Running Sage on Sun's Solaris operating system.

This page, which is primarily maintained by David Kirkby, describes the current status of Sage on the various versions of Solaris and on various hardware (SPARC and x86).

A Solaris server running a recent version of Sage 4.5.1 can be found at That's a Sun T5240 kindly donated by Sun, but installed in a Solaris zone. The situation with Sage on Solaris is now:

Let's now look at this in more detail.

Solaris 10 on SPARC hardware.

Sage has been reliably on Solaris 10 on the SPARC architecture since around the start of 2010. There are some web pages which say the latest version of Sage to build on Solaris is These are outdated. I will get them corrected asap

Sage has been built on several Solaris 10 SPARC systems, ranging from old machines to current models and from the first release of Solaris 10 (03/2005 edition) to the latest (05/2009 edition). So Sage should build on your Solaris 10 SPARC machine. Specific hardware/software combinations on which Sage has been built are

Sage will run in a Solaris zone, so if you want to make a public access server, with negligible security risks, then you can do so.

There are a problems with the build on Solaris 10, all of which we hope to resolve.

Solaris 10 on x86 hardware (32-bit)

Builds fine.

Open Solaris (also known as Solaris 11) on SPARC hardware

This has not been tested and will almost certainly not work. We are afraid to say nobody currently developing Sage uses Open Solaris on SPARC hardware. Given the number of users of Open Solaris on SPARC hardware is so small, it is doubtful much effort will be put into a port. But if others wish to submit patches, they can do.

Open Solaris (also known as Solaris 11) on x86 hardware

Sage has built fine since version 4.5.3.alpha 3.

How to build a 32-bit Sage on Solaris 10 with SPARC hardware

As stated above, this should work and Sage will pass all its self-tests. The process is not as simple as one might like it to be.