (Josh Kantor, Dec. 14th, 2007)

atlas-3.8.p4 (Michael Abshoff, Dec. 13th, 2007)

atlas-3.8.p3 (Josh Kantor, Dec. 11th, 2007)

atlas-3.8 (Josh Kantor, Nov. 28th, 2007)

atlas-3.7.38 (Michael Abshoff, Oct. 6th, 2007)

atlas-3.7.37 (Michael Abshoff, Aug. 15th, 2007)


* compile threading support conditionally