Sagemath patchbots names and owners:

    andromeda         --> jkroeker
    arando            --> jdemeyer
    ark               --> rws
    athena            --> kdilks
    btm2x13           --> mderickx
    bunion            --> etn40ff (this is a laptop so it will be running sporadically)
    cofio             --> gh-kliem
    cristal           --> Bouillaguet
    debian_jessie_32  --> tmonteil
    eddy              --> Vincent.Neri (lri, Orsay, Paris sud)
    fermat            --> cremona,davidloeffler
    findstat          --> stumpc5
    geom              --> dimpase
    groebner          --> jkroeker
    hades             --> klee
    icj-laptop        --> chapoton
    kepler            --> nilesjohnson
    kevin-Virtualbox  --> kdilks
    mangouste         --> vdelecroix
    manifold          --> egourgoulhon
    martin-Laptop     --> mantepse
    mercury           --> kdilks
    pbua              --> novoselt
    pc72-math         --> dkrenn (and behackl and cheuberg)
    poseidon          --> kdilks
    quasar            --> vdelecroix
    rk02-math         --> cheuberg (and dkrenn)
    sage4             --> jdemeyer
    sardonis          --> jdemeyer
    silence           --> ncohen
    tmonteil-*        --> tmonteil (various VM to test different arch/OS/release). Contact me if you want a 32bit patchbot to test a particular ticket.
    ubuntu_vivid_64   --> tmonteil
    vogon.jeltz(32Bit)--> jkroeker
    x200t-ThinkPad-*  --> jkroeker
    zancara           --> gh-kliem
    zorn              --> agd