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sage-mode provides Emacs Lisp that helps you use Sage in GNU Emacs.

Warning! This is alpha code. This might fail horribly and is not (yet) easily customizable!


Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Nick Alexander Author: Nick Alexander <ncalexander [at]>

sage-mode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

sage-mode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sage-mode; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

SPKG Maintainers

Upstream Contact


Special Update/Build Instructions


Use sage -f sage-mode-0.5.3.spkg. The following installation instructions are suggested:

A basic install might include the following Emacs Lisp in your .emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "path-to-sage-mode-el-files"))
(require 'sage "sage")
(setq sage-command "/path/to/sage")

;; If you want sage-view to typeset all your output and have plot()
;; commands inline, uncomment the following line and configure sage-view:
;; (require 'sage-view "sage-view")
;; (add-hook 'sage-startup-hook 'sage-view)
;; You can use commands like
;; (add-hook 'sage-startup-hook 'sage-view
;; 'sage-view-disable-inline-output 'sage-view-disable-inline-plots)
;; to have some combination of features.  In future, the customize interface
;; will make this simpler... hint, hint!


sage-mode-0.5.3 (Nick Alexander, 2009-03-12)

* Updated `sage-view' to new version.

* Completely reworked keymaps and added preliminary menus.

* Completely reworked customize interface and added autoload interface through sage.el' and autogenerated sage-load.el'.

* Added some documentation and additional customization options.

sage-mode-0.5.2 (Nick Alexander, 2009-02-19)

* Made individual parts of `sage-view' toggleable, fixed bugs with plots and multiple outputs.

sage-mode-0.5.1 (Nick Alexander, 2009-02-11)

* Added sage-startup-hook' and made sage-view' actually usable.

sage-mode-0.5 (Nick Alexander, 2009-01-31)

* Incorporated Matthias Meulien's sage-view.el. To enable, try sage-view or

* Added sage-rerun to restart sage and made C-u C-c C-b (sage-build with a

sage-mode-0.4 (Nick Alexander, 2008-06-16)

I honestly can't remember.

sage-mode-0.3 (Nick Alexander, 2008-06-15)

Add sage-build command. Make sage-default-test-* more robust, and add `sage-send-all-doctest-lines-in-file'.

* sage-build.el: new module for building (sage-build) and running (sage-build with prefix argument) sage.

* sage-test.el (sage-send-all-doctest-lines): new function. Runs all sage: doctest lines in a file in sequence. Use with pdb to reproduce errors found only after sage -t.

* sage-test.el (sage-default-test-command, sage-default-test-new-command): cleaned up to use sage-build.

sage-mode-0.2 (Nick Alexander, 2008-06-14)

First alpha version, for Mike Hansen to use and test.

sage-mode-0.1 (Nick Alexander)

First internal version.

Old versions








Original version

This version was from Sage Days 4.

sage-mode.el pyrex-mode.el

The following files need to go into sage/misc.