Running Sage on Sun's Solaris operating system.

Sage will build on Sun's Solaris operating system - you can in fact try out Sage running on a Sun T5240 Coolthreads server, kindly donated by Sun Microsystems, at

This page, which is primarily maintained by David Kirkby, describes the current status of Sage on Solaris on the various versions (Solaris 10 and Open Solaris) and on various hardware (SPARC and x86).

Solaris 10 on SPARC hardware.

Sage 4.3 or later should build and run properly on any SPARC hardware which runs Solaris 10. Sage has been built on several Solaris 10 SPARC systems, ranging from old machines to current models and from the first release of Solaris 10 (03/2005 edition) to the latest (05/2009 edition). So Sage should build on your Solaris 10 SPARC machine. Specific hardware/software combinations on which Sage has been built are

Solaris 10 on SPARC x86 hardware.

This has not been tested, but would have a high probability of building. However, it possible that

Sage on Sun's SPARC hardware

SPARC status

As of the 4th August 2009, several older copies of Sage have been built. The most recent is:

SPARC Issues

Building Sage on Solaris SPARC

Solaris SPARC support is almost there, and things will change quickly. So ask on the sage-devel list for the most up to date information. If you want to try to build Sage on Solaris, the following is suggested. This assumes the version of Sage is 4.1.1.rc0. However, use the LATEST version, not 4.1.1.rc0.

Sage on Solaris using Intel or AMD x86/x64 CPUs

Sage has been built on Solaris x86 / OpenSolaris. Someone else will have to report successful builds and any notes that will help people.

An issue with MPIR not detecting the correct linker has been seen on one computer running the November 2008 edition of OpenSolaris, yet others running the same version have not had this problem.